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There is a dialect of Malayalam spoken in upper part of kasargod district and also in Mangalore,Uduppi and Kodagu areas of Karnataka ,locally known as Nakk Nikk/Byari bashe/Malame/Mappila Bashe,which is a mix of largely Malayalam then Tulu,Kannada,Tamil,Sanskrit,Urdu,Arabic and Persian.... Its almost unintelligible with standard Malayalam...
eg-Subhaig Ouththu gu pondaara??(Raaville veettill poyaayiruno??)...
Beyam mangilla aavoru(vegam kalyanam kazhikku)...
Nakku gondilla(enikku ariyilla)...
Nalle male bannonundu(nalla mazha peiyunnundu)..
Ullge baru,beekaru(akathu vannu irikku)..
Bhaari kosi aaith(valare santhoshamaayi)..etc etc...


Simon gets pwned.



His real name is "Mihir Simon Sharma"

He hides his middle name only so that he can fool gullible masses to think his hatred towards Hindus is not born out of his religious bias

Same goes with other "Aakar patel" ====> "Aakar ahmed patel" he hides behind Hindu name to carry forward his anti Hindu agenda
A few weeks there was some similar bigotry and people trended #simoncomeout :D
Sagarika Gose is at the receiving end too today for lying about Modi's shawl. She reckons Modi is wearing a Louis Vuitton shawl & should have worn Benarasi or Pashmina instead. Twitteratis knocked some serious sense into her pea-brain.:lol:
No wonder you left the country :P

The only thing bad about mallappurram was t
I have a question for all the Indian members on this thread:

How is Modi as a leader? I have heard mixed opinions from people close to me who are from India or work there with the UN. While many like his economic policies, others- who have worked there in villages with the UN or are academics that study the country- have returned back from their trips to India complaining about his targeting of non-hindu communities in India. They say that he has created an environment of tension and is encouraging mass conversions to Hinduism. Everyone is welcome to share his/her opinion; I'd like to be exposed to more perspectives before I can form an opinion about Modi. Thanks :P

@Dillinger @Ayush

@ZYXW modi has mixed reactions.

People think that so far his economic policies hasn't come quickly enough. Then accusations that he has kept mum amidst the stoking of communal tension.

But surprisingly, he has been strong the foreign diplomacy front.

He is definitely an improvement over manmohan i say.

Also in india chief ministers wield power as well.


Simon gets pwned.

Damn. He got schooled

To be brutally honest sir,

He's been totally disappointing. The so called policies of his are just renamed UPA schemes. The economy is doing good because of the reforms by erstwhile finance minster Chidambaram. His only big reform till now is 'land bill' which serves the purpose of helping crony capitialists strip poor farmers of their land without compensation in the name of 'development'. It's been just 10 months and two top ministers have already come under radar for multi billion dollar scandals. He actively promotes hindutva whenever he goes, even in foreign countries. He used his influence to free perpetrators of gujarat riots and fake encounters. He's on a saffrinisation spree - text books are being changed to show Muslim invaders us murderers and rapists while glorifying Hindu kings,works of nut jobs like pn oak who claimed taj mahal is a Hindu temple are now a part of syllabus , even an apolitical agency like intelligence beuro hasn't been spared - he's mulling changing its logo to a hindutva one. They are rooting for nationwide ban on beef only because it's one of the main bread earning way of a large sections of muslims.

There are targeted attacks on minorities - Christians and muslims across the country. The media has been stripped off its liberty to report such incidents by an executive order from the government. The police have been asked to take cases of communal violence slow and not to file FIR in any such incidents. And yes state funded mass conversion to Hinduism is now rampant. RSS the ideological father of BJP has already declared it as their objective to reconvert all 200 million of its minorities and vowed to make India Hindu only by 2022. One of his ministers went as far as calling minorities 'bas*rds'.

Christians have been targeted worst - churches burnt down, nuns raped, priests asked to leave country, Christian holidays cancelled, Christians expelled from top buerocratic positions, visa denied for visiting heads of Vatican state, a their quotas scrapped.

Prices of essential commodities are sky rocketing and yet he insists on his 'achhe din'. He tried to remove the word secular from constitution though had to withdraw as was met with stiff opposition. He either bans or puts in jail anyone who opposes him. According to RTI filed last month alone around 158 people from various bjp ruled States were picked up and locked for their 'anti modi agenda'.Genuine NGOs who work for upliftment of tribals have been banned for opposing him .The newly appointed' sanghi' censored board bans all movies it sees as 'hurting Hindu sentiments' while promotes others which mocks sikhs/muslims/Christians. The space for dissent is shrinking in our democracy

On foreign policy front all the good work done by erstwhile UPA regime has been undone by him. The situation with china which was peaceful until now is looking dangerously fragile thanks to modi irking em in a bid to show his bravado.Bangladesh has also become hostile after RSS tried converting some of its nationals residing in India. Things with sri Lanka have gotten worse as they now arrest atleast 100 fishermen per day. Lack of vision with respect to engaging Pakistan has cost us many brave soldiers. Ties with US are at its worst as the US President himself had to come and warn us of religious intolerance .

The recently concluded delhi elections where he lost 67-3 to an honest man like Kejriwal stands testimony to his failing popularity!

Still marketing is going on in full swing. I'd summarise his 9 months as "All talk zero delivery".

Hope i summemd it up well.the @Dillinger @TejasMk3 @JanjaWeed @Клара @ranjeet @Soumitra @SarthakGanguly
@Chronos @SrNair @levina

Ps :- Most people here are blind modi bhakts, take what they say with a pich of salt whilst what I've summarised is ground reality
Your posts are too high on the sarthakometer. The sarcasm will be missed. Keep it a little low to hit the sweet spot. :tup:

But Modi's silence on conversions and his failure to control loose tongues within his party would definitely be perilous for his government.
Very true. He should have stepped forward and given incentives to convert to non proselytizing faiths(Hinduism/Buddhism for instance) - all in good spirit.
His inability to ban most of the media houses also is something I don't approve of.

To ‘save’ their houses in Azam’s Rampur, 80 Valmiki families set to embrace Islam | The Indian Express

Around 80 Valmiki families in Rampur have announced to embrace Islam in order to “save their houses from demolition”. Five of them have even started an indefinite hunger strike against the government’s plan to widen the roads in Topkhana locality, as the municipal body said, by clearing the “encroachments”.

The police have registered a case against 86 members of the Valmiki community for staging an agitation against UP Urban Development Minister Azam Khan, after protests by SP workers.

The issue began on April 6 when municipal authorities marked the houses for demolition at Topkhana locality. SP’s district unit office is located on same road and the civic body is also constructing a multi-storeyed ‘Gandhi Mall’ in the same locality.

“We held the agitation as Valmiki community are living in the locality for 60 years and our houses are in danger. Now, they don’t want us to live near the beautiful mall as our houses are spoiling its beauty,” Eklavya Valmiki, who is named in the FIR, told The Indian Express. He is also an office bearer of Valmiki Basti Bachao Sangarsh Samiti, which is leading the agitation.

Left with “no option”, the affected families have announced that they would embrace Islam on April 14 on Ambedkar Jayanti, if the conversion helps them save their homes. “If that is the guarantee when our houses can be saved we will become Muslims. There is no other option. The roads in Muslim locality is quite narrow but our road is being widened,” Eklavya claimed. The Valmiki organisation has also issued a press statement in this regard.

Police authorities took serious note of slogans against Azam Khan and transferred seven policemen of the local police station to reserve police lines.

Azhar Ahmed Khan, Chairman Nagar Palika Rampur, said, “We are just removing encroachment from government land. We will take legal action. It is just pressure tactics. One becomes Muslim from heart. It is an RSS ploy,” he alleged.
Very true. He should have stepped forward and given incentives to convert to non proselytizing faiths(Hinduism/Buddhism for instance) - all in good spirit.
His inability to ban most of the media houses also is something I don't approve of.
Sometimes I really feel you've lost it completely.

To be brutally honest sir,

He's been totally disappointing. The so called policies of his are just renamed UPA schemes. The economy is doing good because of the reforms by erstwhile finance minster Chidambaram. His only big reform till now is 'land bill' which serves the purpose of helping crony capitialists strip poor farmers of their land without compensation in the name of 'development'. It's been just 10 months and two top ministers have already come under radar for multi billion dollar scandals. He actively promotes hindutva whenever he goes, even in foreign countries. He used his influence to free perpetrators of gujarat riots and fake encounters. He's on a saffrinisation spree - text books are being changed to show Muslim invaders us murderers and rapists while glorifying Hindu kings,works of nut jobs like pn oak who claimed taj mahal is a Hindu temple are now a part of syllabus , even an apolitical agency like intelligence beuro hasn't been spared - he's mulling changing its logo to a hindutva one. They are rooting for nationwide ban on beef only because it's one of the main bread earning way of a large sections of muslims.

There are targeted attacks on minorities - Christians and muslims across the country. The media has been stripped off its liberty to report such incidents by an executive order from the government. The police have been asked to take cases of communal violence slow and not to file FIR in any such incidents. And yes state funded mass conversion to Hinduism is now rampant. RSS the ideological father of BJP has already declared it as their objective to reconvert all 200 million of its minorities and vowed to make India Hindu only by 2022. One of his ministers went as far as calling minorities 'bas*rds'.

Christians have been targeted worst - churches burnt down, nuns raped, priests asked to leave country, Christian holidays cancelled, Christians expelled from top buerocratic positions, visa denied for visiting heads of Vatican state, a their quotas scrapped.

Prices of essential commodities are sky rocketing and yet he insists on his 'achhe din'. He tried to remove the word secular from constitution though had to withdraw as was met with stiff opposition. He either bans or puts in jail anyone who opposes him. According to RTI filed last month alone around 158 people from various bjp ruled States were picked up and locked for their 'anti modi agenda'.Genuine NGOs who work for upliftment of tribals have been banned for opposing him .The newly appointed' sanghi' censored board bans all movies it sees as 'hurting Hindu sentiments' while promotes others which mocks sikhs/muslims/Christians. The space for dissent is shrinking in our democracy

On foreign policy front all the good work done by erstwhile UPA regime has been undone by him. The situation with china which was peaceful until now is looking dangerously fragile thanks to modi irking em in a bid to show his bravado.Bangladesh has also become hostile after RSS tried converting some of its nationals residing in India. Things with sri Lanka have gotten worse as they now arrest atleast 100 fishermen per day. Lack of vision with respect to engaging Pakistan has cost us many brave soldiers. Ties with US are at its worst as the US President himself had to come and warn us of religious intolerance .

The recently concluded delhi elections where he lost 67-3 to an honest man like Kejriwal stands testimony to his failing popularity!

Still marketing is going on in full swing. I'd summarise his 9 months as "All talk zero delivery".

Hope i summemd it up well.the @Dillinger @TejasMk3 @JanjaWeed @Клара @ranjeet @Soumitra @SarthakGanguly
@Chronos @SrNair @levina

Ps :- Most people here are blind modi bhakts, take what they say with a pich of salt whilst what I've summarised is ground reality

You nailed it mate! :yahoo:
Sometimes I really feel you've lost it completely.

Don't worry it's just that he's going through a tough phase in life, sanity will return soon

The only thing bad about mallappurram was t

@ZYXW modi has mixed reactions.

People think that so far his economic policies hasn't come quickly enough. Then accusations that he has kept mum amidst the stoking of communal tension.

But surprisingly, he has been strong the foreign diplomacy front.

He is definitely an improvement over manmohan i say.

Also in india chief ministers wield power as well.

Damn. He got schooled

Are you serious? Are you serious? Are you serious?

He's spending taxpayers hard earned money on leisure trips abroad when there are more than enough problems back home to solve

Apart from photo ops in foreign nations, India has achieved nothing tangible so far from his numerous vacations. I'd thought atleast educated gentlemen like yourself would see through the veil instead of blindly following the tide like everyone else
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