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A post from General V. K. Singh's Facebook Page:

A Kashmiri Separatist, a MSM News Reporter and a tough Para-Commando were captured by terrorists in Kashmir.

The Chief of the terrorists told them he'd grant each of them
one last request before they were beheaded in front of a Camera.

The Kashmiri Separatist said,'Well, before I die I want to drink a last cup of Kahwah (Kashmiri Green-Tea).'

The Chief nodded to an underling who left and returned with the Kahwa. The Kashmiri Separatist drank it all and said, 'Now I can die content.'

Now the Chief turned towards the News-reporter and repeated the same question - "What is your last wish before you die?"

The News-reporter said - "I'm a reporter to the end. I want to take out my Camcorder and describe the scene here and what's about to happen.
Maybe, someday, someone will watch it and know the Truth.

The Chief directed an aide to hand over the Camcorder and the reporter dictated her comments.

She then said, "Now I can die happy.."

The Chief turned to the Commando and asked - "And now, Army Dog, what is your final wish?"

'Punch me hard,' said the Para-Commando.

"What?" - asked the Chief, surprised a bit- " You dare to mock us? "

"No, I'm NOT kidding. I want you to punch me as hard as you can' insisted the Para-Commando.

"With pleasure" - replied the Terrorists' Chief, grinning from face to face.

The Terrorists' Chief then punches the Commando so hard that he falls back a couple of feet on his back.

But as the Commando touches the ground, he rolls over, pulls a 9 mm Silenced pistol hidden in his boots and shoots the Chief dead.

In the resulting confusion, he emptied his Pistol on six terrorists, then with his knife he slashed the throat of one, and with an AK-47, which he took from one of the already dead terrorists, sprayed the rest of the terrorists killing the remainder.

In a flash, all of the Terrorists including their Chief, were dead.

As the soldier was untying the Kashmiri Separatist and the reporter, they asked him - 'Why didn't you just shoot them all in the first place? Why did you ask him to punch him?

'Because' replied the soldier, 'if I had fired the First Shot, you two would have reported that I was the aggressor and the root cause of all the blood shedding in Kashmir !!'

@Abingdonboy @JanjaWeed @kurup @arp2041 @SrNair
A post from General V. K. Singh's Facebook Page:

A Kashmiri Separatist, a MSM News Reporter and a tough Para-Commando were captured by terrorists in Kashmir.

The Chief of the terrorists told them he'd grant each of them
one last request before they were beheaded in front of a Camera.

The Kashmiri Separatist said,'Well, before I die I want to drink a last cup of Kahwah (Kashmiri Green-Tea).'

The Chief nodded to an underling who left and returned with the Kahwa. The Kashmiri Separatist drank it all and said, 'Now I can die content.'

Now the Chief turned towards the News-reporter and repeated the same question - "What is your last wish before you die?"

The News-reporter said - "I'm a reporter to the end. I want to take out my Camcorder and describe the scene here and what's about to happen.
Maybe, someday, someone will watch it and know the Truth.

The Chief directed an aide to hand over the Camcorder and the reporter dictated her comments.

She then said, "Now I can die happy.."

The Chief turned to the Commando and asked - "And now, Army Dog, what is your final wish?"

'Punch me hard,' said the Para-Commando.

"What?" - asked the Chief, surprised a bit- " You dare to mock us? "

"No, I'm NOT kidding. I want you to punch me as hard as you can' insisted the Para-Commando.

"With pleasure" - replied the Terrorists' Chief, grinning from face to face.

The Terrorists' Chief then punches the Commando so hard that he falls back a couple of feet on his back.

But as the Commando touches the ground, he rolls over, pulls a 9 mm Silenced pistol hidden in his boots and shoots the Chief dead.

In the resulting confusion, he emptied his Pistol on six terrorists, then with his knife he slashed the throat of one, and with an AK-47, which he took from one of the already dead terrorists, sprayed the rest of the terrorists killing the remainder.

In a flash, all of the Terrorists including their Chief, were dead.

As the soldier was untying the Kashmiri Separatist and the reporter, they asked him - 'Why didn't you just shoot them all in the first place? Why did you ask him to punch him?

'Because' replied the soldier, 'if I had fired the First Shot, you two would have reported that I was the aggressor and the root cause of all the blood shedding in Kashmir !!'

@Abingdonboy @JanjaWeed @kurup @arp2041 @SrNair
The sad part is how accurate this is :tsk:

Anyway, I've seen this before, Mr VK Singh really isn't backing down is he? :lol:
A post from General V. K. Singh's Facebook Page:

A Kashmiri Separatist, a MSM News Reporter and a tough Para-Commando were captured by terrorists in Kashmir.

The Chief of the terrorists told them he'd grant each of them
one last request before they were beheaded in front of a Camera.

The Kashmiri Separatist said,'Well, before I die I want to drink a last cup of Kahwah (Kashmiri Green-Tea).'

The Chief nodded to an underling who left and returned with the Kahwa. The Kashmiri Separatist drank it all and said, 'Now I can die content.'

Now the Chief turned towards the News-reporter and repeated the same question - "What is your last wish before you die?"

The News-reporter said - "I'm a reporter to the end. I want to take out my Camcorder and describe the scene here and what's about to happen.
Maybe, someday, someone will watch it and know the Truth.

The Chief directed an aide to hand over the Camcorder and the reporter dictated her comments.

She then said, "Now I can die happy.."

The Chief turned to the Commando and asked - "And now, Army Dog, what is your final wish?"

'Punch me hard,' said the Para-Commando.

"What?" - asked the Chief, surprised a bit- " You dare to mock us? "

"No, I'm NOT kidding. I want you to punch me as hard as you can' insisted the Para-Commando.

"With pleasure" - replied the Terrorists' Chief, grinning from face to face.

The Terrorists' Chief then punches the Commando so hard that he falls back a couple of feet on his back.

But as the Commando touches the ground, he rolls over, pulls a 9 mm Silenced pistol hidden in his boots and shoots the Chief dead.

In the resulting confusion, he emptied his Pistol on six terrorists, then with his knife he slashed the throat of one, and with an AK-47, which he took from one of the already dead terrorists, sprayed the rest of the terrorists killing the remainder.

In a flash, all of the Terrorists including their Chief, were dead.

As the soldier was untying the Kashmiri Separatist and the reporter, they asked him - 'Why didn't you just shoot them all in the first place? Why did you ask him to punch him?

'Because' replied the soldier, 'if I had fired the First Shot, you two would have reported that I was the aggressor and the root cause of all the blood shedding in Kashmir !!'

@Abingdonboy @JanjaWeed @kurup @arp2041 @SrNair

I have seen this story somewhere before ,If I am not wrong one of my friend posted in FB.

But this is a reality .a sad reality .
Hopes things will change in future.
Secular people are carrying out peaceful stone pelting protests in kashmir against communal Pandits coming back :D
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अगली बार रायता फैलाने के लिए हमारे ही दही का प्रयोग करे आम-आदमी पार्टी: अमूल
Published on April 10, 2015by Pagla Ghoda

आनंद, गुजरात: देश की जानी मानी डेयरी प्रोडक्ट्स निर्माता “अमूल को-ऑपरेटिव” के मार्केटिंग-हेड मख्खनचंद दहिया ने आम आदमी पार्टी के कार्यकर्ताओं से आग्रह किया है के अगली बार जब भी वह रायता फैलाने की प्लानिंग करें तो केवल अमूल दही का ही प्रयोग करें। दहिया ने इसी विषय पर “आप” सुप्रीमो केजरीवाल को चिठ्ठी लिख कर यह निवेदन किया है, और साथ ही अमूल दही के एक लीटर का डब्बा सैंपल के तौर पर भिजवाया है। कल शाम मीडिया से बात करते हुए दहिया ने कहा –

“आम-आदमी पार्टी के बारबार रायता फैलाने की क्षमता से सभी डेयरी निर्माता काफी प्रभावित हैं। जनता की हितों पे, जनता से जुड़े ज़रूरी मुद्दों पर “आप” के नेताओं ने जिस तरह बड़े-बड़े पतीले भर के रायता फैलाया है, वह अपने आप में काबिले तारीफ है । और फिर “आप” तो जनता की पार्टी है, और अमूल जनता का पसंदीदा दही। तो फिर भारत की जनता से जुड़े अहम मुद्दों पर रायता फैलाने के लिए कोई विदेशी दही क्यों? हमारा देसी दही क्यों नहीं?” – दहिया ने सवाल किया।

आम आदमी का रायता

“मैंने केजरीवाल जी, कुमार विश्वास जी, और खेतान साहब को हमारे एक एक लीटर के दही के डब्बे कोम्प्लिमेंटरी भिजवा दिए हैं। आप उनका रायता बनवाएं उससे आने वाले दिनों में उसे फैलाएं और फिर देखिये आपकी रायता फैलाने की क्षमता कैसे दोगुनी हो जाती है।” – दहिया ने जानकारी दी।

अमूल के इस खुले-आम निवेदन के बाद देश के दुसरे बड़े खाद्य प्रोडक्ट्स निर्माता “सफल” एवं “मदर डेरी” भी अब रायता फैलाने की इस मुहीम में “आप” के साथ जुड़ना चाह रहे हैं ।

मीडिया को दिए गए बयान में “सफल” के वाईस प्रेजिडेंट, सेल्स, चीकुप्रसाद शर्मा ने कहा – “रायता केवल दही से नहीं बनता है, उसमे कुछेक बढ़िया क्वालिटी की सब्ज़िया भी पड़ती हैं जिससे उसका ज़ायका बढ़ता है। मेरी “आप” से यही गुज़ारिश है के अपने रायते में हमारी उत्तम क्वालिटी की सब्ज़ियाँ ज़रूर डलवायें, इससे रायता पौष्टिक बनेगा और अच्छे से फैलेगा।”

जब इस विषय पर “आप” के दिग्गज नेता कुमार विश्वास से टिप्पणी करने को कहा गया तो उन्होंने रायता फैलाने पर एक पूरी कविता ही रच डाली और पत्रकारों को सुनाई। कविता का शीर्षक था “आप का रायता”| पेश है उस कविता की कुछ पंक्तियाँ –

कहीं परांठे तो कहीं बिरयानी के संग खाया जाता है
पर “आप” में तो सिर्फ रायता फैलाया जाता है

कभी खीरे तो कभी बूंदी से पहले रायता बनाया जाता है
बड़ी शिद्दत से उसे फिर फैलाया जाता है
कहीं परांठे तो कहीं बिरयानी के संग खाया जाता है
पर “आप” में तो सिर्फ रायता फैलाया जाता है

बिना फैलाये उसपे झाड़ू लगाओगे कैसे?
“आप” को रायता फैलाने से रोक पाओगे कैसे?

डैंड्रफ हो तो सर पे रायता लगाया जाता है
पर “आप” में तो सिर्फ रायता फैलाया जाता है

हालाँकि इस कविता के अतिरिक्त किसी भी आप नेता ने इस विषय पर कोई भी टिप्पणी करने से इंकार कर दिया है, पर कुछ नेता दबे शब्दों में स्वीकार कर रहे हैं के “आप” अमूल को अपना ऑफिशियल योगहर्ट पार्टनर घोषित कर सकती है । इसी बीच ब्रिटानिया कंपनी ने भी इस बात का दावा किया है के उत्तरी कोरिया के शासक किम जोंग-उन जब भी रायता फैलाते हैं तो केवल ब्रिटानिया का ही दही इस्तेमाल करते हैं और इसीलिए “आप” के लिए ब्रिटानिया अमूल से बेहतर कॉर्पोरेट पार्टनर है|
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You too brutini :cry: :cry: :cry:

I'm citizen of Russian Federation. Hence, I didn't vote. My Aunt holds good position in BJP, but still everyone in my family and people who know us voted for AAP. I mentioned the reasons for voting for AAP earlier in this thread. :sick:

The sad part is how accurate this is :tsk:

Anyway, I've seen this before, Mr VK Singh really isn't backing down is he? :lol:

After all he is a Lion! :smokin:
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Prashant Bhushan, in his open letter to Arvind Kejriwal, uses the phrase “in the pursuit of power at any cost”. Having been involved with the Aam Aadmi Party since its inception, and coordinating various technical activities at a global level, I want to demonstrate here how this “pursuit of power at any cost” has perforated deep into the party, even into non-political activities.
It was early October 2014, and there were remote signs of possible elections in Delhi, with all options to once again form the government gone. The media had forgotten AAP, and the public support was also weak at that point. The party leadership calls for a meeting of various social media team members of the party, including the social media head of the party. After the discussions, it is determined that the heavy anti-Modi stand of the AAP and posts on social media are the reason people are disengaged with the party, and a long-haul strategy to overcome this is arrived at. The strategy is then presented by the social media head to a very small online group, consisting of various technology and social media stakeholders of the party, spread across the world.
A summary of the strategy is as follows: The party decided to stop all anti-Modi rhetoric through both official and unofficial channels. Also thousands of fake Modi sympathizers were to be created across the social media channels. These 1000s of fake Modi sympathizers would, then, slowly create an artificial perception that people are en masse disappointed with Modi, and would endorse Arvind as the hope of Delhi, while also subtly pushing this sentiment to journalists.
After a thorough discussion, across several of the stakeholders, on the pros and cons of such an approach, across various perspectives such as feasibility, alternatives, morality, competitor’s strategies etc., it was persisted that this needs to be done. On October 30th, the Twitter accounts were in possession of the party. The problem is, ever since, these fake Twitter personalities have been used to trend topics and abuse anyone who raises any question against the party.
To provide context to the above, I quote a paragraph from Prashanth Bhushan’s open letter:
“When the Delhi elections were announced and campaigning started, you instructed volunteers to start a campaign ‘Modi for PM, Kejriwal for CM’. I said this is totally unprincipled. It means that our party has gone down on its knees before Modi at a time when it was positioning itself as the main opposition to Modi.”
It was in the first week of November that the AAP website carried a banner with Arvind and Modi’s photo, with the slogan ‘Modi for PM, Arvind for CM’. Seeing the backlash from supporters, it was deleted. Party spokesperson Ashutosh claimed that it was outside mischief, which is totally untrue! The next day, Arvind tells media that a volunteer who joined 10 days ago did it and was fired! Both these statements are blatant lies, as the banner was actually a screenshot from a video which was done by AAP, posted on its official YouTube channel and then deleted due to the backlash. The reality was that, the video was produced by AAP and an over enthusiastic volunteer posted it through the official YouTube channel and website.

Seeing the two statements from Ashutosh and Arvind, both of them were equally offending to me, for I am a person in the team and I know that such incidents of outside mischief or a 10-day-old volunteer gaining access never happened. It was when it became obvious to me that, “power at any cost” was needed - here the cost being the reputation of the tech team, or a volunteer being immaterial in the pursuit of power.
Following this incident, I sent an email to a group of my close AAP colleagues explaining the same and noted
“….. the party is not even bothered to see or know what happened. What bothers me is, I was always so strongly believing that we only speak truth to the media, though we may selectively skip some truths (at worst) for political reasons. Being a very close spectator to this, I realize that several similar things could be happening regularly, but just that I do not know! The question now in my mind is ‘Which of I hear about or from the party is a lie?’” and signed off as frustrated.
That was probably my last wholehearted or passionate day in the party, until which I was an obedient soldier, doing anything the party wanted me to or I thought would help the party.
Any media release or statement released by the party since then, is always seen by me with suspicion, for it has become evident that there are master story fabricators in the party, who believe that they can change any perception the public hold on the party.
Fast forwarding, even after the inner party fiascos, nothing in the party has changed. The coterie around Arvind Kejriwal is ruining the party with its high-handedness, and making no effort to understand volunteers. The PAC of the party earlier made an announcement of states getting autonomy and other fanciful rhetoric.
However, as recent as a week ago, the Tamil Nadu social media coordinator was randomly blocked from his permissions to operate the page, with the reason being given that “Tamilnadu page has a lot of Tamil only content, and we fear that the content could be not in support of Arvind Kejriwal. We had to block access to review the content.” Such high-handed approach resulted in the social media coordinator, who did a phenomenal job for the past year, quitting the party in view of the insult, and the page having no posts since then.
It is a shame that the Aam Aadmi Party, which was seen as a symbol of volunteerism, has today become the exact opposite, with the party having no ears to listen to its volunteers, while the ideologists and power mongers are engaged in a dirty war.
It is a shame that the once “face it all” Arvind Kejriwal has no courage to answer the questions from his volunteers, who gave their tan, man and dhan.
I am just like many other volunteers, who joined the party for its ideology and not individuals, standing disillusioned today.

Power at any Cost, Even on Social Media? | Saddahaq

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