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What's this about? Why is Modi asking these particular guys to leave their posts?


@arp2041 regarding AADHAAR:
Watch: NDA Set To Eclipse UPA's Aadhaar Programme - NDTV

Seems the national identity card is a far more foolproof system than the AADHAAR card.

What astounded me was that 3/4 of the guests and even the chair (Vishnu Som) seemed to advocate India have an open door policy to the world's poor and couldn't seem to comprehend what was wrong with having illegal BD migrants in India!!

The show makes a pretty compelling case for scrapping AADHAAR and replacing it with the new national identity card, I had been worried when I head that AADHAAR was being scrapped but I am pretty relieved now. I hope Modi puts in place a very direct system for implementing it and it rolls out very soon- issuing it to over 1BN people is not going to be an easy task.
He and his team feels those UPA people who are still in power might try to stall or make a ruckus of his plans and development agendas ,while passing secrets to UPA for protests.
You need a team which will listen and work as you say, not a team which will work in the opposite way to bring you down.
"In Bhutan, he broke through the security cordon. The problem will be if he wants to reach out to people physically in India the way he did in Bhutan. If he starts feeling constrained by security and starts doing that in India, then the risk will go up," said Goswami.
Sahni added: "If Modi gets sloppy, then we could have a real problem. In the past, Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi [both former prime ministers] insisted on diluting their security protocols. Both died."
This is pretty concerning. Will Modi listen to the IB/RAW and SPG and trust them to do their jobs or will he ignore them? I really hope he is smart enough to listen to the professionals.....
@jha @wolfschanzze @JanjaWeed @Ravi Nair @Soumitra

atleast upto 48 minutes
contains allusion to all our theories including Order 66 and the doubling of Muslim vote share from 4.5% in 2009 to 9% in 2k14
essentially proving that modi wave has a muslim component.
US to start LNG supply to India in the next 3-4 years. Contracts signed
BJP states control 4 of 7 key LNG terminals in India
If nothing watch the ppt of the bald guy at about 35 min about US India economic relations.

You really don't want Baldy's recommendations coming online, now to be fair he is bound to represent American interests within the applicable context, but lets take up an issue like FDI in retail and none other than Subramaniam Swami himself (the patron saint for MAXIMUM liberalization in India, no this is not hyperbole, he was advocating such measures back during the damn emergency under Indira Gandhi, in fact that was pretty much his focus through the late 70s into the 80s before India finally took the initial plunge) has categorically stated that FDI in retails is ANATHEMA!
You really don't want Baldy's recommendations coming online, now to be fair he is bound to represent American interests within the applicable context, but lets take up an issue like FDI in retail and none other than Subramaniam Swami himself (the patron saint for MAXIMUM liberalization in India, no this is not hyperbole, he was advocating such measures back during the damn emergency under Indira Gandhi, in fact that was pretty much his focus through the late 70s into the 80s before India finally took the initial plunge) has categorically stated that FDI in retails is ANATHEMA!
Never agreed with his recommendations.
Was pointing to his last slides about the "BJP belt" and its control of critical infrastructure.

I heard that Modi is planning to SCRAP the Planning Commission!!!
Good step.
We need a modern alternative.
Never agreed with his recommendations.
Was pointing to his last slides about the "BJP belt" and its control of critical infrastructure.

Good step.
We need a modern alternative.

That is true, he had a point about that, he did miss one thing though, even though he's right that joint sittings of the two houses cannot be used every time the govt. had made it rather clear that they would indeed be calling said joint sittings far more often. On the other hand the GST issue is very much there, its a proper amendment which cannot be passed by a joint sitting and simple majority. But then the govt. has also stressed that in the short term they will handle all the steps they can take through a non-legislative path. I also think that a lot of foreigners don't really get Modi, Modi Ji has himself repeatedly stated that he does not mix ideology with economics nor does he believe in the strict categorization of right and left, for him its more about what's actually needed, what's feasible and what's most effective, I think the muricans et al will take some time to grasp that.
That is true, he had a point about that, he did miss one thing though, even though he's right that joint sittings of the two houses cannot be used every time the govt. had made it rather clear that they would indeed be calling said joint sittings far more often. On the other hand the GST issue is very much there, its a proper amendment which cannot be passed by a joint sitting and simple majority. But then the govt. has also stressed that in the short term they will handle all the steps they can take through a non-legislative path. I also think that a lot of foreigners don't really get Modi, Modi Ji has himself repeatedly stated that he does not mix ideology with economics nor does he believe in the strict categorization of right and left, for him its more about what's actually needed, what's feasible and what's most effective, I think the muricans et al will take some time to grasp that.
I was also impressed by two things.
The quality of his homework and especially the part about india buying American LNG!!!
I never thought that buying from them would make business sense but it seems contracts have been signed.
They also marked Delhi & Maha for regime change. So I am sure atleast 2 more states for BJP
I was also impressed by two things.
The quality of his homework and especially the part about india buying American LNG!!!
I never thought that buying from them would make business sense but it seems contracts have been signed.
They also marked Delhi & Maha for regime change. So I am sure atleast 2 more states for BJP

While I think Delhi and Maharashtra will indeed see BJP/NDA administrations soon, don't go by their projections, lets be very clear they were more than happy to see the Congress in 09 and would have preferred them wrt certain issues even in this election, that nifty list of theirs' of leaders who had "indulged" in religious violence (or whatever) was a one man list, you can look it up, it didn't have very many names other than his.
While I think Delhi and Maharashtra will indeed see BJP/NDA administrations soon, don't go by their projections, lets be very clear they were more than happy to see the Congress in 09 and would have preferred them wrt certain issues even in this election, that nifty list of theirs' of leaders who had "indulged" in religious violence (or whatever) was a one man list, you can look it up, it didn't have very many names other than his.
Hmm.. I think the US was hoping against hope for a coalition in India. Anything to keep vestiges of congress alive.
The Mandate may have got them by surprise.
Hmm.. I think the US was hoping against hope for a coalition in India. Anything to keep vestiges of congress alive.
The Mandate may have got them by surprise.

Yes it did, see they were unhappy because the congress was sitting on legislation regarding the liability clauses for the nuclear deal and FDI BUT they were also content because while it was difficult to get the Congress to do anything in their favor even if it were actually mutually beneficial (due to the now much publicized administrative and governmental paralysis) it was also far more easier to manage them.

The US wants us to grow, but not grow too large, they need us at a point where we are big enough to be a part of their dreamed of alliance against the Chinese but not so big that we decide that we don't need an alliance at all, as far as they were concerned if the Congress could get some of its act right (perhaps after winning the current election) then it could scrape by to achieve just that.
This is pretty concerning. Will Modi listen to the IB/RAW and SPG and trust them to do their jobs or will he ignore them? I really hope he is smart enough to listen to the professionals.....

The Governor positions are appointed and not elected, therefore the same authority that appointed them can also ask them to resign.
What's this about? Why is Modi asking these particular guys to leave their posts?


@arp2041 regarding AADHAAR:
Watch: NDA Set To Eclipse UPA's Aadhaar Programme - NDTV

Seems the national identity card is a far more foolproof system than the AADHAAR card.

What astounded me was that 3/4 of the guests and even the chair (Vishnu Som) seemed to advocate India have an open door policy to the world's poor and couldn't seem to comprehend what was wrong with having illegal BD migrants in India!!

The show makes a pretty compelling case for scrapping AADHAAR and replacing it with the new national identity card, I had been worried when I head that AADHAAR was being scrapped but I am pretty relieved now. I hope Modi puts in place a very direct system for implementing it and it rolls out very soon- issuing it to over 1BN people is not going to be an easy task.

:what: Buddy, either you have seen a complete different show, or you simply didn't get the points the people made!

A) AADHAAR card is a development programm, that is aimed to get benefits to the poor, while the new ID card has nothing to do with that aim at all! So comparing both makes no sense, since they have different goals. That's why AADHAAR card don't have the aim of implementing more security features, nor does it have any need to add all citizens of India, but is aimed on the resident Indians only.

B) That immigration to economic centers, be it cities like Mumbai or Delhi, countries like India, the US or even regions regions like the EU is a common problem all over the world, simply by the fact that people want to improve their life. And no matter how hard you try, you can't stop this immigration, if at all can slow it down to an extend.
Neither the US with the Mexicans, nor the EU with immigration from Africa and even India have found a solution for that problem.

C) That it is a risk for the common Indian when so many personal informations will be collected by the government, with no rules and regulations for what they will be used.

Most of all the whole point does not make any logical sense, simply because the figures doesn't add up! They want to get the infos of more than a BILLION Indians, to find a few million foreigners and then want to identify those that are illegal in India? That's an insane approach logistically alone, which not only will take years but also a huge ammount of money and for what?
Those who can't ID themselfs can't be thrown out of India like the BJP is advertising it, simply by the fact that you can't prove his origin. That's the first step ANY illegal immigrant does all over the world, to destroy his documents and anything that could identify him as an non resident. Just as no country in the world, will take large ammounts of people that are alleged to be citizens, without any prove. Not even India takes back Indians without documentations, or any proves that they are Indians.

So BJP is getting on the problem from the complete wrong side! Instead of using the money to improve the security at the borders and prevent more illegal immigrantion and to get Bangladesh to work WITH India on identifying people that were caught without documents...

...they are getting personal infos on "INDIANS", which can be misused
....don't get any clue of the origin of the people without documents (which easily can be Indians as well)
...and most of all, doesn't reduce the illegal immigrantion in any way!!!
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American lawmakers want Narendra Modi to address US Congress

WASHINGTON: Two American lawmakers have written to US House Speaker John Boehner requesting that Prime Minister Narendra Modi be invited to address a joint meeting of Congress in September when he travels to Washington at President Barack Obama's invitation.

"India is a critical partner of the United States. In every aspect, whether it be in political, economic, or security relationship, the United States has no more important partner in South Asia," Congressmen Ed Royce and George Holding wrote in their June 20 letter to the House Speaker, echoing Obama's oft-cited statement that US-India relationship will be one of the defining partnerships of the 21st century.

Royce and Holding said the US must now work closely with Modi to strengthen the relationship given that he has promised to focus on private enterprise, reduce bureaucracy, and strengthen trade ties with major partners. Since 2001, US-India trade has experienced impressive growth, but our commercial relationship remains far below the scale of our markets, they said.

Royce, a California Republican who is chairman of the House Foreign Relations Committee and former co-chair of the India Caucus, has been a ardent votary of a Washington outreach to Modi even as some of his colleagues worked to keep the former Gujarat chief minister out of the US in view of his alleged inaction during the 2002 Gujarat riots. The State Department complied with the pressure from a few lawmakers and their human rights constituents.

All that is now in the past after the White House, pilloried for allowing the India relationship to drift, initiated a policy turnabout, ostensibly impressed by the mandate the Indian electorate gave the Modi-led BJP. Efforts are now on to reset the relationship amid the discovery in Washington of Modi's many perceived strengths and virtues.

American lawmakers want Narendra Modi to address US Congress - The Times of India
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