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no dilemma... just suspend whoever raises the question about Pappu's capability.. They have suspended that Mustafa guy from Kerala for calling Pappu a joker.

& now this...
Rajasthan Congress MLA Bhanwar Lal Sharma, who had blamed Rahul Gandhi & his advisors for poll rout, suspended.

All sane voices in congress being suspended :enjoy:
All sane voices in congress being suspended :enjoy:

Many more suspensions to come. Disillusioned leaders who are on the verge of breaking away from the party are going to have a dig at the leadership & get suspended wilfully! This drama is going to carry on for a while... & top leadership is desperately clinging on to the power despite the writing on the wall!
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Many more suspensions to come. Disillusioned leaders who are in the verge of breaking away from the party are going to have a dig at the leadership & get suspended wilfully! This drama is going to carry on for a while... & top leadership is desperately clinging on to the power despite the writing on the wall!

They are fed up of Rahul and Sonia as of now , they will bring in Priyanka soon out of desperation
They are fed up of Rahul and Sonia as of now , they will bring in Priyanka soon out of desperation
They think Priyanka Gandhi is the answer. But that's not going to solve the larger problem for Congress though. It may manage to subdue dissenting voices within the party... but it's not going to charm the voting public though! Congress hierarchy still don't realise the fact that majority of Indian voting public despise this Congress dynasty! No wonder they got decimated in the recent elections... 'cause they are still so out of touch with public sentiments!
still the lesson not learnt

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>बाराबंकी से <a href="Twitter / Search - #bjp">#bjp</a> सांसद प्रियंका सिंह ने <a href="Twitter / Search - #pm">#pm</a> नरेंद्र मोदी के निर्देश की उड़ाई धज्जियां। पिता को ही बनाया सांसद प्रतिनिधि।</p>&mdash; Navbharat Times (@NavbharatTimes) <a href=" ">June 1, 2014</a></blockquote>
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@Prometheus you may like this!!! :rofl:

After PM Narendra Modi`s order, MP Priyanka Rawat deposes father as rep

All sane voices in congress being suspended :enjoy:

Vinashkal Viprit buddhi................

Instead of strengthening the middle & lower level cadre of Congress & removing the idiotic Pappu, Congress is alienating it's hardworking people.

Slowly, this will lead to more abandoning the ship called Congress & joining BJP instead.
केजरी ड्रामे की रानी है, दुश्मन इसका अम्बानी है ! थप्पड़ लगाओ डर जायेगी, कैमरा हटाओ मर जाएगी !! :omghaha:
केजरी ड्रामे की रानी है, दुश्मन इसका अम्बानी है ! थप्पड़ लगाओ डर जायेगी, कैमरा हटाओ मर जाएगी !! :omghaha:
that says everything one needs to know about Kejri. Full biography in one line! :rofl:
Anyone heard of the things going on in maharashtra today? No news channel reporting, but almost all towns are closed. People on streets to protest against insult to shivaji maharaj.
Home ministry chalks out plan to settle Kashmiri Pandits : India, News - India Today

For Prime Minister Narendra Modi rehabilitation of the internally displaced persons (IDPs) was not just an empty poll promise made in the heat of elections. Less than a week into office, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), under the guidance of the Prime Minister's Office (PMO), has initiated an ambitious project to rehabilitate people who have become "refugees" in their own country.

The project, which is still on the drawing board, will look at the rehabilitation of not just the Kashmiri Pandits but also refugees from Pakistan and Pakistan occupied Kashmir (Azad Kashmir) who came to India post-partition.

Identifying the IDPs " While they are citizens of India and vote for the general elections because they are not state subjects they are unable to vote in state elections in Jammu and Kashmir. The IDPs also include those who had to leave their home and there after each war between India and Pakistan and have still not been rehabilitated," highly-placed sources in MHA said.

The project includes identifying the IDPs, understanding their problems and working in tandem with the state government for their rehabilitation. "This will be the first- ofits- kind project that is neither religion nor community centric. It follows PM Modi's poll mantra of sabka saath , sabka vikas . So, Kashmiri Pandits are an important and integral part of this project, but this project is not aimed solely at them," a Union minister not wanting to be named said.

Full facilities

Sources said the aim is not just to announce a fancy financial package, rather to ensure rehabilitation of the IDPs - from safe housing to congenial living conditions to jobs. There has to be peace of mind and genuine meeting of the hearts when people return home.

" The aim is not to create separate colonies for Kashmiri Pandits in or near Srinagar. The aim is to ensure full rehabilitation with jobs, medical care, education and creating a conducive environment for their return. The Centre will take the state along in this ambitious project," they added.

The government will begin the process of identifying IDPs, who want to return, the properties they owned, the status of those properties today and whether it is possible to rehabilitate them in their own environment with adequate security. " We do not want Kashmiri Pandits to live in ghettos in and around Srinagar. We want to settle them to ensure they can begin their lives afresh and have to ensure their children have a bright future. This will be a litmus test of Kashmiriyat," said a senior officer.

The government is also planning to rename Pakistan occupied Kashmir (Azad Kashmir) as Pakistan occupied Jammu & Kashmir(PoJK).

In October 1947 while Pakistan Army backed raiders marched towards Srinagar, they also occupied parts of Indian territory south of Pir Panjal ahead of Jammu.

Poonch & Rajauri were won back but some parts of Indian territory south of Pir Panjal are still in Pakistan Army's illegal control.

After shares of Jammu and Kashmir Bank nosedived over 20 per cent following a report that it had undeclared non- performing assets ( NPAs) worth Rs 2,500 crore, separatist leader Yasin Malik on Saturday said the bank has a " biased" approach. Malik said: " The J& K bank gives crores of rupees of loans to people from other states and hushes up the matter while denying small loans to the people of Jammu and Kashmir."


I have dreamed of this moment for ages
Expert panel with Sreedharan to advise railways | Business Standard
Railway Minister D.V. Sadananda Gowda Sunday said an expert committee will soon be set up with former Delhi Metro chief E. Sreedharan on it to advise the Indian Railways on rapid expansion and modernisation.

"The committee will be constituted with experts like Sreedharan after consulting the prime minister, who has a great vision for the railways that daily carries 1.3 million people," Gowda told reporters here.
Bhai seriously, can you now atleast act as a sane member & provide SOLUTIONS instead of pointing out PROBLEMS always?

The election campaign is over & we have a Majority govt. first time in 30 years, people have given there CLEAR verdict. Let's work out to make our country better now even if you hate the govt. (either of state or country).

You are NOT @Bhai Zakir pls don't act as one.

I have faith in our Prime Minister ..........he can do wonders .

Its just some bhakts keep on posting small things about AAP and make a huge topic out of it .............just telling them nothing can beat NDA of Punjab .

Our Punjab news dont make it to national media ........... people should be aware of conditions of Punjab before pointing fingers at anyone.

@Prometheus aajkal AAP ke neta log TV pe nahi dikhte.

hhhmmmm..........Saw Bhagwant on live TV debate on a Punjabi news channel yesterday ...................u want link to his video???

stupid BJP spokesperson said that AAP cant solve peoples problems because DC and other govt. officials are their .

strange , so to get any work done , we have through BJP walas but not directly to officials???

rassi jaal gayi , bal nahi geya

All sane voices in congress being suspended :enjoy:

it looks like only Gandhis will be left alone in congress ...........all others will be suspended

@Prometheus you may like this!!! :rofl:

After PM Narendra Modi`s order, MP Priyanka Rawat deposes father as rep

Vinashkal Viprit buddhi................

Instead of strengthening the middle & lower level cadre of Congress & removing the idiotic Pappu, Congress is alienating it's hardworking people.

Slowly, this will lead to more abandoning the ship called Congress & joining BJP instead.

yeah saw that news .............keep the leash on .............otherwise they will get back to their usual nonsense.

@arp2041 any idea when is cabinet expansion going to take place ???

any chance of Vinod Khanna getting into Cabinet rank ?? he was MoS in last NDA govt
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hhhmmmm..........Saw Bhagwant on live TV debate on a Punjabi news channel yesterday ...................u want link to his video???

stupid BJP spokesperson said that AAP cant solve peoples problems because DC and other govt. officials are their .

strange , so to get any work done , we have through BJP walas but not directly to officials???

rassi jaal gayi , bal nahi geyat

I watch Hindi channels, AAP seems to have disappeared from the news after Shazia Ilmi resigned from AAP.
I watch Hindi channels, AAP seems to have disappeared from the news after Shazia Ilmi resigned from AAP.

hhhhmmmm.......I saw Alka Lamba on ABPnews .....day before.

anyhow .....its good they are not in news anymore...........AAP did well in delhi only when they were not in news...........
Punjab is a different case .....they did well even with bad reporting by media............what I can say ......there is nothing bad can be said about AAP that will make NDA in Punjab look good ,

Meanwhile another news ...............a BJP councillor in Amritsar got arrested for murderous attack on Lawyers who filed cases against BJP Minister Joshi ..............arrested only when whole states lawyers went on strike ..............still Police took weeks to arrest him .

this councillor is a close aide of Joshi

see ..............such a thing happened in the prime city of Punjab involving lawyers and BJP minister.............no media house reported it .

Punjab dont make up to national news
hhhhmmmm.......I saw Alka Lamba on ABPnews .....day before.

anyhow .....its good they are not in news anymore...........AAP did well in delhi only when they were not in news...........
Punjab is a different case .....they did well even with bad reporting by media............what I can say ......there is nothing bad can be said about AAP that will make NDA in Punjab look good ,

Meanwhile another news ...............a BJP councillor in Amritsar got arrested for murderous attack on Lawyers who filed cases against BJP Minister Joshi ..............arrested only when whole states lawyers went on strike ..............still Police took weeks to arrest him .

this councillor is a close aide of Joshi

see ..............such a thing happened in the prime city of Punjab involving lawyers and BJP minister.............no media house reported it .

Punjab dont make up to national news

I and my friends were blind supporters of Kejriwal once, but he disappointed us a lot.
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