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Any opinion on this guy ?

Good, decent, hard working chap (Sadanand Gowda).

Is this the biggest swearing in ceremony ever? I hope this becomes a tradition in India.

Any bigger and there will a lot of swearing.....

I see people including me are wondering why Arun Shourie is not part of Cabinet. It seems he didn't take up a ministry because of some personal issues. Apparently, he gave up the cabinet ministry offered to take care of his ailing wife and disabled son.

Don't think that was the reason, there seems to be some opposition for his inclusion. Wouldn't be surprised if Rajnath Singh & Jaitley were among those who opposed. Arun Shouries doesn't think much of either (even if he is more diplomatic these days). I think that this is not a great omen, Modi must have been able to push in anyone he wanted, regardless of the opposition. An advisory role is being seen (or in the planning commision, we have to see) but I would much rather have had Shourie in finance or the now open post of defence. Not many better.
Don't think that was the reason, there seems to be some opposition for his inclusion. Wouldn't be surprised if Rajnath Singh & Jaitley were among those who opposed. Arun Shouries doesn't think much of either (even if he is more diplomatic these days). I think that this is not a great omen, Modi must have been able to push in anyone he wanted, regardless of the opposition. An advisory role is being seen (or in the planning commision, we have to see) but I would much rather have had Shourie in finance or the now open post of defence. Not many better.

Mere speculation that you are pointing out!!

Read this from Arun Shourie's FB Timeline

~ Arun Shourie ~ Why is one remembering him today? Because in this city of power brokers and seat mongers, this man, one hears, has refused to join the government as a cabinet minister. Why? Because for more than two decades now he has been caring for his increasingly ill wife, and for nearly four decades his special child. I once asked him in an interview, Mr Shourie, you have been a path-breaking journalist, a scholar, a public intellectual, a writer - but what do you think of yourself as? He said I am think of myself as a devoted and loving servant. I was a loving servant to my ailing parents - and now I am to my wife and child. This man was later abused by Shoma Choudhury in the Tehelka magazine as a bitter, cold, calculating, communal politician. When I read that - and since I knew Mr Shourie well - I began to, for the first time, take sides. I chose. I chose Mr Shourie's side than Tehelka's. At the risk of being called communal by secular friends. I stand proud of my choice. I chose to stand by a man of character against a hypocritical, very dubiously financed magazine run by a man of very dubious character. For that I am proud.

News Channels confirm that Modi was keen to have Mr Shourie in his cabinet but the latter politely refused citing family reasons.For those not aware,his 35 year old son suffers from cerebral palsy and his wife is a Parkinson's patient.
Given this,Mr Shourie is unlikely to opt for Deputy Chairman,Planning Commission or NSA,as the media is now speculating.
His earlier decision to shift to Delhi from Lavasa was also as he told CNN IBN because of inadequate medical facilities in Lavasa.
Arun Shourie | Facebook
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OK, OK, which were the two posts? If you remove them and say sorry nicely, I'll take back the ratings.

Very peculiar humour, if humour it was.

No Dada......Post once made, can't be removed, so should be negative ratings....................... :D

Aapki "negative ratings" post pey nhi ab dil pey lag gyi hai :rofl:
No Dada......Post once made, can't be removed, so should be negative ratings....................... :D

Aapki "negative ratings" post pey nhi ab dil pey lag gyi hai :rofl:

It's up to you. I didn't like handing out those negative ratings and would take them back if you were to remove the posts. And I am told by very wise and balanced moderators that they do this themselves. It makes a lot of sense.

And now that we are talking about this, what the devil were you doing in that melee anyway?

@levina but i have no issues............

I really respect @Joe Shearer along with @sancho on this forum, there knowledge is huge!!

@Joe Shearer dada now don't give negative rating to this post :D

Oh, don't be silly.
Mere speculation that you are pointing out!!

Read this from Arun Shourie's FB Timeline

Arun Shourie | Facebook

Equal speculation. I would take that with a pinch of salt. (not saying it isn't true but that there is no real basis for that assertion) I watched every one of Arun Shourie's interview. In not one did he suggest that he wasn't in the running. Why did he not squash the rumours if he was not interested. Random posts of a fan are hardly enlightening

As for the planning commission job, Mr Shourie has been scathing about that department as a parking lot or a zoo. Big climdown to do that job.
Smriti Irani? Hell no. Amit Shah is a smart guy but let him do what he does best- help BJP consolidate votes
listen her speches in rajya sabha, you will surely change your views about her...

Iski caption dega koi ?

Mulayam was sitting in the very back seats, Amit shah went to him and brought him towards front seats..
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listen her speches in rajya sabha, you will surely change your views about her...

Mulayam was sitting in the very back seats, Amit shah went to him and brought him towards front seats..

That chanakyan mother#ker :D

I just went through the cabinet/ministry allocations more intently. I retract my earlier statement of displeasure.
LCA Mk2 ko 2015 tak udao. 2017 is too late. Drawings are already been released.

Bola Nrandra ko.
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