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Nop....its some guy i can;t even pronounce right

edit: Najma Neptullah

Najma Heptullah!!!
She's a huge woman, a regular in parliament circuit parties etc.
And as far as I know, last time BJP was in center she was holding an eminent position. I do remember seeing her in Rashtrapati bhawan with other dignitaries once while attending Bharat ratna awards.
Yes it is :P

All Gowdas are corrupt!

especialy if they are Kannadigas

@JanjaWeed @Indischer :mad:

A state of looters.


Manners, Boy! Nobody disrespects my Gowda brethren and gets away with it!

But I must say, watching Deve Gowda on the front row is shameful. The man was supposed to take Political Sanyas and move out of Karnataka for good. He has let down us secular folks.:D
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