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Can Anyone give me Correct numbers from somewhere? how many seats won? news channels have difference...
MY god!!, you re here after a long time!! :tup:
You can check election commission results website

In Democracy opposition is equally important .

Do not write off Congress .

people are very angry with Congress ...that does not mean congress and her support is dead .

I hate congress too ....but still this is the fact .
One fact I am assuming that Modi is a better strategist than ABV, he wont let go of what he has got

THIS IS INDIAAAAAAA!(kicks the Italian Mata and Nehru Dynasty into the hole)
In morning around ten when the results where just started to come in, there were some congress workers shouting slogans of Priyanka kee jai...... and i thought These guys havent learnt their lesson yet......
Last when I was watching TV in the afternoon, Congress HQ was deserted, no party workers and none of their netas ofcourse. :P
One fact I am assuming that Modi is a better strategist than ABV, he wont let go of what he has got

I agree . Modi will consolidate his win .

he will make sure that Congress won't make comeback by backdoor .

But yet we should not write off congress .
Even if Mulayam wins Azamgarh, SP would not be able to retain that seat when he will have to give up this constituency.

am i right @Roybot @jha ?
In Democracy opposition is equally important .

Do not write off Congress .

people are very angry with Congress ...that does not mean congress and her support is dead .

I hate congress too ....but still this is the fact .

They've just managed to get their leader the post of opposition leader.
The support isnt dead but is as good as non existent.

And now that BJP has won, write it down on stone that they would make sure they rule for a decade.
And by then fledgeling parties like AAP would've got far ahead of congress.

Btw Modi just declared a 20yr timeline ....lolzzz
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