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Does integration mean trying to snag some 'videshi' :D

Means he's not an Indian so it's about time he stopped trying to pretend like one. You know people who really have nothing to do with us, they'd want a say in politics and business and whatnot. Jokers like him have nothing to do with our contry, but since they can't fit in their own they think they're somehow 'related' to us. Thiis is more pronounced in Britain than anywhere. Oh he will divine Indian politics, future economy etc. despite not being an Indian....and being an indian is so easy for them...your great grandfather may have been the last indian in the family but still you can claim it as such. Imagine like an African American saying he's a Nigerian coz his great grandfather lived tthere so should have a say in the country today.
In the end, this conceit of trying to pass yourself off as an Indian is your own vanity. Not that anyone here takes you seriously...it's just that people find it useful to have a boy that toes their line. Sure Nair Saab might humor you a bit, but then he knows much more about this because he's a true indian and understands Indian polity, that's why even I take him seriously, but of course I'd take anything you say as garbage.
This idea that Indian nationality is some wand that you can draw up is a silly vanity of some who in some distant past or relations may have had links here. Well in the end you gotta integrate with the people there and accept them
as your people rather than try to impose yourself on us indians.

Just 'cause you get an a$$ whooping every time you cross path.. you want to classify them as non-Indians? About me being accepted here.. again, you sound like a needy attention seeker who is need of approval around here.

Your problem is... anyone who doesn't toe your ideology becomes an adversary to you & you start losing it right from line one. You need to be bit more relaxed & accept that there are people around here with different ideologies... & learn to respect that instead of getting all shirty or obnoxious about it.
It doesn't make me feel good to be harsh towards you! But sometimes you ask for it! Be bit more sensible & learn to respect fellow members, you'll feel lot better!
Just 'cause you get an a$$ whooping every time you cross path.. you want to classify them as non-Indians? About me being accepted here.. again, you sound like a needy attention seeker who is need of approval around here.

Your problem is... anyone who doesn't toe your ideology becomes an adversary to you & you start losing it right from line one. You need to be bit more relaxed & accept that there are people around here with different ideologies... & learn to respect that instead of getting all shirty or obnoxious about it.
I doesn't make me feel good to be harsh towards you! But sometimes you ask for it! Be bit more sensible & learn to respect fellow members, you'll feel lot better!

Excepting for some repeated swearing you're posts are nothing, While you talk about 'adversaries' and 'ideologies', fact is everyone else gets the freedom except you. All of the others debate and their points are taken in by me except yours- because you don't belong here. You think you're being 'harsh'- well you can pleasure yourself thinking that way too.

When I say you shouldn't comment, I really really mean it. You think what I was sledging? I TRULY meant it. Others here will take their decisions and face the consequences. Parasites like you who come in, think it's cool to talk about everything from politics to ideologies and whatnot- You have opinions about this country? And you think I take you seriously?

Fundamentally-- YOU ARE NOT AN INDIAN...and I didn't say it to posture...I REALLY meant it

Come on... wait in queue...

May be ull get her tomorrow ... I just Borrowed her from Janja after a long Bargain ...

@JanjaWeed ask this man to get away from my girl...

Quality of your posts keep deteriorating by the day.
Excepting for some repeated swearing you're posts are nothing, While you talk about 'adversaries' and 'ideologies', fact is everyone else gets the freedom except you. All of the others debate and their points are taken in by me except yours- because you don't belong here. You think you're being 'harsh'- well you can pleasure yourself thinking that way too.

When I say you shouldn't comment, I really really mean it. You think what I was sledging? I TRULY meant it. Others here will take their decisions and face the consequences. Parasites like you who come in, think it's cool to talk about everything from politics to ideologies and whatnot- You have opinions about this country? And you think I take you seriously?

Quality of your posts keep deteriorating by the day.

@Nair saab You can keep this b!tch for good! & if you want you can share it with the rest! Looks like she is not getting enough :lol:

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