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From twitter: Sonia meets Bhukari... Shazia appeals Muslim to be communal... I doubt whether they are contesting for the sake of nation or Mosque!!! :cheesy:
another milstone judgment by SC
SC forms panel to frame guidelines on government advertisements glorifying politicians - The Times of India
SC forms panel to frame guidelines on government advertisements glorifying politicians

From twitter: Sonia meets Bhukari... Shazia appeals Muslim to be communal... I doubt whether they are contesting for the sake of nation or Mosque!!! :cheesy:
both know their fate so last hope is god.. sorry allah... or i become Kamina uual
(sorry if any one heart just used on lighter note.. no disrespect to any relgion )
Secularism ...
one word which misunderstood and corrupted by many for their good.
Secularism is not piggy bank of any community...Hindu , Muslim..any other..
Secularism is right of every individual by constituion of india ..read preamble..

Secularism and education.
its not direct correlation.
there many educated (including beganlis ) who do that...
see how mamata play her politics..
for poor secularism is meant for survival from all bad concept of .. caste , domination by one comminity in village ..(like UP)
for reach its gyan ..
saw Bangalore.. how many people vote ..they just say blaj blah but dont vote..same goes last time for Mumbai. hopr wil not repeat that .

- Benagalis .
Yes .. they are most educated as they got fruit of early contact with british and former capital .
but NO OTHER COMMUNITY is exaggerated

can you tell me your concept of secularism ..?
few incident in near past where bengalis showed there commitment to secularism ?
Just for knowledge
Lol I am completely against the type of secularism of Congis and Leftists.
The reason I was referring to Bengali intellectuals coming out in support of secularism is cause they wake up only when the smell anything close to BJP or remotely related to hinduism. Minority appeasement and hindu bashing for them is secularism and believe you me, no one beats Bengali liberals when it comes to this.
Lol I am completely against the type of secularism of Congis and Leftists.
The reason I was referring to Bengali intellectuals coming out in support of secularism is cause they wake up only when the smell anything close to BJP or remotely related to hinduism. Minority appeasement and hindu bashing for them is secularism and believe you me, no one beats Bengali liberals when it comes to this.
thanks for replying ..
Yes bengalis among few who are liberal at large..
but when you oppose modi at the same time where these liberal ,
1. when GOI asked for religin based census in army?
2. when SP guy called muslim won kargil?
3. when Sonia met religions guy for VOTES ONLY?then BJP too..
4. When Rajiv gandhi ruled out SC in Saha bano case to keep muslim women in 15th century ?

when you have RIGHT to protest then its your DUTY to protest all form of evils ..
people cant chery pick ..that called opportunism..
all those who singed later how many stood against above points?
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