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Shazia ilmi of pAAP party caught on camera - "muslims are too secular, they should become communal"

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Well.. She is instigating peacefully unlike Togadia who waves his hands. See how calm she is while asking Muslims to become communal. On the other hand Togadia sounds like a monster.
Well.. She is instigating peacefully unlike Togadia who waves his hands. See how calm she is while asking Muslims to become communal. On the other hand Togadia sounds like a monster.

To be fair, Togadia was destined to lose when he came up against Modi.

Becoming merely a religious ideologue is not important. But having the economic acumen to back you up is necessary.
I really love then intensity at which Jaya, Mamata and Maya have started attacking Modi
Don't support Giriraj's remarks, no one needs to be scared: Modi

Narendra Modi has reiterated that he does not support the controversial remarks of colleague Giriraj Singh who said recently that those who were opposed to Modi should leave India and go to Pakistan.

"Nobody can support Giriraj Singh's statement," Modi said, in an interview to ABP News. "I had said in Maninagar in 2002 that my government will be of the people - for those who voted for me, for those who did not vote for me and even for those who did not vote at all," he said.

"Abhayam, abhayam, abhayam (Absence of fear). There! I have said it three times. There is no need to be scared," he added.

"Petty statements by those claiming to be BJP's well wishers are deviating the campaign from the issues of development and good governance," he said.

Without naming anyone, Modi said, "I disapprove any such irresponsible statement and appeal to those making them to kindly refrain from doing so."
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