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Facing Modi, Congress targets to win at least 120 seats in a battle for votes - Hindustan Times

guys, even 110-120 seats to Congress will mean a possibility of having a third front govt. & a back-door entry of Congress.


A third front now wont survive more than 1 year and i suspect there will be reelection in months .. Which will allow BJP to come back far stronger ..

Gilani is trying to sabotage the prospects of Modi as Prime Minister by issuing a press note that Modi is trying to persuade him to meet to solve the Kashmir issue by sending two Kashmiri Pandits.

But fortunately the people of this country are not fools. They took it positively.

They understood that who is more concerned about resolving the Kashmir issue as well as the issue of Kashmiri Pandits.

Muslims and Hindus both have to understand that there is no room for any separatism in our country.

We have to live together if we want to live a peacefully. European and American always believe in divide and rule. We have to fight together to break this mechanism.

BJP has categorically denied any meeting

What would the third front consist of ??
Congress, SP,BSP ,TMC ,DMK AIDMK LDF ,UDF , in that case who will be PM ?
Blackmailing the poor:sick:


What would the third front consist of ??
Congress, SP,BSP ,TMC ,DMK AIDMK LDF ,UDF , in that case who will be PM ?

Every Indian Leader irrespective of parties can stake claim for the post of Prime Minister provided the majority nominates him for the high post. In third front so many are emerging for the post of Prime Minister.Let us wait & watch which front is coming up and which is sinking down on 16th May 2014.:)
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Blackmailing the poor:sick:


The farmer he black mailed was a jawan in the Indian army . Shame on these fools .. I hope he gets sent to Tihar for sometime ....

Every Indian Leader irrespective of parties can stake claim for the post of Prime Minister provided the majority nominates him for the high post. In third front so many are emerging for the post of Prime Minister.Let us wait & watch which front is coming up and which is sinking down on 16th May 2014.:)

If it is third front i hope its Jaya who becomes PM , she has done well in TN for devolopment, or so i hear . But any Third front PM will be lame duck PM
hey @haman10 now this is some news.. :woot:
bro , everyone has to take side :D india is a big country and everyone like to have the best relations possible .

i'm not sure if the news is right be if its right , is it a bad thing ? :D we want better relations with india , thats it

BTW , i think iranian officials are trying to have india close to them in case BJP wins elections not that they support them :D

its just flowers :)

to all indian members , no matter who they support :

persiancat with a red rose :D :D

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"Give it a thought before you Vote" #IsliyeModi

Admit it.
Our nation has so many problems.
Inflation, Poverty, Unemployment, Problems of Agriculture, Drinking water problem, Defense crisis, Pak-China Threat, Terrorism, Naxalism, Growing crimes, Crimes against women....and much more.
Mr. Modi is busy in finding the solutions for all these problems.
But our opponents are busy in finding solution for Modi.
For them, Secularism is the only solution for all the above problems.

Choice is yours.
Saving Bharatiyata

Otis is a short, fat sidekick. He’s a very clever and cunning sidekick though. Miss Eve Teschmacher is the criminal’s moll. She’s a perfect bimbo. And Lex Luthor is the boss. Lex considers himself the greatest criminal mind of all time. There can’t be much dispute about that. A long time ago, Lex had left us an enduring lesson which will hold true for eons. It’s a lesson he claims his father taught him. Let’s watch (2.41 mins):

So Lex Luthor has this grand plan to explode a 500 mega ton bomb and sink the west coast of California so that his desert land can become the new west coast. All the new cities would be named after Lex and Luthor. In that grand scheme little Otis doesn’t forget to find a little space and name it “Otisburg” after himself. He’s like the sidekicks in our media who have enriched themselves from the massive scams of the Congress. Of course, Lex Luthor explains how he created his empire from humble beginnings. Have you heard stories of such “humble beginnings” in the real estate business in India? I bet you have. Lex Luthor would have been proud of how Robert Vadrabecame a land tycoon from “humble” beginnings:

There is desperation in the media; there is desperation in the Gandhi family. “Power corrupts but the prospect of losing power corrupts even more” said Ram Jethmalani. On April 14 Sonia Gandhicame on TV and made a grand appeal to people. She said her party was fighting to protect the “very heart and soul” of India from those who sought to change it and divide the people of the country. As they taught you in school, the heart and soul of India is the “Gandhi family” and everything else is crap. Okay? She begged “We want unity. They want to impose uniformity. They say, ‘Just believe in me’… Their vision, clouded with hatred and falsehood, their ideology, divisive and autocratic, will drive us to the ruination of ourBharatiyata, our Hindustaniyat”. Astonishing! We have to now learn “Bharatiyata” from some Italian. You know, I doubt if SoniaG can even sing our National Anthem impromptu (a senior Kerala Congi could not sing it at a function). Err… asking if she can recite “Vande Mataram” impromptu would be outright foolishness. For a woman who claimed “power is poison” the level she goes to retain it is the story of her life. Someone rightly pointed out that in 2004 SoniaG only gave up “accountability” not the PMship. She is accountable for nothing it seems and was a back-seat PM as everybody knew and the recent book by Sanjaya Baru confirmed.

This hateful bile on TV went unquestioned by any media editorialist. To me, the only ones who hate Bharat and who want to destroy are the Congis and their heads. The Gandhis seem to believe that India is some kind of “real estate” inherited by them. The number of allegations in the land scams against Vadra is mounting. There are also allegations of land scam against the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation. Count the number of towns, townships, projects, IT parks and such real estate named after the Chinese Gandhis. And all this hateful fear-mongering from SoniaG and the other Gandhis is for what? Just because Narendra Modi challenges them like nobody has ever done before. And he rightly does so. The SoniaG hate-appeal is the culmination of a gang of Indian and International media and motley crews who are hell-bent on wanting their corrupt ways of life to continue. The latest is the Bollywood crap from Sonia’s doormatNDTV:

There is something else that the media did that is criminal. Most of them passed off Sonia’s speech as if it were some speech to the nation for donations for a national calamity by the PM or the President. They defrauded the viewers by not clearly stating this was a paid political speech. In other words, this was “advertisement” and the screens should have indicated it as such. At the risk of boring you I have to repeat: The media is the first line of defence for the corrupt. Of course, there is this 5-year Gandhi Queen who turns up in UP every once in a while. She’s the Great White female hope of the media and the sickulars who will save them from anything. Priyanka Vadra (Gandhi during elections) comes in like a queen, throws a few soundbites at the media who jump and squeal around her for crumbs like pet dogs (as the pic shows) and then run her silly statements endlessly on loop on TV. I have no other way to describe the silly 5-year cameos of Priyanka as I did in a tweet:

Priyanka grandly comes out twice in 5 years; once during the state elections and once during LS elections. She then meets those “wretched” villagers who are dying for a glimpse of her face to quench their thirst and hunger. The “Old Jungle Saying” was the Phantom leaves the jungle and visits the city like an ordinary man. This is reverse. The Queen leaves her cities, hill-stations, foreign abodes and jeans. She meets the villagers in Sarees and renews her lease agreement for the inherited land called Amethi. In 50 years this is how the Chinese Gandhis have not only fooled Amethi and Rae Bareli but a large part of the country. Take a look:

Look at the bottom pic carefully. An open gutter runs through the lane of huts of villagers in Amethi. For over 50 years Amethi has been called the “bastion” of the Gandhis and this is what their real estate has to show for it. And Priyanka realises her “Bharatiyata” only during elections when she visits Amethi or Rae Bareli. And SoniaG talks about the “heart and soul” of India?

Do any of these Gandhis even know anything about Bharatiyata? They aren’t really bright and don’t really have any ideas about anything. RahulG talks about “Toffee model” when it comes to land in Gujarat. In truth it is Robert Vadra and Congress govts who indulge in the Toffee model where Vadra buys land at toffee rates and sells at aircraft rates. Lex Luthor would be proud of him. Silly utterances like these are all that they come up with in absence of answers for the extraordinary corruption and non-performance by the Congress. The other frequent rant is “my daddy died, my daadi died” for the country. While their death is tragic this is a wimpish claim and has nothing to with reality. True to the pattern Priyanka recently claimed her father died for the “unity of the country”. This absolute nonsense is then passed off by the media as great emotional crap. This is an absolute lie and no editorialist has the guts to call it. India wasn’t in some civil war which threatened her unity that RajivG had to save by sacrificing himself. He and Congress members helped in his death at the hands of LTTE assassins by breaking security cordon and arrangements.

If his death was so painful then there are other questions that the Gandhi family simply does not answer. Priyanka herself went to meet the killers in prison. For what? To share her grief with the killers? SoniaG brought down a govt because the DMK (who she alleged supported the LTTE killers) was a part of it. In the Congress led UPA she had no problems having the same DMK and their members. Some of these DMK members were also allowed to loot the nation under her nose. What tragedy are they talking about? Which Bharatiyata are they yakking about? Their nonsensical fear, as peddled by them and many in the media, can be explained in one word: “Modi”. That’s it! He poses a challenge to the corrupt Congress and Gandhis like no one has ever done before.

From Christian media abroad to a majority in the Indian media, assorted NGOs, Bollywood crooks and some others, the only objective is to somehow stop Modi. Why? Obviously, to them Modi is not “Bharatiyata” and they are. The Gandhis who run off abroad at will with no one knowing, who answer no questions on any scam and who let off people like Quattrochi and Anderson (of Bhopal tragedy) understandBharatiyata? The same SoniaG gave of 12 billion dollars to the EU to save the EURO while the rupee was constantly falling. Bharatiyata? 12 billion dollars with not a second thought? Italian marines kill Kerala fishermen and they are protected under special agreements. Bharatiyata? RahulG ran off to Spain when he heard of the Uttarakhand tragedy in 2013. Bharatiyata? RahulG was partying after terrorists killed over 160 people during 26/11. Bharatiyata? Medical treatments or check-ups, SoniaG runs abroad and doesn’t trust Indian doctors. Bharatiyata? Former PM Narasimha Rao was denied a funeral at Rajghat in Delhi and rushed to Hyderabad.That Rajghat is a private estate of the Gandhis? Bharatiyata? I can go on and on.

For all the rants from all kinds of media and hate-filled, anti-Indian Bollywood creeps and international media and hate-mongers, there is someone who explains quite well why Modi is hated by the elites and the corrupt. This is from a former US Govt officialDavid Cohen:

“Modi bears striking similarities to a celebrated American president: one Ronald Wilson Reagan. Both men rose from humble origins. Modi, in particular, worked from childhood hawking tea in railway stations. Both were popular and successful state governors: Modi is the chief minister (equivalent to a governor) of Gujarat, an Indian state whose gift to the world was Mahatma Gandhi. Modi, like Reagan, is an unabashed proponent of free market economics: “Modinomics,” the term coined to describe Modi’s free market and anti-corruption reforms, is of course a nod to “Reaganomics”; it has unleashed an economic boom in Gujarat. A major common denominator between the two men is the nature of their detractors. Like the U.S., India has cultural elitists who seem to desperately crave the approval of their former colonial masters in Europe. The Indian cultural elite despises Modi every bit as much as the American cultural elite despised Reagan. They look down their noses at Modi, cringing at the thought of being led by a common “tea seller” who can barely speak English. (Can you imagine Chinese or Russian citizens, proud of their own heritage, being ashamed that their leaders don’t speak English?)”

The thing Cohen doesn’t explicitly say is that Reagan wasn’t from the political circus of Washington DC. The same is true for Modi; he isn’t from the political circus of Delhi where people from different parties conveniently sleep with each otherand this has helped the Congress and Gandhis extend their corrupt rule for over 60 years. SoniaG or her family isn’t even the last fountain from where I would like to learn Bharatiyata. The indisputable truth is that it is Modi who really represents Bharityata. He was born in India, got whatever education he did in India, came up from a small village after hawking tea for a living, rose through the ranks of a party to his current level through his work. Modi didn’t reach where he did because his father or mother considered it their birthright to rule this country. Modi did not have parents who ran a dynastic political party. Last I heard Modi doesn’t have Italian genes. Modi doesn’t change clothes from city to village to Assembly. There isn’t a fake appeal by him to voters with “Bharatiya” clothing for convenience. He lives the Bharatiya life and I would trust him to save Bharatiyata more than imported Gandhis.
Yaar OK, but this time it isn't about Punjab, it's about INDIA.

& vote for any other party other than NDA means a vote for Congress.

@Prometheus I don't know how has AD performed in Punjab, I am not from there. But would request you to vote for INDIA this time. AAP is nothing but a team B of Congress, Arvind Kejriwal had applied for NAC membership headed by Madamji, Yogendra Yadav was the advisor of our very own Rahul Baba, Ilmi has many members from family related to Congress, I can show you the whole list.

AAP is old wine in new bottle. Think over it. We can't give our Motherland to be ruled by the CHOR party again. NO WAY.

Is it of any surprise that even after taking oath over his children, Kejriwal took support from Congress?

Maybe, I cannot change your mind, but still think over it.

mine local AAP candidate is a just like saint , people here praise him and even tag him as "People's polititian"
u wont believe it , he came to our colony asked people about suggestion on lok sabha elections.....people said to support AAP candidate ....who ever it maybe .....
the point to be noted here is that , he has won elections of MLA as an independent .....and came second many times ....without the support of the party......he always asked his local people about suggestions even he was mla.

Infact in 1988 , he resigned from the punjab assembly when people said him to resign as a protest to "Operation Thunder" on Golden Temple.

And he is not a puppet of anyone.............if people said to him to resign from AAP , in case AAP went wrong on something, he will gladly resign.

People like him dont exist in politics anymore............if he even stand as an indepandent .....he might cross 2 lakh votes.....
he started in politics with just few hectares of ancesteral land......and even after 30 years of political life , his property didnt increase....ever heard something like that?

We have hopes that he will be good for us in parliament......... rather than some one like actor vinod khanna ....who shows up only on elections..............and then also people cant meet him
Farmer suicides: Many other states worse off than Gujarat:Policy Puzzles:Bibek Debroy's blog-The Economic Times

Every year, National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) brings out a publication titled “Accidental Deaths & Suicides in India”. NCRB has a very rich database on “crime” and it’s a pity that the database isn’t available in the public domain for research. What’s available is NCRB reports, like the one I have just mentioned, and the last in this series is for 2012. Since suicides have been in the news, let’s focus on those, not accidental deaths. The number of suicides was 135,445 in 2012. Over the last 10 years (since 2002), the suicide rate has only increased marginally from around 10.5 to 11.2 now, probably because of more reporting. 12.5% of those 135,445 suicides occurred in Tamil Nadu, 11.9% in Maharashtra, 11.0% in West Bengal and 10.5% in Andhra Pradesh. Gujarat’s share was 5.2%. These are figures for 2012. However, even if you drag the series back, you will find that some States account for most suicides and these are Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Karnataka. Why do people commit suicide? Notice that 25.6% is because of “family problems”, 20.8% because of “illness”, 2.0% because of “bankruptcy or sudden change in economic status” and 1.9% because of “poverty”. While a suicide is tragic, one does need to realize that there are limitations on what any government can do to prevent suicides. What can any government do to prevent the 4,166 suicides that occurred because of “love affairs” and the 9,465 that occurred because of “insanity”?

The more interesting table is one that classifies suicide victims by profession. In the present report, you will find it as Table 2.11. I have always been a bit intrigued by the obsession over farmer suicides. Strictly speaking, the heading is “self-employed (farming/agriculture)”. Out of that total of 135,445 suicides in 2012, 13,754 such farmers committed suicides. I hope you don’t interpret this as an attempt to defend farmer suicides. But, however, you define the share of farmers in the population, this 13,754 figure is on the lower side. Why does no one talk about the 23,751 suicides by self-employed people (others) in other sectors? 3,456 self-employed professionals committed suicides. 5,706 self-employed in business committed suicide. Don’t other self-employed also have problems? The entire discourse revolves around farmers. On farmers, of those 13,754 farmers who committed suicide in 2012, 564 were from Gujarat. If one uses this number (instead of tracking down the numbers from each version of NCRB), to extrapolate over a 10-year period, the number of farmers who commit suicides in Gujarat over a 10-year period will be roughly around 5,600.

To set matters in perspective, in 2012, 2,572 farmers committed suicide in Andhra Pradesh, 1,875 in Karnataka, 1,081 in Kerala, 1,172 in Madhya Pradesh, 3,786 in Maharashtra, 499 in Tamil Nadu and 745 in Uttar Pradesh. Even if one normalizes for population, Gujarat is not thus a State with a remarkably high share of farmer suicides. There are other States that fare far worse. Even then, why do farmers commit suicides and what can we do to solve the problem? There are different ways to slice the problem. Though there isn’t a neat water-tight difference, there are land-holders and there is agricultural labour (small land-holders also work as agricultural labour). Most suicides have been by land-holders, not by agricultural labour. That’s because farm profitability has been squeezed and input costs have increased. There is thus a long agenda of agricultural and rural sector reforms. More specifically, whether it is a farmer or someone self-employed elsewhere, it’s typically a combination of a credit cum insurance problem. Credit is from the informal segment, with high interest rates and is often driven by an exogenous shock, like a medical emergency.

Meanwhile, no satisfactory insurance system exists. The existing crop insurance scheme is not really a proper insurance mechanism. A farmer borrows, commercializes and diversifies. Commercialization and diversification automatically exposes the farmer to greater risk, but there are no risk-mitigating instruments. One can perhaps sustain this for a year, but not when it extends to say, three years. The best thing any government can do is to help farmers reduce the risk. Part of it is through the broader agro/rural reforms I mentioned, the remainder through opening up credit and insurance. It helps if one thinks about matters logically, instead of turning it into an emotive issue.
dont worry mates.....there are only 13 seats in Punjab.......

with money / drugs / liquor power..............Akalis can still win about 5-6 seats.....it wont make a huge difference in Modi as PM.

I myself wish to see BJP in power......because Vajpayee has awesome fan following in Punjab

The Tribune, Chandigarh, India - India Votes 2014

Jaitley points at growing drug culture in Punjab: Fresh trouble for the ruling Akalis after BJP candidate highlights ongoing issue | Mail Online \
for guys who are under estimating the drug problem in punjab and links to ruling party in its distribution ...... For Jaitley , maximum questions are based on its allies backing smugglers..
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Akalis should be kicked out of NDA they bring too little and that too come with a big baggage
Court warns Kejriwal for skipping hearing

A court here Saturday warned former Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal and three AAP leaders that "coercive process" would be initiated against them if they fail to appear on the next date of hearing in a defamation case.

Metropolitan Magistrate Sunil Kumar Sharma posted the matter for hearing May 24 and said: "Ensure that everybody is present on the next date (of hearing) otherwise I will initiate coercive process."

The court was hearing a defamation suit filed against Kejriwal and others by Communications Minister Kapil Sibal's son Amit, following a May 15, 2013 press conference of Kejriwal in which he alleged conflict of interest, saying Sibal had appeared in the Supreme Court for telecom firm Vodafone while his father was the communications minister.

The court allowed the exemption plea of Kejriwal and three AAP leaders, Manish Sisodia, Prashant Bhushan and Shazia Ilmi, sought on the ground they were busy campaigning for the Lok Sabha polls.

But, it warned them and told their counsel, Rahul Mehra, that he should ensure that they appear before him on the next date of hearing.

The court also imposed a cost of Rs.2,500 each on Sisodia, Bhushan and Ilmi after they failed to appear in court.

Court warns Kejriwal for skipping hearing | Business Standard
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