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BJP demands re-polling in Pune after 1 lakh names missing from voter list

Pune: The Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) has demanded a re-polling in Pune after as many as one lakh names of electors with ID cards were missing from the voters list. There were also cases where voters in Pune were told by the poll officials that their vote has already been registered despite them not voting for the desired candidate at all.

Voters complained to the Election Commission as their names including of actor Amol Palekar and his wife's were missing from the voters list on Thursday. Some electorates even alleged that they were deliberately kept away from the polling process.

Also, several protesting voters pointed that there were faulty Electronic Voting Machines (EVM) at a booth. The voters said that the malfunctioning voting machine registered their votes to Congress despite having voted for other parties.

After the incident came to light yesterday, the Election Commission allowed 28 voters who had already cast their votes in the malfunctioning EVM to vote afresh.

With many people now demanding a re-poll after not finding their names in the voters list, the District Collector has assured the voters that the matter will be resolved in two days time.

Angry voters boycotted the elections for nearly three hours before frantic election officials ordered a replacement EVM and resumed voting around 1 pm.

An average 61.7 percent voting in 19 Lok Sabha constituencies was registered on Thursday in the second phase of polling in Maharashtra.

BJP demands re-polling in Pune after 1 lakh names missing from voter list

More than one lakh names missing from voters list ,Faulty EVMs voting for congress ....wtf
BJP demands re-polling in Pune after 1 lakh names missing from voter list

Pune: The Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) has demanded a re-polling in Pune after as many as one lakh names of electors with ID cards were missing from the voters list. There were also cases where voters in Pune were told by the poll officials that their vote has already been registered despite them not voting for the desired candidate at all.

Voters complained to the Election Commission as their names including of actor Amol Palekar and his wife's were missing from the voters list on Thursday. Some electorates even alleged that they were deliberately kept away from the polling process.

Also, several protesting voters pointed that there were faulty Electronic Voting Machines (EVM) at a booth. The voters said that the malfunctioning voting machine registered their votes to Congress despite having voted for other parties.

After the incident came to light yesterday, the Election Commission allowed 28 voters who had already cast their votes in the malfunctioning EVM to vote afresh.

With many people now demanding a re-poll after not finding their names in the voters list, the District Collector has assured the voters that the matter will be resolved in two days time.

Angry voters boycotted the elections for nearly three hours before frantic election officials ordered a replacement EVM and resumed voting around 1 pm.

An average 61.7 percent voting in 19 Lok Sabha constituencies was registered on Thursday in the second phase of polling in Maharashtra.

BJP demands re-polling in Pune after 1 lakh names missing from voter list

More than one lakh names missing from voters list ,Faulty EVMs voting for congress ....wtf

Congress playing all its Cards now , glad people Caught the fraud as it happened...
The going getting tough, Sonia gets going
New Delhi, April 17: Staring at defeat, the Grand Old Party is showing some signs of resilience.

Sonia Gandhi is marshalling all her resources to keep the Congress in the hunt. She has directed party general secretaries and state unit heads to invite Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to address more public meetings and interact with the media.

Singh has so far addressed only four rallies, in Assam and Kerala. In 2009, after having forced through the Indo-US nuclear deal, he had had a packed schedule because the demand for the Prime Minister as campaigner was next only to that for Sonia and Rahul.

Sources said Singh would now visit Telangana, Maharashtra and possibly Uttar Pradesh. He is expected to go to Hyderabad on April 24.

Sonia’s decision to accord him primacy in the campaign came after Singh’s former media adviser Sanjaya Baru’s book claimed the Prime Minister lacked political authority. On Tuesday, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra had described Singh as “Super Prime Minister”.

Sources said Sonia has also begun to receive daily feedback from the Congress “war room” at 15 Gurdwara Raqabgunj Road, which had become redundant after Rahul opened another at his Tughlaq Lane residence.

The Congress president is also dealing with members of Team Rahul frequently. Until now, Rahul alone was in charge.

On Monday, Sonia hit the airwaves at prime time to project this election as a battle to save the “heart and soul” of India. Party sources said there was unanimity among Congress spin doctors and office-bearers that Sonia, not Rahul, should address the nation.

While the party is going all out to shore up every possible seat, it is also preparing for a damage-control exercise that may be necessary after the results are declared on May 16.

Sonia and her close advisers are against blaming a defeat on Singh, who was the Congress president’s choice for Prime Minister. The sources said Rahul could be next in the line of a whisper campaign within the party.

Priyanka’s role is seen as crucial. The average Congress worker will not look beyond the Nehru-Gandhi family, which led them to back-to-back wins in 2004 and 2009, so a rebellion is unlikely.

In any case, there are few in the party who can match the popularity of Sonia and Rahul. So, the “draft Priyanka” campaign is set to be become shrill after May 16.

The Congress old guard can be heard talking about one young Gandhi taking charge of the parliamentary wing and the other of the organisation. The examples of Parkash Singh Badal, Mulayam Singh Yadav, M. Karunanidhi, Ajit Singh and even the Bhuttos are cited.

Congress veterans say that if Narendra Modi becomes Prime Minister, they would mount fresh pressure on Priyanka to join active politics and protect the idea of India as envisaged by Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi.

Priyanka has provided no hints on how she would react to such a proposal.

The going getting tough, Sonia gets going
You guys watch Tv Today?..... It is amazing to see the way the support AAP....

hahaha.... nooora tactics !

2 trucks of Saree with Modi picture caught by EC in bangalore, takes case for bribing voters

hehee @levina now I know why you were supporting him :sarcastic:
and what about AAP gundas???

do so called AAP gunda hold any cabinet position in Punjab and selling drugs?
have any AAP gunda killed a policemen for protecting his daughter like Akali did?

Have so called AAP gundas broke leg of AIG of police like Akalis did?

HAve so called AAP gundas failed to pay govt. employees for 6 months like Akali/BJP of Punjab??? and still spend money on new luxury cars and foreign trips?

Have AAP gundas resulted in closing of most of Industry in Punjab like NDA did?

Have AAP gundas hold cabinet position in Punjab but under investigation by election commision for bogus votes like BJP Minister joshi???

Give some credit to Arnab guys, afterall he has guts to invite Raj Thackray. Wonder why Rajdeep, Barkha like journalists never invite him. Lols

hmmm.....CNN-IBN just now showed Raj thakrary interview with Rajdeep sardesi...........half knowlegde is bad
kalayan singh attacks on pakistan EL11242175

मोदी आए तो लाएंगे पाक सैनिकों के सिर : कल्याण

मैनपुरी, जागरण संवाददाता।वरिष्ठ भाजपा नेता कल्याण सिंह ने कहा है कि अगर नरेंद्र मोदी देश के प्रधानमंत्री बने तो पाकिस्तान सैनिकों को उनकी हरकतों का माकूल जवाब दिया जाएगा। जरूरत पड़ी तो उनके सिर भी कलम किए जाएंगे। गुरुवार को वह उत्तर प्रदेश के मैनपुरी में आयोजित चुनावी सभा को संबोधित कर रहे थे।

कांग्रेस, सपा और बसपा पर निशाना साधते हुए कल्याण सिंह ने कहा कि इन तीनों दलों के नेता नरेंद्र मोदी से डरे हुए हैं। मुस्लिम तुष्टीकरण को लेकर इनमें होड़ मची है। नौकरियों में मुस्लिमों को 18 फीसद आरक्षण का कुचक्र रचा जा रहा है। इसका भाजपा जोरदार विरोध करेगी। उन्होंने कहा कि देश के हालात बदतर हैं। इन्हें बदलने को युवाओं को आगे आना होगा। सारे राजनीतिक दल सांप्रदायिकता के नाम पर मोदी रोको अभियान में जुटे हैं। मोदी के पीएम बनने पर सभी भ्रष्टाचारियों की फाइलें खोली जाएंगी।
do so called AAP gunda hold any cabinet position in Punjab and selling drugs?
have any AAP gunda killed a policemen for protecting his daughter like Akali did?

Have so called AAP gundas broke leg of AIG of police like Akalis did?

HAve so called AAP gundas failed to pay govt. employees for 6 months like Akali/BJP of Punjab??? and still spend money on new luxury cars and foreign trips?

Have AAP gundas resulted in closing of most of Industry in Punjab like NDA did?

Have AAP gundas hold cabinet position in Punjab but under investigation by election commision for bogus votes like BJP Minister joshi???

hmmm.....CNN-IBN just now showed Raj thakrary interview with Rajdeep sardesi...........half knowlegde is bad

AAP Gunda was a law minister who molested foreign tourists and made them urinate in the streets , but i guess thats forgiven as long as its not AAP doiing the Raping and the gundaism .. Hypocrite :rolleyes:
What about AAP Gundas rewarding those people in DElhi who did not pay electricity Bill ?
What about the AAP Gunda who Fought the court to prove Bhagat singh was a terrorist in NCERT books ?
What about AAP Fools who ran away in 41 days and wasted public money in Delhi ?
What about AAP Gunda openly taking support from naxalites and Maoists ?
What about AAP being payed by Ford foundation which is a well known CIA front ?

Kejriwal, 4 AAP candidates facing criminal cases - Hindustan Times
40% of AAP candidates in Madhya Pradesh have criminal records, 30% are billionaires - The Times of India
With 28 criminal cases, AAP nominee leads among 98 candidates in Odisha

You are a Hypocrite and people like you supporting AAP will run the country to the ground because of your Ignorance , or does a person become instantly honest when they join AAP. Or is this a BJP/ RSS conspiracy to defame Modi ... :tsk:
Some surveys specially #NDTV are giving fake results that BJP is winning majority. #NDTV is 10000% Anti-Modi. Do you expect them to show news in favor of Mr. Modi ?
In 2004, same thing happened, they were predicting Atal's Full Majority and congress can to power. This is misguiding the public. In 2004 all Anti-BJP channels showed full majority forAtal Ji.
This is just a trick to divert voters, not to vote at all. And show an urgency to minority community to consolidate vote and vote for Congress. This trick had worked for congress in 2004.
Folks be aware and go out, vote for Indiai.

This time reserve 1 day of ur schedule for VOTING. Prepare yourself 2 stand in Queue for sake of COUNTRY. Start planning from today itself with respect to election date in ur state/Area. Share/RT
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