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Jaya may be a socialist type but is also an able administrator, or so i hear from folks in Tamil Nadu ...
Am pretty sure there will be some trade off with jaya ...

Yaar jaya NDA ko support karde to toh Kitna badiya Hota
Majority of seats would have been won by BJP-AIDMKcombo

Now we know what is at stake
Not Hindu & Muslim
But liberals & these 7th century idiots
For the sake of our children we must pass this test with flying colours
Yaar jaya NDA ko support karde to toh Kitna badiya Hota
Majority of seats would have been won by BJP-AIDMKcombo

She will support NDA , jaya hates Sonia they are like oil and water they dont go together at all .. She hates her so much she calls Sonia by her real name Sonia Maino . What i suspect is Jaya and BJP have a deal to keep quiet until elections are over and they may come up with some kind of a deal after elections . Jaya will support Modi, am 90% sure....
Can you tell us as too how much modi wave is there in AP specially in cities? In case if BJP goes all alone without TDP can it expect any seats from seemaandhra?

There is certainly a Modi wave in SA and T.

However BJP doesnt have the infrastructure in SA to convert that into votes.

But, I guess, both the parties TDP, YCP are ready to support BJP at the center. So, no worries.

However in T, its a different matter.

BJP has some structure there.
She will support NDA , jaya hates Sonia they are like oil and water they dont go together at all .. She hates her so much she calls Sonia by her real name Sonia Maino . What i suspect is Jaya and BJP have a deal to keep quiet until elections are over and they may come up with some kind of a deal after elections . Jaya will support Modi, am 90% sure....

If there was a pre poll alliance a lot of seats could have been won :(
1st vote of d day at my booth to BJP (modi) .:yay::yay::yay:

I am not confuse. How can a person make apology when he is not even saying that he is regret on killings or riots happened in his areas

Question was not about his involvement but anchor was asking him to say sorry or regret for whatever unfortunate happened and i guess most Indians were regret for killing of innocents in these riots expect may be Modi or his supporters
Why should he be sorry for something that he is not a part of and we all know what the media and the so called secular people will make out of his apology.
They ruined my whole finger , i think the mark in my finger will stay until next General elections :mad::frown:

Countries such as Sweden Norway and Switzerland do not use such method of stain on your finger.
However the US and Canada do.
They did in 2002.


See there is a peculiar mentality among Muslims something which is not only evident in this case but also in most of Muslim-non Muslims conflict all over the world.It is victimhood mentality.

While talking/discussing/ranting about Gujarat riots, they forget that riots were not spontaneous act of killing of Muslims;they were preceded by burning of two coaches of a train full of Hindu pilgrims.The decision to fry some Hindus was taken by Ulema of Godhra city a day before the incident. The Ulema thought that they would get away with it as in Gujarat, there use to be riots on monthly basis on the issues as mundane as kite flying and it would pass-off as one of those small incident.

Do Muslims expect that they would not be any reaction to aggression they commit as a collective?

Similar is the case of Israel-Palestine conflict and US droning of a motley group of countries.When Hamas or Islamic Jihad fire rockets into Israel, do you except that Israel would not retaliate or when Islamists kill 3000 random Americans or Taliban attack on US Soldiers.What is morally wrong in Israel using Airforce against people who fires rocket into it's cities or US droning Taliban or Anti Muslims riot in Gujarat.Collective crimes results in collective Punishment.

Why do Muslims believe that the natural law of equal and opposite reaction would not be applied to them when they are constituent of a conflict?
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