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Indian police's 'Muslim' terror drill

American Pakistani

May 30, 2010
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United States
Indian police face flak over 'Muslim' terror drill
Published about 7 hours ago

NDTV screengrab of the mock drill
AHMEDABAD: Police in Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's home state of Gujarat faced widespread criticism Thursday after staging an anti-terrorism exercise featuring “militants” dressed up as Muslims.

A video of the drill, which was broadcast on Indian media websites, shows five policemen capturing and then pinning down three men in white knitted skullcaps before bundling them into jeeps.

The exercise earlier this week was in preparation for a January 11-13 investment summit in Gujarat, whose speakers will include US Secretary of State John Kerry as well as Modi himself.

Modi, who is leader of the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party, was chief minister of Gujarat during an outbreak of communal violence in 2002 which killed more than 1,000 people. Most of the victims were Muslims.

Kamal Faruqui of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board termed the mock drill “atrocious and highly condemnable”.

“It is profiling the Muslim community which is very bad. They should apologise, otherwise they should be taken to the court,” Faruqui told NDTV news channel.

The former ruling Congress party called the incident an act of religious intolerance by a “failed administration”.

Police initially tried to brush off the criticism, saying the skullcaps were used “to give them a different look”. But they later apologised for an “avoidable situation”.

“This was a mistake and should not have happened,” local police chief Pradeep Sejul told AFP, adding that an inquiry had been ordered.

Concerns about religious intolerance in secular India have grown since Modi came to power in May, fuelled by reports of Muslims and Christians being forced or induced to become Hindus in mass conversions.

Indian police face flak over 'Muslim' terror drill - World - DAWN.COM

@jamahir @imran_ind @Czar786
This moodi is trying to repeat 2002 massacre of indian Muslims.

@kalu_miah @Al-zakir @bongbang @UKBengali @idune @asad71 @BDforever @DarkPrince @Luffy 500
Imagine how Bengali Muslims face difficulties.

@Yzd Khalifa @JUBA @Arabian Legend @al-Hasani @BLACKEAGLE @Ahmed Jo @Falcon29 @Mosamania
Imagine the fear Muslims live with in India.

@SALMAN AL-FARSI @haman10 @Serpentine @kollang
The country you see as your brother.

@EL Turco @Sinan @xenon54 @Neptune @atatwolf
The fake secularism is what you actually see. The ground reality is never shown.

@Horus @DESERT FIGHTER @Desert Fox @Irfan Baloch @AgNoStiC MuSliM @Areesh @Pakistani Shaheen @chauvunist @PWFI @Hyperion @Armstrong @farhan_9909 @A.Rafay @Zarvan @Abu Zolfiqar @Ulla @Kashmiri Nationalist @BATMAN @Devil Soul @Pakistanisage @FaujHistorian @Bratva @Mugwoop @razgriz19 @dexter
Your valuable input is most welcome on Indian state sponsored terrorism. It seems as if Indian terrorism is not limited to IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir only.

Special Welcome to,
@Nihonjin1051 @US_statedept_retired @Chinese-Dragon @Chinese Muslim @Hu Songshan @jhungary @LeveragedBuyout @Superboy @Karla M @vostok @XenoEnsi-14 @Qay PKKH @liontk
How stupid can you get when you have 176 MILLION Indian Muslims and you do profiling like this. I would understand it if they are a minority but you have the nearly quarter of a billion of them.

Keep pissing them off, see what happens.
I wonder what Modi has to do with this piece of news? Why his name was required to be dragged in when this whole issue is a state subject not under the purview of central Government. Trying to blow things out of proportion are we? As far as this whole issue is concerned, such mock drills have taken place earlier also where "militants" dressed as Muslims Sikhs, although never saw one in RSS shorts. :what:

Stop being so oversensitive.
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If you chat with any Indian Muslims and ask about their issues there. You wont get proper replies. They are that much frightened now cant talk about their problems openly.
Didn't you knew Modi made Ajit Doval to put a chip in every Indian Muslim to track what they say or even think about. One word about the truth and they get the chop ...I am not talking about their foreskin.
Definitely a sensitive situation.

Not but few are trying to blow things out of proportion n portraying that situation is worst under Modi .... Here you would see many post to appear with Modi terrorists...
Cant help them anymore...
See the tagged list to invite mud sling ..... Don't give heed to such threads....
Hmmm, not the smartest or most culturally sensitive thing to do but let's be honest the greatest risk India and most nations face in terms of terrorism emanates from radicalised Muslims. Pretty stupid to have them wearing these skull caps though, it's unlikely these would be worn by any terrorists during an actual attack. Would've made sense if they had been wearing those cloths wrapped around their heads.

But what more can you expect from a local police force like this? The majority of them will be pretty ignorant themselves

Just another day in the new India.

Can we not ignore that this was being reported by the INDIAN media so there is clearly backlash to this and the opposition parties expressed their dismay also.
Definitely a sensitive situation.
Please ask nation who suffered Islamic terrorism you will see similarly approach in US as well after 9/11.if you have friends in US .I have been to US my self and Know situation there.I know we shouldn't relate any religion with terrorism but you can't control social mindset or perceptions.
Needless controversy. There is no intention to malign a specific community here. Mock drills are precautionary practice measure... & attempts are made to make it look as real as possible. Let's be real.. most of the recent terror attacks in India or around the world are linked to people from Muslim community. If you go back to early 80'.. in most of the drills or fancy dress competitions terrorists are made to look like people from Sikh community! No big deal at all...

Two pics from two mock drills by police in India, one showing Muslim militant .. the bottom one showing a Sikh militant.

Edit: Pic was from Pakistan ... apologies .. damn these tweets feeding wrong information.
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