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Indian police Gaurd of honor gun salute failed badly funny

This is not the first time. Bihar police has done it multiple times. They are experts in this.
how its their fault these are WW2 MK-4rifles may be made in 1935 to 1944 :(
It’s a pathetic administration plus poor levels of training and morale.
Some of them are supposed to look after these weapons which they obviously don’t seem to do.
Higher ups who are aware but don’t care.
Politicians who love this state.
And a population that chooses based on caste and religion.
All this completes a vicious circle.
You will see many more such videos in the future too.
I'm pretty sure it's guard of honor.
Not a guard of honour to the living but a gun salute to a deceased state leader being given state honours. The deceased politician in question was from the same state and would have been responsible for this sorry state. His after life avatar wouldn’t have felt bad.
Someone from a better state would have died once again.
I love Bihar police. My paternal grandad was Bihar police doctor. Those days he had 24 hour Bihar police guard.
It’s a pathetic administration plus poor levels of training and morale.
Some of them are supposed to look after these weapons which they obviously don’t seem to do.
Higher ups who are aware but don’t care.
Politicians who love this state.
And a population that chooses based on caste and religion.
All this completes a vicious circle.
You will see many more such videos in the future too.

Not a guard of honour to the living but a gun salute to a deceased state leader being given state honours. The deceased politician in question was from the same state and would have been responsible for this sorry state. His after life avatar wouldn’t have felt bad.
Someone from a better state would have died once again.
its just simple these guns need replacement only . all will be ok . or they should buy some 50 new guns for gun salute only . also they lack basic gear and universal look . some wear masks some not some have shirt in some out some wear jersey some not . :hitwall:
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