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Indian PM elections - 2019 [News and gossips]

Remind your jatbhai then which baniyas fought the mughals when your Rajput cousins gave up and left the maidan.

Remind your jatbhai then which microscopic baniya community sent ALL its young men into war with the Marathas in their Gujarat campaigns.

Am also sure neither of you need reminding which baniya led a Hindu army to break your bloodbrothers into two pieces.

Do you actually have Parsis living in jatland or are these old wives tales your khaps tell you?

Cheers, Doc
***Triggered*** **Mission Successful**
Rajasthan Government to review state syllabus textbooks revised by previous government
Bishakha Nihalani
December 31, 2018

The newly elected Congress Government in Rajasthan has decided to review textbooks, reference material revised by the previous BJP Government.

On Saturday Minister of State for School Education Govind Singh Dotasara said that roles of freedom fighters and national icons will be given due respect and space in the textbooks for their reputation to be restored since it was absent in the previous regime’s revised curriculum.

He stressed that the roles and sacrifices of Jawaharlal Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi lost their reference into the textbooks, in order to restore that this decision has been taken.

“The government will review textbooks and other reference material that were revised by the BJP government,” he said.

He also added that the officers of the department are already instructed to prepare a report on the revision of textbooks.

“We are committed to removing the objectionable references and chapters preaching bigotry and falsehood to young students,” he said.

He stressed that the BJP Government’s changes into the system included, providing saffron colored bicycles to the students, posting RSS-affiliated officers in various Boards and Councils and changing the curriculum with the distortion of history. He also ensured that the changes that the BJP Government made will be reviewed.

The curriculum was restructured by the State Institute of Educational Research under the leadership of Vasundhara Raje Scindia, the then Chief Minister of Rajasthan. The main emphasis was on slashing the contributions of Congress Leaders of the Independence Era, with no reference to Nehru, Sarojini Naidu, Madan Mohan Malviya, and others either.

The then Education Minister Vasudev Devnani carried forward the agenda of restructuring by making changes in the medieval history and the textbooks were re-written with focus on ‘Indian Culture’.

The Congress had severely criticized the decisions of the then ruling BJP and described its acts as “saffronisation of the education system”.



Those Rajputs are not happy with Congress in Rajasthan now.

Bhai don't you dare to say anything to our beloved General "Sam Manekshaw" don't you see my name in his memory. :D
***Triggered*** **Mission Successful**
Rajasthan Government to review state syllabus textbooks revised by previous government
Bishakha Nihalani
December 31, 2018

The newly elected Congress Government in Rajasthan has decided to review textbooks, reference material revised by the previous BJP Government.

On Saturday Minister of State for School Education Govind Singh Dotasara said that roles of freedom fighters and national icons will be given due respect and space in the textbooks for their reputation to be restored since it was absent in the previous regime’s revised curriculum.

He stressed that the roles and sacrifices of Jawaharlal Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi lost their reference into the textbooks, in order to restore that this decision has been taken.

“The government will review textbooks and other reference material that were revised by the BJP government,” he said.

He also added that the officers of the department are already instructed to prepare a report on the revision of textbooks.

“We are committed to removing the objectionable references and chapters preaching bigotry and falsehood to young students,” he said.

He stressed that the BJP Government’s changes into the system included, providing saffron colored bicycles to the students, posting RSS-affiliated officers in various Boards and Councils and changing the curriculum with the distortion of history. He also ensured that the changes that the BJP Government made will be reviewed.

The curriculum was restructured by the State Institute of Educational Research under the leadership of Vasundhara Raje Scindia, the then Chief Minister of Rajasthan. The main emphasis was on slashing the contributions of Congress Leaders of the Independence Era, with no reference to Nehru, Sarojini Naidu, Madan Mohan Malviya, and others either.

The then Education Minister Vasudev Devnani carried forward the agenda of restructuring by making changes in the medieval history and the textbooks were re-written with focus on ‘Indian Culture’.

The Congress had severely criticized the decisions of the then ruling BJP and described its acts as “saffronisation of the education system”.



Those Rajputs are not happy with Congress in Rajasthan now.

Bhai don't you dare to say anything to our beloved General "Sam Manekshaw" don't you see my name in his memory. :D

This is a good step.

One of Sangh's biggest chutyapanti is historical revisionism.

Don't mess with kids.

Let them grow up and decide for themselves.

Cheers, Doc
This is a good step.

One of Sangh's biggest chutyapanti is historical revisionism.

Don't mess with kids.

Let them grow up and decide for themselves.

Cheers, Doc
Bhai pot calling kettle black. Lets get back to topic ..

Haryana analysis

BJP last time got 33.2% votes, this vote share has already decreased by at least 6%, so, I would say right now, BJP vote share in Haryana is maximum 27%. Congress+BL congress got 24% vote share last time, I can't think of a reason why it would go down from 24%, so, congress vote share is at minimum 25% right now, if I assume at least 1% vote share increase. INLD vote share last time was 24%, but, given that their most popular leader Dushyant is going to fight from a new party. This new party will probably named Jannayak Seva Dal, and is supposed to capture anywhere between 66%-88% of INLD vote share, and many people who voted for BJP last time, might vote for Dushyant this time. But, some people who voted for INLD might vote for other parties as well. So, I would say Dushyant Chautala has somewhere between 15% and 25% of vote share, and INLD will have maximum 7.5% vote share. BSP has a minimum vote share of 5%, AAP has a minimum vote share of 10%. So, let me reiterate what I have stated, and then I will leave it to you to decide:

BJP - max 27%

Congress- Min 25%

Dushyant - min 15%, max 25%

AAP- minimum 10%


INLD- max 7.5%

BSP- min 5%, max 8%

Bhai pot calling kettle black. Lets get back to topic ..

Haryana analysis

BJP last time got 33.2% votes, this vote share has already decreased by at least 6%, so, I would say right now, BJP vote share in Haryana is maximum 27%. Congress+BL congress got 24% vote share last time, I can't think of a reason why it would go down from 24%, so, congress vote share is at minimum 25% right now, if I assume at least 1% vote share increase. INLD vote share last time was 24%, but, given that their most popular leader Dushyant is going to fight from a new party. This new party will probably named Jannayak Seva Dal, and is supposed to capture anywhere between 66%-88% of INLD vote share, and many people who voted for BJP last time, might vote for Dushyant this time. But, some people who voted for INLD might vote for other parties as well. So, I would say Dushyant Chautala has somewhere between 15% and 25% of vote share, and INLD will have maximum 7.5% vote share. BSP has a minimum vote share of 5%, AAP has a minimum vote share of 10%. So, let me reiterate what I have stated, and then I will leave it to you to decide:

BJP - max 27%

Congress- Min 25%

Dushyant - min 15%, max 25%

AAP- minimum 10%


INLD- max 7.5%

BSP- min 5%, max 8%

I only go so deep into my cycles and bikes to be honest.

I'm a people person.

Zameen par let ke aati hui rel ki khadkhadahat bhaanp leta hun.

Cheers, Doc
Waiting for the immortal words

Main Narendra Damodardas Modi Ishwar ki shapath leta hoon ....
Remind your jatbhai then which baniyas fought the mughals when your Rajput cousins gave up and left the maidan.

Remind your jatbhai then which microscopic baniya community sent ALL its young men into war with the Marathas in their Gujarat campaigns.

Am also sure neither of you need reminding which baniya led a Hindu army to break your bloodbrothers into two pieces.

Do you actually have Parsis living in jatland or are these old wives tales your khaps tell you?

Cheers, Doc
never said baniyas are not courageous enough :D.
Remind your jatbhai then which baniyas fought the mughals when your Rajput cousins gave up and left the maidan.

Remind your jatbhai then which microscopic baniya community sent ALL its young men into war with the Marathas in their Gujarat campaigns.

Am also sure neither of you need reminding which baniya led a Hindu army to break your bloodbrothers into two pieces.

Do you actually have Parsis living in jatland or are these old wives tales your khaps tell you?

Cheers, Doc

You don't hold back buddy, haha.

BTW, we were very honoured to host that "micro baniya" "blood-brother bifurcator" in the Nilgiri hills (my neck of the woods) for his retirement years...among the Gurkha veterans around him who kept an eternal vigil to his needs and banter.
You don't hold back buddy, haha.

BTW, we were very honoured to host that "micro baniya" "blood-brother bifurcator" in the Nilgiri hills (my neck of the woods) for his retirement years...among the Gurkha veterans around him who kept an eternal vigil to his needs and banter.

What a place that is man! Have you been there?

Surreal. Like nothing I've seen in India. And I'm a mountain boy.

Visited my late roomie and his then baby family there in 2004.

Love you Bhai ...

Cheers, Doc
What a place that is man! Have you been there?

Surreal. Like nothing I've seen in India. And I'm a mountain boy.

Visited my late roomie and his then baby family there in 2004.

Love you Bhai ...

Cheers, Doc

Heh..why you think I chose name "Nilgiri" here? Yes I have been plenty of times...having been born in "the" city right at its lower reaches (Coimbatore).

My dad himself was born right in a hamlet inside the Nilgiris (his dad RIP, worked at the hydro power company...and was a maintenance tech back then in newly independent India).

The presence of Nepalis/Gurkhas in the area predates ole Sam retiring there of course (though he helped augment it notably)...given the DSSC at wellington etc.

For example my mom told me long while back a few times...about the Gurkha night watchman of her neighbourhood (in Coimbatore itself) while she was growing up. He was veteran of all the wars, last one under Sam of course...and simply wanted to keep doing something/stay active after his own retirement...and mom always said nepali folk do not have any fear to do such job in the dead of night....clanking their batons on gate as they go by so you know they were keeping you safe....much like they did to keep the country safe.

The city has now grown to all proportions and squalor that I suppose you can't find the gentle cool presence of such people that much anymore....it was an earlier, simpler time.

About Sam, its little known how much his wife helped the schools and children in the area....and they were quite affectionate to the tribes that lived in the area too. A wizened old tribal "Sundakai" travelling-seller (its a kind of bitter berry used in sambhar etc) told me while he was resting on verandah (of that same house where my mom grew up) ....while my grandma went to find a proper measure, unlike what the gent had.... to bargain with...(and I was just a curious child on holiday)...that Sam-saab was a hero like no other in every sense....as much as I could understand from his heavy tribal dialect...and of course I didnt really know who Sam-Saab was till I asked my dad about it later.

These tribal folks dont do that kind of stuff anymore (lug produce from the hills to the city on their back)...they have long moved onto better less back breaking jobs (my grandpa always would kinda scold my grandma not to bargain with these folks too harshly) and even increasingly given up being proper tribals in first place ....so its another era thats gone in that sense too.

Anyway thats my nostalgic rant for the day. You weeded one out of me doc, well done.

@Joe Shearer @Vibrio (I know you dont like being tagged anymore, but you will enjoy this one) @jbgt90 @nair
I don’t understand why BJP is struggling? Modi has brought electricity for all, hygiene for all, roads, ports, bridges, development, banking, laws, etc. How much more do the voters want???
Heh..why you think I chose name "Nilgiri" here? Yes I have been plenty of times...having been born in "the" city right at its lower reaches (Coimbatore).

My dad himself was born right in a hamlet inside the Nilgiris (his dad RIP, worked at the hydro power company...and was a maintenance tech back then in newly independent India).

The presence of Nepalis/Gurkhas in the area predates ole Sam retiring there of course (though he helped augment it notably)...given the DSSC at wellington etc.

For example my mom told me long while back a few times...about the Gurkha night watchman of her neighbourhood (in Coimbatore itself) while she was growing up. He was veteran of all the wars, last one under Sam of course...and simply wanted to keep doing something/stay active after his own retirement...and mom always said nepali folk do not have any fear to do such job in the dead of night....clanking their batons on gate as they go by so you know they were keeping you safe....much like they did to keep the country safe.

The city has now grown to all proportions and squalor that I suppose you can't find the gentle cool presence of such people that much anymore....it was an earlier, simpler time.

About Sam, its little known how much his wife helped the schools and children in the area....and they were quite affectionate to the tribes that lived in the area too. A wizened old tribal "Sundakai" travelling-seller (its a kind of bitter berry used in sambhar etc) told me while he was resting on verandah (of that same house where my mom grew up) ....while my grandma went to find a proper measure, unlike what the gent had.... to bargain with...(and I was just a curious child on holiday)...that Sam-saab was a hero like no other in every sense....as much as I could understand from his heavy tribal dialect...and of course I didnt really know who Sam-Saab was till I asked my dad about it later.

These tribal folks dont do that kind of stuff anymore (lug produce from the hills to the city on their back)...they have long moved onto better less back breaking jobs (my grandpa always would kinda scold my grandma not to bargain with these folks too harshly) and even increasingly given up being proper tribals in first place ....so its another era thats gone in that sense too.

Anyway thats my nostalgic rant for the day. You weeded one out of me doc, well done.

@Joe Shearer @Vibrio (I know you dont like being tagged anymore, but you will enjoy this one) @jbgt90 @nair

Thanks for that share buddy. Beautiful. South India and the hills are just beautiful and lush in a way few places in India are. GoingGback to your beautiful long post which I keep promising to reply to but phone , time and Tokhme jan have conspired against, Parsis have been largely urban people for many generations now (nearly 8 in my dad's case and 11 in mom's).

So we miss this rich rural cultural tapestry and I envy you man. The rustic roots. And the culture.

Most of us get that in the small Parsi hamlets in Gujarat. But we go there as guests now. As religious tourists. For our annual pilgrimage sort of and to return to our roots. It's not home.

Fir me home is Jamshedpur. I get the same feelings there, even though it's a city now and not the town of my boyhood.

For us now Mumbai or Bombay is our Wellington. And the way it is changing, even that will soon no longer be there (the old buildings of our childhood at our grandparents).

You should treasure your culture. And never take it for granted.

Cheers, Doc
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