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Rest in peace. My heart goes to his family.

racism or Islamophobia.
Both often are the two sides of coin minted in hate. Islamaphobia is in fact thinly disguised racism. If every Muslim was Swede, blonde, blue eyed there would be no Islamaphobia. Fact is 19/20 Muslim is brown skinned is the feedstock for racism. In modern societies racism has been pushed underground - Islamaphobia is accepted vent for that. For example living through Irish Catholic terrorism through the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s I certainly never heard anybody talk of Catholicphobia even if almost every terrorist was a Catholic. Indeed the conflict was Catholics versus the Protestants.

The man's name is not Islamic.
So, Ali + Sher don't sound 'Islamic' to you? The guy's name would have been displayed as 'M.Alisher'. I would assume he was a Muslim and his hirsute face would reinforce that thinking. Of course only 'Manmeet' would correct my thinking but most Australians won't know that Manmeet is Sikh. This guy had by some quirk ended up with a full on Muslim surname. Maybe that cost him his life.

Sad and tragic.
This attack could have been due to a multitude of reasons. The news are saying the man was insane, that's happened here in the UK i.e. mentally unstable people that the system cannot look after anymore because of funding cuts, who have now been released on the streets. It could have been a jilted person from his own community e.g. a family feud, a fallout with a friend. Again using one recent example of in the UK, a Bengali Imam was stabbed to death on the street up North, and the Muslims online and elsewhere were up in arms, stating that it must be a racist attack. It was later found out it was a son of a congregation member who didn't like him. Of course there is also the racism factor.
I will say that Australia is one of the most tolerant nations on the planet and you'll large minority populations there now, and of all sorts. i have close family out there and have been at least half dozen times, and I'm planning to go out there this Summer.

By the way, RIP brother, I'm sorry this happened to you. My prayers for your family.
Indian love of white people and white country will never end....how bad they get treated. ......No place like motherland. Australia for Australian....they build there rule.
Thats a bit ironic coming from a Pakistani living in USA
Seems Australians hate Indians to core....want them out of Australia fast
Seems Australians hate Indians to core....want them out of Australia fast
That's like saying Pakistani's want Punjabi's out of Pakistan because they hate them to the core.
You are mixing Indian ethnicity and nationality.How do you throw an Australian out of Australia?
The thread is incomplete. Indians are not hated all over and not alone. Xenophobia along with the effect non-integrating immigrants have on society is hated. Indians are very well integrated into Canada the result of which is that no one hates them. On the other hand, Indians may not be liked in Australia due to the type of immigrants that came over there or just basic racism in Australia.

Pakistanis are hated much more in many countries such as Greece and the UK due to their constant engagement in crime and immigration fraud. Nigerians are frowned upon for Fraud in the US all over.

Again, type of exposure matters. In the early 90's the French could not get enough of Algerians and Islam; now they cant stand the idea of both.

You're so on point!
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