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Such incidents are common here & there in every country.Fact is doing Hula Hula over one attack & taking fun out of this may by our neighbor's new low but it's not uncommon as I have seen in New York & many such places where Pakistanis portray themselves as Indian to run away from social arse beating..


Dude .....I openly tell in pure white environment, when they ask me ...................I AM PAKISTAN. I never tag myself Indian. Even on the floor of 100s Indian consultant, I make sure they know me I am Pakistani. They know well anyway because from nowhere I look like Indian anyway....lolzzz
How many times have you stepped out of your country?
There are several cases to give examples..
Many a time in my case and in at least 7 major western and 4 Arabian countries along with 2 in the far east.

Out of the 7 western nations, almost all have anti-Pakistan views in the population.. some have it due to pre-existing detrimental effects the community has had on law and order; others have to do with terrorism. Many Arabs think both Indians and Pakistanis beneath them.. the Turks like both Indians and Pakistanis, and in the far east Indians have a generally more known image.

Take the US southern states and Indian & Pakistani populations there, most people are happy with the Indians who came in the 80's but not all like those who came under the H-1B programs and have tended to form isolated communities.
Others cite a resentment for the Pakistani community that arrived under loopholes and fake asylum papers; these people run only businesses and are generally seen living the same blue collar lifestyle for eons. They develop a reputation and it stays in the area until it changes due to changes within the community.

Australia on its own is a VERY racist environment due to the general isolation of the population for a long time and the effect of a perceived Chinese "invasion".

Back in the 18th and 19th century; arriving immigrants from Ireland and Germany were treated as outsiders and looked down upon by those already in the US.

Long story short, no impression is permanent. It depends upon circumstances and environment.
I didn't say all Pakistanis but ample examples of such cases are available either in social media or in ground..
Indian love of white people and white country will never end....how bad they get treated. ......No place like motherland. Australia for Australian....they build there rule.
That is a very narrow view. The Australians did not exist a few hundred years ago. The country whose location flag you and I display is as artificial as any of these colonial states. The US especially is the land of immigrants and the current xenophobia is just the fear of losing influence.. similar to what Sindhi nationalists displayed towards immigrants during 47.

I didn't say all Pakistanis but ample examples of such cases are available either in social media or in ground..
Absolutley, there are entire communities of Pakistanis that have created isolated hubs within the UK which are almost detached from the entire eco system in the UK. They are unwelcoming to any outsiders and essentially only use the UK system for its welfare systems whilst openly preaching hatred.

Does that mean that they represent the entire UK Pakistani populace?

There is an entire Indian community near to where I live that spawned out of the H-1B visas and who brought their entire families through a combination of immigration fraud and overstayed visa cases. They are frowned upon for it and hated for taking away jobs from the white population. Does that mean they represent all India or the entire mentality?
All that but there is something special about Australians hate against Indians, we don't hear about attacks on any other group in Australia than we hear about Indians.

The thread is incomplete. Indians are not hated all over and not alone. Xenophobia along with the effect non-integrating immigrants have on society is hated. Indians are very well integrated into Canada the result of which is that no one hates them. On the other hand, Indians may not be liked in Australia due to the type of immigrants that came over there or just basic racism in Australia.

Pakistanis are hated much more in many countries such as Greece and the UK due to their constant engagement in crime and immigration fraud. Nigerians are frowned upon for Fraud in the US all over.

Again, type of exposure matters. In the early 90's the French could not get enough of Algerians and Islam; now they cant stand the idea of both.
All that but there is something special about Australians hate against Indians, we don't hear about attacks on any other group in Australia than we hear about Indians.

Generally Indians and Pakistanis are bundled together in places like Australia. But the hate stems from a long existing issue of an influx of students during the late 90's and their effect on the job market in Australia. In addition, even through they are students; the effect of xenophobia among the local population can balloon after a few unpleasant encounters and perhaps the cultural impact of having such a large number of Indians over.

In either case, it is a case of both targeted xenophobia and media hype due to the nature of certain parts in India and ipso facto Indians to raise hue and cry over minor issues.

Take the current "killer clown" controversy.. it went just from a single prank to a ridiculous epidemic.
Most racist country =/= everyone is racist. No doubt a substantial population sure is along with a deep institutional racism against nonwhites. I will never step foot in that country
I'm not sure where you are going with this rant.

Australia is not the most racist country ever but that excuse has been used many times by caucasians before.
Who cares what "caucasian's" have to say! I'm more concerned about the fact that coppers and courts failed the community by letting that psycho loose.He could have killed more people if someone didn't help the passengers escape the inferno.
Most odd jobs are being done by indians so they get more exposure to violence at the hands of some drunk lunatics. Australia has very lax immigration laws which has caused an imbalance of job opportunities from white Australians to new immigrants like indians and Chinese. Australian are very demanding and aggressive about their rights whereas indians are docile and cooperative so they can work even underpaid jobs.

Second largest reason why indians face abuse is lifestyle and food. Many Australian consider indian curries too aromatic so sometimes even neighbours are seen swearing at them.
Most odd jobs are being done by indians so they get more exposure to violence at the hands of some drunk lunatics. Australia has very lax immigration laws which has caused an imbalance of job opportunities from white Australians to new immigrants like indians and Chinese. Australian are very demanding and aggressive about their rights whereas indians are docile and cooperative so they can work even underpaid jobs.

Second largest reason why indians face abuse is lifestyle and food. Many Australian consider indian curries too aromatic so sometimes even neighbours are seen swearing at them.
It's cause they have far right, ultra-nationalist, evangelical Christian, anti-abortion, and anti-immigration party ruling in centre..Burning someone is way beyond anything low.
Disgusting behaviour....
But i'm pretty sure he won't be responsible because of "mental illness".
Inspired by Pauline Hansen?
They'll create an APHS (Acute Pauline-Hansen Syndrome) to moralise any of such barbarian atrocities.....
Most racist country =/= everyone is racist. No doubt a substantial population sure is along with a deep institutional racism against nonwhites. I will never step foot in that country

Thank you a million times for doing us all that favor.. Stay the feck away

For all those jumping in the racial band wagon, Does it mention the the ethnicity of the person arrested for murder ? It could well be another Indian.. Btw South Asians are the most prejudiced people on earth, They discriminate on color, race, language, caste and social status on thier own people but the first to cry blue murder on racism.. Hypocrites
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Dude .....I openly tell in pure white environment, when they ask me ...................I AM PAKISTAN. I never tag myself Indian. Even on the floor of 100s Indian consultant, I make sure they know me I am Pakistani. They know well anyway because from nowhere I look like Indian anyway....lolzzz
If you look nothing like an Indian ,why do u have to make sure they dont mistake u for one?
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