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Indian officers killed in Occupied Kashmir

Analogies are never irrelevant Agnostic Muslim!!

Yes I saw that poll too!!
Here is my opinion: The poll just took the opinion of a few hundred people at max, and that too in the middle of muslim dominated Srinagar.
Now here is what I feel: The reporter obviously went around asking if the people want "azadi". Obviously the people are disgruntled with the present state of affairs, so they simply replied "yes, why not??" .

Azadi is a really evocative word isn't it?? You ask anyone if they want "azadi", they will surely agree if they are fed up with the current state of affairs!!

It wasn't a "reporter" who conducted and managed the poll. If you cannot even bother to find out which organizations were involved, and what the actual processes were, then I there is no point discussing anything here. You might as well come up to me and say "in my opinion, the transformers live on Mars!". Some factual basis to your "opinions" about the poll to invalidate it please. By the way, most polls are conducted with small sample sizes, and Pakistan has been asking for a "full sample" (plebiscite) to be taken for a long time.

Firstly, Pakistan never took the Balochistan issue to the UN. If they had, surely the UN would have delivered the same verdict!!
They never had to, because as you say, the territory is not disputed by 2 established states.

That is why your analogy is irrelevant, not to mention based on false premises. Again, please validate your premise that there is a "freedom movement" supported by a majority of the residents of those regions, before building your analogy on those premises.

Well if the need be....and if I am jobless enough....I'll try to get some info on the web and put it up.

Thank you.

No we won't!! The Indian union only comprises the territories in the present day India. Nothing more.
It is not wishful thinking my friend....Kashmir already is part of the Indian Union!!

Funny, I could swear that the territory is marked as disputed per the United Nations and on the official map of almost every country of the world. That fact does make the claim of "part of the Indian Union" seem like wishful thinking.
Mod's - could we please start editing out all these unsubstantiated allegations of "freedom movements" in FATA, NWFP and Baluchistan. I would not mind discussing them in their own thread, but right now those comments are hijacking almost every discussion. I have been to three threads this morning where these allegations have completely thrown off the discussion.
87% Kashmiris want Independence. Even more want freedom from India if you combine those that want to become part of Pakistan.

who gave you that figure anyways ??? Musharraf or ISI or Jang newspaper ???
a referendum was never done ,, and to know the wishes of the entire state would be conducting a huge exercise which has never ben done ....

also that figure you have privided is pure BS because about 40 % of Jammu and Kashmir residents participate in Elections and they are exercising their franchise which means they want to STAY with INDIA and determine their future through politicians selected by them ,,,

as much as you would like to think/say that the elections are not free & fair ,,,, Farooq Abdullah **did** get booted out of the govt.

do one thing ,, when you have free time ,,, come to a visit to India .... and visit Jammu and Kashmir ,,, just have a word with locals and see what they say ,,,,

we already have business friends in Kasmir who are Kashmiri muslims ,,,, they had invited us over to their place and i was in kashmir for around 2 weeks ....

i had chats with so many people right from our drivers to boat house owners ,, dry fruit merchants and shikara operators ....

all of them say they are really keen on cashing in on the economic recovery created by the re opening of tourism ,,,, all they do is curse the militants ,,,, coz it hurts business a great deal ... Jammu and Kashmir has GREAT poitential fo making BIG money if the militancy completely stops ,,, but the vested interests in militant groups will never let that happen and in the process they are hurting the kashmiris only .....

one thing i have to agree ,,, before i went to kashmir ,, i felt that people of J&K would be quite okay and pleased with farooq abdullah govt.
on talking to most of the people ,, they had real unsavoury words for him !!!!many of them uttered cuss word upon the mere mention of his name ,,,,

and i guess that was reflected real well @ the elections where the Kashmiri voter turn out was the highest in recent times and they ousted Farooq Abdullah and got in Mehbooba Muftis party ,,,,

and teh people are quite content with them ....

What are you talking about!!! Why should the Kashmiris agree to being raped in exchange for some degree mills?

another quote without any basis to it .....

infact them Kashmiris are making the most out of facilities provided to them ,, the list that i have provided *IS NOT* exhaustive ,,, they are many more Universities and colleges ,,,, and all of them are running @ 100 % occupancy ,,, the people who do not get admisions there are migrating to other parts of India to get decent education and make a living ...

most of them have realised that their holy jihad against the Indian army or the Indian govt is going to give them a bloodied death and they really dont believe in the concept of them getting hold of beautiful virgins in jannat once they become shaheed ,,,,

they'd prefer to contribute to the economy ,, make money and make heaven for them right here on this planet while being ALIVE ,,,, and not shot dead for anti national acts ....and yeah ,,, also getting them real virgins instead of the ones promised to them after they are martyred !!!
However, there was a powerful uprising which was brutally suppressed!! Do I really need to start a new thread to prove this??
Yes. Final warning for thread crapping.
Mod's - could we please start editing out all these unsubstantiated allegations of "freedom movements" in FATA, NWFP and Baluchistan. I would not mind discussing them in their own thread, but right now those comments are hijacking almost every discussion. I have been to three threads this morning where these allegations have completely thrown off the discussion.
I hear you. Henceforth ignore all non-Kashmir or topic related discussions in this forum and report post when someone deviates.

This is a CORE forum of Defence.pk. It's seriousness shall be maintained.
I hear you. Henceforth ignore all non-Kashmir or topic related discussions in this forum and report post when someone deviates.

This is a CORE forum of Defence.pk. It's seriousness shall be maintained.

Asim can you start a new thread with the above digressions ?
Beacuse of our fight against the Terrorism for making the world a safe place to live..

Pakistan fighting for world peace. Pakistan fighting for Kashmiri cause. very noble!!!

These terrorists whom you are fighting has mentioned even Kashmir struggle as a just one.

3. Now Finally please have some sharam Bull Kashmir is totaly different case and the entire world knows it..

Yes its totally different case, thats what Idia has been saying. Its part of a unique ' thousand cuts policy' employed by Pakistan.

I wonder you did not mentioned Palestine.BTW what you say about Palestine .

The most useless people. Will never gain anything from their oppressors Israel/Fatah/Hamas.

:lol: Bull in major cities we have units of aviation having gunships, fighter jets and artillery depending upon the location and strategic importance of the area.

We also have MKI is pune, but we dont use that on our soverign land. PA has used artillery, fighter jets, gunships in more than one occassion.
We also have MKI is pune, but we dont use that on our soverign land. PA has used artillery, fighter jets, gunships in more than one occassion.

I thought I just gave a general warning on deviating from Kashmir or topic related discussions on this thread.
I thought I just gave a general warning on deviating from Kashmir or topic related discussions on this thread.

I posted it before i saw it. I reply to the first post first and then the last one.
ok Mods that is much sensble to cut craps.

@ Stealth if you are intrested why dont you open instead of asking Asim to do so.

No, I meant just cut and paste all the posts which diverted from the topic into a new thread!!

Sheesh...thats what I meant by "digressions"...cool off people!!
ok Mods that is much sensble to cut craps.

@ Stealth if you are intrested why dont you open instead of asking Asim to do so.

Because Asim alone knows where the 'crap' lies!

He is better versed since he knows the rules!
We also have MKI is pune, but we dont use that on our soverign land. PA has used artillery, fighter jets, gunships in more than one occassion.

So what? We like to do it more efficiently and cleanly compared to you. We make use of gunships and jets when we feel like, and I'm pretty sure you Indians would have done the same in Kashmir had the valley not been completely choked by a half a million of your own soldiers! And lets face it, you guys made use of pretty much every heavy weapon you had in Kargil and everyone knows that Pakistan's NLI were not the only ones fighting there...in fact far from it.

I dont know why but Indians consistantly display pictures of dead resistance members, I dont think its morally or technically allowed as per the Geneva Conventions either. If they say they do it for reasons of 'posterity' then funny how I dont see pictures of dead Indian officers and soldiers who die at pretty much an equal rate.
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