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Indian Ocean Peaceful Geo-Political Pivot Or Contentious Source of Hedging

Agreed, but what you explain above, you contradict it later. Real-politik played between nations does not differentiate between local and non-local conflicts or disagreements. It is the national interests which take precedence. Obviously one does not expect China to fore-go their national interests for Pakistan or any other country - neither Pakistan should expect it to. Both have to compromise on some and may agree to disagree on others, and if larger interests collude, the collusion can be furthered. :)

Pakistan - China co-relation as two sovereign nations is a classic example of how nations should co-exist and enhance their friendship. This despite the spatial and economic difference between the two.
You need to read the Art of War to know the CCP's actions and their reasons to so darlingly assist you. You are simply a safe highway for them to pass through straight into middle east for their goods. You are a lane that connects them to rest of Asia and open an alternative route to Malacca Straits and create an export and supply line. Compared to what you are getting right now, their plans are massive. And you're just in the same juncture what you and we were in cold war. Only this time, you're with a different supplier/ally than USA last time.

A nation such as yours engaged in multiple wars, gives China the perfect opportunity to put its creations to test. The more you use these weapons against say (for example), rebels in Balochistan and NWFP and succeed, the better prospects it is for Chinese arms industry.

For your information:

In Indian Occupied Kashmir, whereas Indian army has deployed 14, 15, 16 and 9 Corps' against Pakistan, only one infantry brigade and some ITBP battalions are deployed against China which is India's number one threat.

Irrespective of the facts you may continue to either feign ignorance or may deny it under the garb of secrecy - which is splashed all over the internet. :)
Apparently the only way a US-India alliance may confront a China-Pakistan alliance is when the Americans completely leave Afghanistan to the Taliban, also leave Pakistan and considerably reduce their interests in Central Asia - which then can only be approached either through Turkey or Georgia, and is a rather difficult proposition. This is not likely to happen for a very very long time and therefore, India with its strong army and navy will still not even remain a regional power.
Isi liye shining India ko Kiwi Shoe Polish laga ke chamka hi rehnay do :)

our primary aim is securing our maritime borders and ship routes coming to India so we can thwart any attempt of cutting our supplies through sea and an potential blockade against India.

we have vast maritime border and we are overdependent on sea, as 70% of our oil comes through sea

thus a strong, sophisticated and powerful navy is must for us and that's a reason IN, unlike its counterpart in west receives decent share in budget and is given proper attention

our secondary aim is increasing our naval dominance and remain capable of naval blockade against our enemies

we have the capacity of posing a naval blockade. Example> Blockade of Karachi in 1071 which was a critical blow to Pak economy

we are capable of doing power projection in Indian ocean since decades and our capability will only increase with newer platforms like P17 stealth frigates, P15 stealth destroyers, at least 2 new ACs, nearly dozen P8I ASW platforms and Arihant class SSBNs

The author makes some very interesting statements in this article, e.g. "Indian Navy which by 2015 is slated to become the 3rd largest two aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines navy in the world, would mainly remain a coercive force in being, providing anti-piracy support."

well, this article is true up to an extent

however with growing US-China rift and US focusing on Indian Ocean, there will be always a room for IN dominance

another reason will be our SSBNs, which will capable of launching K 4 and A 6 missiles with 3,500 KM and 6,000 KM range, while being hidden in Indian ocean or bay of Bengal;thus posing huge threat to our enemies in South Asia and IOR region
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