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Indian occupied Kashmir vs Azad Kashmir

What are you smoking???

More indians are moving to bangladesh than bangladeshis are moving to india. Why would bengalis move to india when the average bengali makes far more income??? Recent statistics have also validated that now more Indians are illegally migrating to Bangladesh than vice versa.

Now tell me how many indian immigrants moving to muslim countries? how many indians in oman, KSA, UAE, Kuwait, GCC= 8+ Million easily

How many indians moving to singapore/malaysia?? another million pretty easy

Hindus cant live with the fact that almost 0 muslims migrate to the slum known as india yet millions upon millions of hindus have migrated to muslim countries that to peacefully :D
Pagan hypocrisy at its finest, and 100% spot on.
What are you smoking???

More indians are moving to bangladesh than bangladeshis are moving to india. Why would bengalis move to india when the average bengali makes far more income??? Recent statistics have also validated that now more Indians are illegally migrating to Bangladesh than vice versa.

Now tell me how many indian immigrants moving to muslim countries? how many indians in oman, KSA, UAE, Kuwait, GCC= 8+ Million easily

How many indians moving to singapore/malaysia?? another million pretty easy

Hindus cant live with the fact that almost 0 muslims migrate to the slum known as india yet millions upon millions of hindus have migrated to muslim countries that to peacefully :D

Well said, the GCC is infested with hindoo tunnis, not to mention how many migrate every year to the US, Canada, Europe, Australia, etc.
If given the choice, most Kashmiris would prefer to have an independent state, free from both Pakistan and india. Pakistanis and indians are just as bad as each other, amply demonstrated by this thread, both of you deserve each other.
Given the chance most kashmiris will like to become khalifa of saudi arab , but that is simply impossible, same thing is here Kashmiris have to live in india , that is all .
obviously you are clueless about India. While the rest / most of the muslim countries are either in flames or econnomic and moral bankruptcy , India Muslims enjoy a relatively peaceful way of life. Frankly they probably are thankful that the nastier sections of muslims were ably fooled by jinnah and co to get out of India. Just look at your country and you will get the answer for your questions. Your military clergy politicians economists ....all are out begging for or bombing each other. Now you know you are the one that is turd.
very true , indian muslims are enjoying better lives in india .

Kashmir is a Muslim majority state it will be free because living alongside the Hindus is intolerable
Your dream will remain a dream only , shekh chilli ke hasin sapne .
Why does Imran Khan/Shehbaz Sharif insist on restoration of special status/article 370? I don't get this bit at all.

What changes for Pak or what does Pak think changes for Indian Kashmiris?
All for the show , if they don't show this brave front they will be termed as modi ka yaar and gaddar . Though whole pakistan knows such gimmicks are not going to make any effact on India policy .
Well said, the GCC is infested with hindoo tunnis, not to mention how many migrate every year to the US, Canada, Europe, Australia, etc.

Its crazy you have hindu nationalist complaining if muslim “migrants” aray are these migrants only in your imagination???

Literally 0 muslims from pakistan would want to or have migrated to hindustan

Only a few thousand afghans are in india. Mostly for education/medical reasons.

Most bangladeshis only travel to hindustan for tourism purposes. That to west bengal. The few migrants are mostly hindus who have families accross border. Almost no one migrates from BD to india for economic reasons. Yaar kya logic? The average Bangladeshi makes 50% more than average indian yet bengalis are going to india 🤣

I believe hindu pysch/brain takes their own insecurities and projects it onto others. Had PK not had a strict border control policy then millions if hindus would illegally invade as economic conditions for average pakistani is still muvh better than average indian.

Tens of millions of hindus migrate to muslim/christian countries yet look down on abrahamic faiths as “lower then dharmic worshippers”. Where are these imaginary muslim/christian illegals coming from? Who are these folks that would leave there 1-2nd world countries to settle in a crap hole???Its amazing they can twist reality to feed their pyscho minds.

Again this is a country which believes that they defeated pakistan in every single conflict yet until today, dont have control over all of kashmir, havnt been able to invade an inch of pakistan, dont have control of lahore (attempted in 65), dont have control of highest kargil peaks, and dont have even a single fighter jet kill (F16) in 2019 as claimed.

Fits the definitions of a Beggharat nation
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Why does Imran Khan/Shehbaz Sharif insist on restoration of special status/article 370? I don't get this bit at all.

What changes for Pak or what does Pak think changes for Indian Kashmiris?
The Pakistani POV is that your local Indian laws are not applicable or acceptable in a territory that is considered an international dispute. The reality is that Pakistan does not care about the local India laws and even the special status granted to IOK. However its revocation has implications for Kashmiris. Thus Pakistani stance.
1.There are zero programs of changing any demographics, if anything return of pundits to the state is repentance for sins of the past of incompetence of GoI.
2. If there was any such plan for diffusion of demographics, why would it be immoral? Kasmiris have complete freedom to seek employment and domicile in any part of India. They have complete equality of opportunity in every avenue of employment, education, enterprise.
1. Easily washed away under “past sins”
2. Sure - they do, that doesn’t take away the years of oppression and the use of this demographic change to force a plebiscite in India’s favor.

No matter how big the falsehood is or how often or by whom it is said, truth always prevails over lies.

Let them censor everyone. all that will be left is an echo chamber.
Said the Indian
India bashing in poor english, if anything you are true to the stereotype.
English is not my native/mother language.
It is surprising how always End-ians try to troll Pakistanis when they run out of arguments.
A bakhtora trying to boast about his English skills when 99% of End-ians themselves do not go beyond ''bobs'' and ''vegans''.
Now get back to the abyss from where you come from.

indian muslims are enjoying better lives in india .
Joke of the day.
English is not my native/mother language.
It is surprising how always End-ians try to troll Pakistanis when they run out of arguments.
A bakhtora trying to boast about his English skills when 99% of End-ians themselves do not go beyond ''bobs'' and ''vegans''.
Now get back to the abyss from where you come from.
there you go... back in your lane.
. Sure - they do, that doesn’t take away the years of oppression and the use of this demographic change to force a plebiscite in India’s favor.
There has been no scope for a Plebiscite post-65. Even if there is full diffusion of the citizenry, it would be for economic activity and not a plebiscite whose chances fizzled out by Pakistan invading the space in 65.

No, I put you back in your rightful place.
ooohh... I am soo hurt. an internet nincompoop called me names... How will I stop sobbing?
There has been no scope for a Plebiscite post-65. Even if there is full diffusion of the citizenry, it would be for economic activity and not a plebiscite whose chances fizzled out by Pakistan invading the space in 65.

ooohh... I am soo hurt. an internet nincompoop called me names... How will I stop sobbing?
Say your words without crying.
Do you say this because you love PDM? Absolutely hilarious when Indians try to pretend that Imran Khan was a blessing for them. He was your worst nightmare. We know why papa America had to remove Imran Khan with the help of the Pakistani army.

Since 90s PML, PPP, PTI and its leaders NZ, Bhutto’s and IK all are puppets of Establishment, they act as mouth piece of Army and any words from these puppets doesn’t make any difference to India. We moved forward since Agra summit, which was last time India & Pakistan came close for settling issues.

Welcome to PDF.


IK sold this figure and blind mullahs believed it straight away.


Logic dosent work with him. I too tried explaining him the same thing. IA has two corps in Kashmir, let's say there are 50,000-60,000 troops per corps, that's 100,000-120,000 troops, apart from that there are the 60 RR battalions with a combined strength of some 60,000 troops. So the combined strength of the army can't be more than 160,000-180,000 troops in Kashmir.

India is not in a state of disrepair or dysfunctionality like our neighbors.

you have missed BSF, J&K Police and RSS followers stationed in J&K :cheesy:

Why does Imran Khan/Shehbaz Sharif insist on restoration of special status/article 370? I don't get this bit at all.

Everyone knows present GoI will not roll back Article 370 and even power corridors of Pakistan knows it but still use it as a tactic, to divert attention from local issues

There has been no scope for a Plebiscite post-65. Even if there is full diffusion of the citizenry, it would be for economic activity and not a plebiscite whose chances fizzled out by Pakistan invading the space in 65.

ooohh... I am soo hurt. an internet nincompoop called me names... How will I stop sobbing?

Yes, Agra summit was also the last opportunity Pakistan to settle issues with India. They missed bus and now India not looking back and Pakistan trying to catch our attension
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