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Indian occupied Kashmir vs Azad Kashmir

I have a best idea - Pakistan must follow the UN resolution in pak kashmir including GB.

Once voting will be completed either will those people choose a new country or continue to be part of Pakistan then start a fresh movement against indian held kashmir... It will add more weight to pakistani points.

:D :tup:
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Few points

- The Indians complain about Kashmiri Pandits, sure some were killed by the Kashmiri militants (which shouldn’t have) but the majority were moved out by India’s ex PM with the promise that the militants will be sorted out and they repatriated back.

- Jammu was a muslim majority area. Check the history books on how the Maharaja’s cronies unleashed terror that forced Muslims to flee and the unfortunate ones to be murdered. Jammu today is a muslim minority region, if any left.

- Instrument of Accession has no legal value. The Maharaja had no right to sign the Instrument of Accession when the majority muslim state wanted to accede to Pakistan. (On the flip side were cases of Deccan and Junagadh) The Instrument of Accession document is reportedly ‘lost’ by Indian authorities as per last update.

- The UN sponsored plebiscite was agreed to by India and Pakistan. So first step is for both parties to agree to hold the plebiscite. India clearly rejects it now. Their argument is ‘atoot ang’.

- The sentiments of majority of Kashmiris is quite clear. That is why a good 600-700k Indian soldiers are stationed in Kashmir valley. They are not there to do philanthropic work. There have been scores of human right violations for a good 3-4 decades. That makes the Kashmiris dislike the Indians more.

- Modi’s plan is quite clear. He will try to amalgamate J&K into India proper, and change the demographics of the valley. This is a few decades project. The traitors (Abdullahs etc) who supported India during the early years have been sidelined by Modi. Good riddance.
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Kashmiris have "complete freedom in India" , EXCEPT to choose what they want, freedom from oppression, killings, tortures, stealing of their resources and few more.
I wonder what 8 lacs of armed forces are doing there?
hehe, Indian army has about 12 lac active personnel, you think 8 lac is in Kashmir ? if so, then you are in contention to be the next defense minister of Pakistan.
- The UN sponsored plebiscite was agreed to by India and Pakistan. So first step is for both parties to agree to hold the plebiscite. India clearly rejects it now. Their argument is ‘atoot ang’.
After Pakistan's actions in 1965, anyone expecting UNSC resolutions for Kashmir might need a bit of a reality check.
Of course their is a conclusion,, it's completion of partition of India

How the hell are hundreds of millions of Indian Muslims or Sikhs or Christians supposed to live with Hindu extremists
India is there from thousands of years , and it will last beyond pakistan .Your love for indian minorities is appreciable , but what you are doing with pakistani minorities in the name of islamic state is well known to the world .recently a ahmadi mosque was vandalised by the mob which was claiming to demolishing the minarets of ahmadi mosque by order of court .mob justice of pakistan against minorities is world famous .on the other hand indian state gives full rights to minorities they become president , cm, chief justice, governor , chief secretary .
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Stick to the topic.

Babri mosque destruction and Ahmadi mosque destruction had 1 very important distinction.

One was co sponsored by the now PM, his party and it’s goons. While the latter destruction was done by the locals who were extremists.
hehe, Indian army has about 12 lac active personnel, you think 8 lac is in Kashmir ? if so, then you are in contention to be the next defense minister of Pakistan.
You know dude same thing was said by another stupid bhaktora in this forum somewhere and when I proved my figures from the Indian sources he vanished in thin air.
I will suggest you to do some research about your own country and then open your mouth.
And also recheck active figures of your total armed forces.

You know dude same thing was said by another stupid bhaktora in this forum somewhere and when I proved my figures from the Indian sources he vanished in thin air.
I will suggest you to do some research about your own country and then open your mouth.
And also recheck active figures of your total armed forces.
Lol, I'm here, you still weren't able to prove me wrong. I gave you a breakdown of forces in Kashmir including all formations deployed there. You kept on saying " I know better since I'm kashmiri" that was the only argument you presented, no credible facts or sources backed up your claim. After all this time I'm still waiting for you to present a credible argument
Well done India. Well done. After rallying support for your wretched cause for decades you have managed to weaken Pakistan economically and politically. Of course with a great deal of help from Uncle Sam and your Western partners. Additionally, the Pakistani army also became a useful ally for India when Imran Khan was removed from power. Today with PDM in power, India can simply walk over Pakistan and even start their BS retake Kashmir campaign. No one to question nor highlight Modi's terror campaign.

The Indians are lucky. The Pakistani people and it's leaders are nowhere to be found. It is a lost cause.

PS. Do you know what certain mods on this forum do? LOL They ban Pakistani cricitics on this forum to sleep well at night. They would rather have Indians discuss the future of AJK than have Pakistani members question which direction Pakistan is heading. Well done patriotic moderators. Well done. The apple doesn't fall from the tree.
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