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Indian Obsession with Pakistan

Anchor: Modi hejra kaisy bana?
BJP minister: Pakistan ny laat maari thi.
The irony of a petty TV Channel conducting a program on a mere political party of a neighbor itself talks clear and loud about who is obsessed with whom. LOL :lol::lol::lol:
The irony of a petty TV Channel conducting a program on a mere political party of a neighbor itself talks clear and loud about who is obsessed with whom. LOL :lol::lol::lol:

The mere act of making a video that proves Indian obsession with Pakistan doesn't prove obsession of Pakistan with India. It's like saying that just because someone wrote an expose on corruption means that person is corrupt. But the following does prove obsession - coming right from the top..

Congress is responsible for creation of Pakistan, says Narendra Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday held Congress responsible for the creation of Pakistan.

Addressing a poll rally at Ausa town in Latur district of Maharashtra, Modi appeared to be treading sensitive ground by asking first-time voters to dedicate their votes to those who carried out the Balakot air strike.

”Can your first vote be dedicated to those who carried out air strike,” Modi said, appealing to first-time voters.

”Had Congress leaders acted wisely during the pre- independence era, this Pakistan would not have born,” Modi said.

Modi said the Congress party's manifesto speaks the same language as that of Pakistan.

He accused the Congress and its ally NCP of standing with those who want a separate Prime Minister for Jammu and Kashmir.

Modi was referring to National Conference leader Omar Abdullah's remark in this connection.

Hitting out at NCP chief Sharad Pawar on the issue, Modi asked if it behoved the Maratha strongman to join forces with the parties holding such a view.

Prime Minister Modi alleged that Opposition parties were questioning the valour of the security forces after the terror attack in Pulwama.

Speaking about the manifesto, he said the party was committed to national security and farmers' welfare among other issues.

”Your trust is my biggest accomplishment in last five years,” Modi told the crowd.

He said his objective is to rid India of Naxal and Maoist menace.

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