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Indian nuclear forces, 2020

For Balakot type strikes, Mirage 2ks and Sukhoi 30 MKIs will be preferred over Rafale which is a Multi-Role jet.
What if we want to do a ground attack on one of your installation!! There's no point in getting a Rafale airborne from Central India and expecting to accomplish the task on a short notice
Given how long they have been producing them, the fissile material available and readily being updated and that they need a credible deterrent against both Pakistan and China, it is foolish to assume the number of warheads they have, is less than at least a few multiples of the figures being mentioned in the article.

I would guess both Pakistanis and Indians use more fissile material per warhead that the "big five" because lack of testing and wanting at least 20kt yeild per weapon. French had M31 pure fission warhead what had 120kt yield and weight over 700kg and some sources claim it used up to 70-100kg plutonium to get that yield... that could explain why Agni warheads are so heavy and large.

Another problem is that both countries really only tested fission weapons with varying results.

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