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Indian Navy will be deployed in South china sea to protect ONGC Assets

@sinochallenger you think our ships are juicy targets in south china vietnaam sea? (i think its every asian country sea and not china sea) Well i think chinese ships are more juicy when they pass by indian ocean.... The big daddy controls indian ocean. The big daddy is indian navy.... 90percent of china's supply passes by.... Will your country live on 10percent supply?.... is thats what scaring the sh1T outta china?....
lol, there will be no such thing as the Sino-Indo naval battle, but there will be a live fire exercise for the PLAN.

We will see how long it will take us to sink the entire Indian Navy. :coffee:

lol another one in a long line of chest thumpers. lets talk when PLAN actually sinks an IN ship.
China has right to destroy any ship in its territory like Israel did against Turkish freedom flotilla.

In fact, this is only another empty talk from India, and we should not take it seriously. :coffee:

Most of us engaged into this discussion only for fun.
@sinochallenger you think our ships are juicy targets in south china vietnaam sea? (i think its every asian country sea and not china sea) Well i think chinese ships are more juicy when they pass by indian ocean.... The big daddy controls indian ocean. The big daddy is indian navy.... 90percent of china's supply passes by.... Will your country live on 10percent supply?.... is thats what scaring the sh1T outta china?....

99% of the commercial ships in the world have a Panamanian flag. You have no idea where each is going. You can't selectively block the ones bound for China.
In fact, this is only another empty talk from India, and we should not take it seriously. :coffee:

Most of us engaged into this discussion only for fun.

i agree on this. china shouldn't be taking it seriously. India is in SCS purely for commercial reasons and we are justified to provide security to our assets.
We don't need to forget that Indian armed forces chiefs are of kiddish mentality and they always in search of cheap popularity. Indian Navy is another media hyped item if you show little aggression the Indians will ran away thats what happened few months ago during piracy missions between Pak-Ind navy ships. :lol:

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any navy worth its salt will deem that action foolhardy...
and plenty of PK members condemned that unprofessional behaviour as well.

there wasn't any reason for you to bring PN in the discussion, but now that you have, may I remind you IN has a far better operational history than PN.
@sinochallenger dont be a little boy. You been posting same link in every thread.... isn't that thread been busted.... Were those killed soldiers ORPHAN? Where are their familys? Do you think india is china where media has no rights?.... If even a single soldier shot at the reply would be massive. After all we control china's supplies. Putting a imaginary link you think you can fool around?.... China aint got nuts down there to take action against india. infact just 2 days ago our defence minister said china got calmed from august and didnt tried to cross border. He said china got the hint that india rappidly upgrading our army and china backed off. Be ready to get surrownded.... Our next target is to cut myanmar from china. America on it with the help of india.... By the way have u forgot 1971 russia moved 40 division to chinese border? Get ready for that again. When world moves closer china aint got anywhere to hide.... You people really loves chest thumping.... This time around you aint got anyone to fight world.... No country would help u. And stop saying world war III because its world against cheap junk china. Just pakistan would help u and no one....
@sinochallenger are you lyrical? You been big fan of that false flagger.... By the way boy who are they to confirm it? Defence minister of india?.... Stop acting like a boy and bring the fact and proof. By the way mods should take note of false flaggers. Pak was number 1 in that but it seems china took over.... May be they just loves tricolor more then red boring color....
We don't need to forget that Indian armed forces chiefs are of kiddish mentality and they always in search of cheap popularity. Indian Navy is another media hyped item if you show little aggression the Indians will ran away thats what happened few months ago during piracy missions between Pak-Ind navy ships. :lol:

PN looks like bunch of somalian pirates on dinghy shouthing Allah hu Akbar as if eager to meet their 72's in the watery grave like osama .babur sholud have thaked his day that indian navy didnt reply to bunch to deranged sailor.
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@sinochallenger whose the one dreaming here? Where are the dead bodies of soldiers? AINT YOUR CHINA KILLED IT? Why are they hiding it than??? Grow up boy. Talk like a man. What is this POVERTY THING? Eh? Yet again?.... That all you got boy? Poverty, IQ, 1962. Time to grow up and face the facts. For us indians chinese people are prisioners who aint got guts to go against communist goverment.... You people have a life that depended on mercy of your goverment. The day you people stand up and face your goverment would be the day when world will declare chinese males as real men.... The only chinese i know who got bigger b*lls then all chinese was the 'TANK MAN'. Sadly you people are cowards who don't have guts to even take on anyone from goverment. All you people take is COMMANDS and obeys them like slaves. Why would you people. Saying brits rule india for 200years and made indians slave. Aint china was slave for 850 years? Thats big achievment boy. Yet again china proved quantity (this time in years).... You like talking about 1962. What about tiny nation japan did in ur country? Don't you like to hear that boy?.... Get a life....
If the Indian govt keeps their voice silent like this, then it is definitely quite possible that PLA has humiliated them again by inflicting some massive casualty to their army.

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