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Indian Navy to lease 2nd Akula-class submarine - Iribis


Feb 24, 2012
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India and Russia are to shortly begin negotiations on the lease of a second
nuclear attack submarine for the Indian Navy. The second boat likely to be the
completed might be Iribis, an Akula that was only half constructed but abandoned
as a result of paucity of funds.

The recently leased Akula class submarine - INS Chakra II, currently in service
with the Navy’s eastern fleet has been on nearly non-stop patrol since its induction
in April last year, and the Navy is reported to be very satisfied with its capabilities
and performance.

Tentatively christened INS Chakra III, the new submarine will be another advanced
variant of the Akula class submarines that are capable of spending months under
water. It is likely to be equipped with more lethal weaponry, including a vertically
launched Brahmos missile system.

The submarine is to be reconstructed around the hull of the Iribis, a Russian
Akula class submarine that was never completed as funds became scarce in
the late nineties. Vladimir Dorofeev, head of the Malachite Design Bureau, said
that the new submarine could also benefit from the design efforts that Russia
had put in its latest class of Yasen nuclear-powered attack submarines.

Source: Indian Navy to lease second Akula-class submarine - Iribis

So 2nd SSN will be slightly different from the first one?
Seems to be a logical extension of the Nuclear Submarine Operations program of the IN. Who knows: by the time S2 and S3 line up for induction in the ATV project; a third Akula may be considered. That is likely then to serve as a template for India's SSN line. The interesting part of the report above is the availability of Yasen features for incorporation in to the Iribis during its completion.
Yeah, russians will deliver it after 2025. :cheesy: . After paying twice the amont they are asking now.
Well; there is nobody else that will build one for you. Don't lose sight of that.

seems to me that russians complained about all money going to US and israel, so GoI just gave one project to them which they cant deliver. :cheesy:
we should have learnt the lesson and bought their used working product or built it outself under their supervision and guidance.
But is there any option of extending the lease of akula 1? ( i mean after completion of 10 years)
Well; there is nobody else that will build one for you. Don't lose sight of that.

It makes sense, the Arihant is undergoing harbor acceptance trials last we checked- the next news we will probably hear is of the reactor going critical and sea trials. But our resources in this area are limited- our main aim is to get a proper SSBN at sea and under our command- we cannot concuently develop an attack sub at the same time. So we build the SSBN and lease the attack boats from the Russians for the time being. It fits.
But last time when we leased we gave it back after 10 years right?

It's not necessary that the same rules apply in this deal too.

Back then we may not had the money to buy a nuke-sub.
seems to me that russians complained about all money going to US and israel, so GoI just gave one project to them which they cant deliver. :cheesy:
we should have learnt the lesson and bought their used working product or built it outself under their supervision and guidance.

You are still quite naive. The Russian Navy needs every combattant that they can complete; considering that they are desperately trying to rebuild their own fleet. Building in India within the same time-frame now is impossible considering the bottle-necked yards. So the only thing is to buy out an unfinished Boat that the Russians cannot afford to complete. That is the only way that the IN can keep its expansion plans on track.

Neither the USA or Israel or anybody else is offering a SSN to India. BTW; do research the UK's experience with building the HMS Astute, wrt to cost and time over-runs. Even that will be a revelation. :)
But last time when we leased we gave it back after 10 years right?

That Sub was leased to primarily get a "hands-on experience" of Nuclear Subs. Which could then be used in the Arihant Project. But that Charlie Class Sub did not really meet the IN's requirements. Therefore it was returned even before the Lease ran out.

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