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Indian Navy receives second P8I

Boeing is very very punctual and delivering the air crafts without any price hike..
Now look at Sukhoi's FGFA project .. :hitwall: ....

Anyway, P-8I 's will surely boost our Naval capabilities ... :cheers:

Moot comparison! The one a plain imported aircraft with no technical gain for Indian industry, only some basic parts or techs that will be produced in India.
The other maybe the most advanced NG fighter, co-owned, produced in India, customised according to our needs, with ToT of critical parts...

Always funny to see the praise P8I, C17, C130J, Apache or Chinnok deals get, while the once that are really important for India (wrt to Indian security and industrial gain) are Brahmos, FGFA, MTA, Nerpa SSN, help for Arihant SSBN, Israels support in radar and missile developments, European licence productions with critical ToT and co-developments, or Israeli and European support to our indigenous projects, where the US constantly denied us any assistance, or even blocked countries to help! 
However the US offers enough offsets/ToT to secure deals like AH-64E, P-8I and CH-47F.

They are not offering, the Indian government is demanding offsets and ToT is not part of simple imports like P8I..., only in licence productions and that's where the US offers constantly fail to seal a deal, because their offers are simply not worth it, with the alternatives we have.
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