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Indian Navy : Other Ops - HADR, NEO, MIO, PSO, MRSO

The Indian Navy isn't the nodal SAR agency in India(just like the USN isn't for the US), that is the Indian Coast Guard. It is te ICG that will follow a UCG-like model in the future.

The situation is a bit complicated in the US

US Navy responsible for anything outside US territorial water (as per Posse Comitatus Act) thus the US Navy is by default the nodal SAR agency for US once out of US Territories. And anything within the 12nm US Border would be the job for the Coast Guard.

That created a unique position where the USN and USCG have duplicated capability. While most Civilian Search and Rescue will be in the hand of USCG in general regardless of being above or under the 12nm limit. (Since USCG, unlike most other coast guard, have sea-going capability) However, the USN, although traditionally does not carry out Civilian Search and Rescue at sea, they did not cease the capability and hand the job to the Coast Guard.

Result is actually quite funny, The USN AIRR (Aviation Rescue Swimmer) having basically the same job and training as with USCG rescue swimmer, however, USN continue to pump out new AIRRs and even their jobs have been basically all but completely taken over by the USCG rescue swimming at sea (above or below the 12 nm limit) and USAF PJ on land. This branch, til today, remains........

Hehe, this is the story :)
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