Well we dont follow NPT as we havnt signed it NPT violation wasnt the case in our side. The nuke proliferation, its possible recovery by terrorists and radicals was thrown at us, since irani government is a radical one at least accepted in the west. They have been maligning our name ever since in that.
We lost more in that front then yr indian friends could ever do for u.
Also the tech we had at the time wasnt even a sophisticated one itself as ours was also usually borrowed from china or stolen from western countries. What we gave u was something u HAD ACCEPTED TOO in a time even none in the world was willing to help u. But at that time india had a very good infrastructure and still has, then why didnt u sought their help instead of our crappy centrifuges of 1948 design and contaminated ones?
Why it was that u came knocking at our door in the first place? u surely could have asked indians didnt u, who r yr brothers in arms?
This is the main question answer if u have GUTS!