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Indian Muslims rising up!

you think a six year old will talk like that in real?

I am not aware of it but since thread starter is known for his religious bigotry n hatreds for non Muslim, I will have to give heeds to what he posts .....
UP has more than 40% Muslims. Muslim vote got split that's the reason you won. Next time around only MIM will capture muslim votes and we will win.
you call hindus devisive and yet roam in packs to vote for islamic morons and except secularism from hindus !

one can freely show hate here for yehudi , hindu , buddhist etc and obviously for athiests ! this forum is run by half talibani mentality people !
Just wait and watch how many seats MIM wins in the future.

and they having won elections will...

1. remove interest-based loans when??

2. allow islami rights to ladies to select their own man when??

india has the highest number of mosques in the world... 100,000+... and therefore it is the indian muslim, especially the modern indian muslim of the last twenty years, who has been the ideologue of every criminal "muslim" gang in the world, be it qaeda or ikhwaan or hizb ut tahrir... these have western support and indian ideology.

mujhaidind, what have you contributed to humanity??

jamal abdul nasser was right in banning loudspeakers in mosques... real muslims don't need mosques... prayers are not why the mongols adopted islam or why alexander pushkin was drawn to islam.

those who want to only pray and oppress have other indian religions to convert to.
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One guy holding a mike and screaming loudly qualifies as "Indian muslims rising"? If one applies the same logic, then calling the entire muslim community as terrorists will be justified too.

Some immature members bringing religion into everything and the usual group trying to justify the creation of their country by portraying India as a inhospitable place for muslims :hitwall:
They already have many rights. Your flawed perspective doesn't matter.

you didn't reply to point# 1.

below is asma, wife of syrian president, bashar al-assad... how do you think "muslim" females from mumbra or mangalore look like...

below is asma, wife of syrian president, bashar al-assad... how do you think "muslim" females from mumbra or mangalore look like...
She isn't Muslim. You aren't allowed to look at somebody else wife and fantasize about her.

Females who wear burqas are true muslim.

One guy holding a mike and screaming loudly qualifies as "Indian muslims rising"? If one applies the same logic, then calling the entire muslim community as terrorists will be justified too.

Some immature members bringing religion into everything and the usual group trying to justify the creation of their country by portraying India as a inhospitable place for muslims
We are labelled as terrorists by non-Muslims in India and all over the non-Muslim world. Why should you care about kuffar thinks about you?

Indian Muslim have had it enough.
She isn't Muslim. You aren't allowed to look at somebody else wife and fantasize about her.

Females who wear burqas are true muslim.

We are labelled as terrorists by non-Muslims in India and all over the non-Muslim world. Why should you care about kuffar thinks about you?

Indian Muslim have had it enough.

People like you are a disgrace to Islam and any other religion. You see merely see Islam as a reason to bolster your ego. You are ready to talk loudly against the few people who offend Islam but conveniently forgets the millions of others who see us as their brothers.

Every religion teaches you to love, but nutjobs like you are the ones who degrades it to become a tool hurt others.
It was all expected when you have extremist govt in power.
She isn't Muslim. You aren't allowed to look at somebody else wife and fantasize about her.

Females who wear burqas are true muslim.

you have unnatural attitude... most muslims on this forum do not share anything with you, even the saudi and irani members.

are these your friends...


Indian Muslim have had it enough.

what is your plan of action?? and you still haven't replied to my point# 1.
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