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Indian Muslim killed for eating meat

lol yes yes UP and bihar are outside from india don't judge india by what is happening there :yahoo:

Well OBL was a Muslim and ISIS is run by Muslims....That does not mean that all Muslims are terrorist... Please understand you cannot compare a few with the rest and brand them the same....
Of Course Chin dude .It is quite weird.
Fact is I dont have any problem even if both Bengalis and Keralites have some bodybuild and facial structure .
But reality is quite different.In fact I would say we have same dress styles
And all of this happens because you are passing comments in here without an iota of knowledge about Kerala.
That is why I dragged Chin theory in here.I know there is a lots of other people in NE .And you are also seem offended when I call you 'Chin '?What happened?:D Chins are also human right ?
Northern and NE people still need a long way to go to teach us about civilisation .We dont attack other people in the name of religion ,caste,creed or tribes in your case .

You dont need to go anywhere.Ask some Arabs in GCC .They can easily understand Keralites and Indians from other parts of India.
I dont give a shit about Han or Tibetan Chinese.

Again I repeat remove that Indian flag if you ave an iota of shame.
Again the copycat responses:D
Where in my posts did you get the whiff that I was offended.I neither posted clarifications nor links about height differences between various oriental people like you did.That alone should show how offended or rather how not offended I was.
You didn't use Chin to refer to a specific tribe but rather out of your own ignorance used it as blanket term for all orientals.Now you wish to backtrack,but are hard pressed to do so.:P

LOL,Civilised and you guys?You guys are a tad better than Indians up north but can't compare to us especially south tibetans.
Since you seem so adamant I dare you to find a case of mass tribal killings in south tibet.I can easily find them aboput kerala-between various castes and religions particularly muslims vs Hindu.

As I said Sreekumar,copycat comebacks can only give you so much mileage.You will still be behind me as you always were.
Reason i'm kind of an atheist. GOD bless me.:D
Atheists are Hindus.
Dude go check the definition of an Atheist. A religious person always sits at the far end of atheism.
Hinduism does not see world as flat but as a circle or sphere and there lies the difference. Hence, the ends that you are alluding to actually become one & the same.

Let's see other examples,

Hinduism defines time in yugas which are cyclic in nature (Satya-Treta-Dwapara-Kali-Satya)

Hinduism defines life as cycle of birth-life-death-rebirth. Hindus worship this in the form of trinity - Brahma representing Birth, Vishnu the life and Shiva the death.

In short, Hindus see and worship everything in this universe, as everything is considered the manifestation of god in one form or the other.

Couple of questions:

Does Judaism recognize Christianity?

Does Christianity recognize Islam?

Does Islam recognize Ahmadis?

These questions do not arise in Hinduism as Hinduism recognizes everyone and everything as being manifestation of god.

The phrase "Aham Brahmasmi" (I am god myself- I am in all and all are in me) which is foundational thought actually represents the full spectrum of states from being Unconsciousness to full consciousness. Every Hindu aspires to get to that state of full consciousness. Being an Atheist is one of those states .

Good, whatever lets you sleep well at night.

Hope that comment gave you happiness.

From what i can see you are confusing atheists with spirtual people. Atheists believe in nothing. Like i said have a detailed look about what is an atheist.

No there is no confusion.

Does any other religion recognize atheists?

Atheists may not believe in God but Hinduism recognizes Atheists.

In fact Hinduism recognizes all religions and atheists.

Hence, Hinduism is called Sanatana-Dharma meaning Universal truth.

Do you think people in US care about what's happening in the world? For most part world starts and ends with US. You hardly get any world news coverage on any of the US news channels. People are fed with their daily dose of paparazzi and kept ignorant from the happenings in the world. There is some method to this madness.

Why is it so that in case of a wrongdoing in Pakistan every one cares and when something happens in India, you people come up with this weak argument. I know Kim Kardashian's bottom will have more viewers than a Dalit been beaten to death in India. Does this very fact acquit people from killing someone for eating meat. I find your logic extremely lame.
there was an other news a "Hindu man was killed by mullahs just because he married their daughter". Is Hindu's life that cheap.What will you do if someone try to put posters of Muhammad in streets of Pakistan,Can you give me guarantee that no one from Pakistan even a single mob will not touch that man.Even in that USA people get killed just because they are black or white without committing anything against any religion or person so they do not have much scope for criticizing.The incident was wrong and should be investigated and guilty should be punished.

I have not said anything in support or against people eating beef in India, I personally would have concern about hurting people sentiments by eating beef...beside i love goat meat :)
I was only mentioning it because of Rock star treatment Modi got in US of A by shaking hands with Face book Executive.
Why is it so that in case of a wrongdoing in Pakistan every one cares and when something happens in India, you people come up with this weak argument. I know Kim Kardashian's bottom will have more viewers than a Dalit been beaten to death in India. Does this very fact acquit people from killing someone for eating meat. I find your logic extremely lame.

My response was limited to the fact that a US newspaper suddenly getting interested in World news.

I never condoned this act itself. In fact I unequivocally condemn this act. These actions are bound to have reactions. Hope people get enlightened sooner than later.
Again the copycat responses:D
Where in my posts did you get the whiff that I was offended.I neither posted clarifications nor links about height differences between various oriental people like you did.That alone should show how offended or rather how not offended I was.
You didn't use Chin to refer to a specific tribe but rather out of your own ignorance used it as blanket term for all orientals.Now you wish to backtrack,but are hard pressed to do so.:P

LOL,Civilised and you guys?You guys are a tad better than Indians up north but can't compare to us especially south tibetans.
Since you seem so adamant I dare you to find a case of mass tribal killings in south tibet.I can easily find them aboput kerala-between various castes and religions particularly muslims vs Hindu.

As I said Sreekumar,copycat comebacks can only give you so much mileage.You will still be behind me as you always were.

Copycat response ?Really
All I needis a few clicks in google ,you can find entirehistory and geography of NE in your screen.I can find a lots about tribal division and ethnic realities of NE through a neutral perspective even IF I want .
Do you want links ?
You are the one blindly demonstrated ignorance in here by comparing our facial structure and complexion and body building blah blah .Right ?
Any moron can pass blind allegations against anyone.I dont do that but I will try to correct dumbheads .If they are dumb enough in a way that cant even understand basic facts then I would leave it there.

South Tibetans ??Then for the F sake remove my nation flag.
Undeveloped mountanious NE are still a long way to compare us Keralites both in HDI and state development.And remember our prosperity is our own effort .We dont have any special scheme from Centre to force money in to our throat.

Oriental or Chin ?For me both are same both are humans .
And you are nothing mr specially developed chinny dude .
Copycat response ?Really
All I needis a few clicks in google ,you can find entirehistory and geography of NE in your screen.I can find a lots about tribal division and ethnic realities of NE through a neutral perspective even IF I want .
Do you want links ?
You are the one blindly demonstrated ignorance in here by comparing our facial structure and complexion and body building blah blah .Right ?
Any moron can pass blind allegations against anyone.I dont do that but I will try to correct dumbheads .If they are dumb enough in a way that cant even understand basic facts then I would leave it there.

South Tibetans ??Then for the F sake remove my nation flag.
Undeveloped mountanious NE are still a long way to compare us Keralites both in HDI and state development.And remember our prosperity is our own effort .We dont have any special scheme from Centre to force money in to our throat.

Oriental or Chin ?For me both are same both are humans .
And you are nothing mr specially developed chinny dude .
Why not vacate my land if you are so distressed by the flags?:cheesy:

BTW,even now you are just on copycat mode,feigning disinterest now to boot when a few posts back you were eager to do so.So please,do show me some posts on tribal riots in ST or even nagalim in the past half century and how many died in them.

PPS-Please don't post about Assam they are your distant kin aka dravidians.
Why not vacate my land if you are so distressed by the flags?:cheesy:

BTW,even now you are just on copycat mode,feigning disinterest now to boot when a few posts back you were eager to do so.So please,do show me some posts on tribal riots in ST or even nagalim in the past half century and how many died in them.

PPS-Please don't post about Assam they are your distant kin aka dravidians.
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dont bother about our kins,,,u belong to a very insignificant tribe of NE,,,with nothing whatsoever to show,,so
What has that to do with the non-discussion that is going on?I mean can you assamese ever not behave like jumping jacks?
Your state is behind Bangladesh in income levels.Geez and the airs.
What has that to do with the non-discussion that is going on?I mean can you assamese ever not behave like jumping jacks?
Your state is behind Bangladesh in income levels.Geez and the airs.

You should realize that India is not in your interests.
Umm..I do.So do my people.Before India got formed tbh.

To live on conditional freedom, is no freedom at all. If you think your people can deal with Indian mainstream agenda and get what you want, then you are as delusional as the Kashmiris.
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