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Indian Muslim killed for eating meat

This incident happened in UP; one of the few uncivilized places in India along with bihar...plz don't judge India by what is happening there.
That '1 of the few uncivilised place in India' has a population greater than Brazil.So it's a bit foolish not to use them as a benchmark for most Indians.
Add to that India truly is like this all over,a bit milder here a bit more extremist there but the general attitude is the same.The whole of North India is like this,ditto East India,western coast,west India and nowadays even South India is inching to it.Only kerala and the colonies are relatively free:partay:

Frankly speaking,reality is completely opposite to what you try to convey.
That '1 of the few uncivilised place in India' has a population greater than Brazil.So it's a bit foolish not to use them as a benchmark for most Indians.
Add to that India truly is like this all over,a bit milder here a bit more extremist there but the general attitude is the same.The whole of North India is like this,ditto East India,western coast,west India and nowadays even South India is inching to it.Only kerala and the colonies are relatively free:partay:

Frankly speaking,reality is completely opposite to what you try to convey.
Believe whatever you want to...
I am an Indian and am more rightly placed to have the knowledge of ground realities here.
Imagine living under constant fear of being attacked if you're Muslim. This is worse than MQM reign in Karachi. Pretending to be more Hindu to appease your peers. Pathetic.

Things like this make me glad Pakistan was made.
Believe whatever you want to...
I am an Indian and am more rightly placed to have the knowledge of ground realities here.
Sure,your argument is that the entire world's media-that includes your country's as well BTW- is false but the "lone anonymous Indian warrior to defend motherland's honour" brigade is right?

That a man was lynched to death by a mob in the most heavily populated province in India (Population greater than Brazil) and that province sends the maximum members of parliament of your union.But still your fairy tale of "progressive India" is correct and the world is wrong?
That 80% of your populace is hindu and most hindus support measures against meat consumption particularly beef and yet we are supposed to believe your fairy tale utopia?

The argument of "I am of xyz nationality so I know more" may apply for places still cut off from the world or where the world has a hard time looking in and understanding like PRC but not India.
RIP to those who were killed to save cow. These cows eventually smuggle to Pakistan or export their meat. India earn dollar, not the poor Muslim, who gave their lives...................
Oh the hypocrisy in shining India :lol::lol:

Undercover Investigation Reveals Horrors in India's Dairy Industry | Take Action | PETAIndia.com - 1

PETA India's recent undercover investigation of several dairy farms revealed shocking cruelty to cows and buffaloes. Tabelas – animal factories with no provisions for health care or animal welfare – are steadily replacing small family farms.

Buffaloes in Delhi's main dairy facility stand knee-deep in foul-smelling excrement, suffering from skin infections, foot disease and other illnesses. Garbage is piled up everywhere. Drainage, electricity and designated waste disposal sites are lacking.

In Mumbai, calves are tightly tethered on short ropes in order to prevent them from reaching their mothers, but in their struggle to get free, they often become entangled in the ropes and strangle themselves. One dairy owner reported that half the calves die shortly after birth.

Cows are beaten into submission and artificially inseminated so that they will keep producing milk. Although this practice should be performed by trained professionals, most cows are repeatedly inseminated by "barefoot healers" who ignore the most basic hygienic standards and use equipment that has not been sterilised, exposing cows to infections and diseases.
Most of a cow's day is spent confined to a narrow, filthy stall. Cows are injected with Oxytocin, an illegal drug that causes them to produce unnaturally large quantities of milk and suffer severe stomach cramps as though they were in labour. Cows are impregnated repeatedly. They grieve for every calf they deliver who is ripped away a few days after birth. Cows often develop mastitis – an infection of the udders – from rough handling and rumen acidosis from unwholesome food.

Other abuses documented by PETA's investigator include:

  • Calves were tethered with short chains, often without any shelter.
  • Workers kicked buffaloes to make them stand. Injured animals were hit with sticks and pulled by their tails.
  • Bleeding buffaloes were denied veterinary care.
  • Animals were covered in their own faeces.
  • Animals lived among heaps of garbage.
  • Drinking water was filthy.
Sure,your argument is that the entire world's media-that includes your country's as well BTW- is false but the "lone anonymous Indian warrior to defend motherland's honour" brigade is right?

That a man was lynched to death by a mob in the most heavily populated province in India (Population greater than Brazil) and that province sends the maximum members of parliament of your union.But still your fairy tale of "progressive India" is correct and the world is wrong?
That 80% of your populace is hindu and most hindus support measures against meat consumption particularly beef and yet we are supposed to believe your fairy tale utopia?

The argument of "I am of xyz nationality so I know more" may apply for places still cut off from the world or where the world has a hard time looking in and understanding like PRC but not India.
You just want a reason to criticise india and you are latching on to it.. India is one of the biggest exporters of beef..if Indians are really that concerned about cows and buffaloes why would they sell them to Muslim butchers in the first place? Many Hindus sell their cattle off once they become old...our corrupt media is blowing things out of proportion to present bjp in bad light
Another thing is this man in the news might well have been killed for some other reason than that of eating beef...media is acting irresponsibly.
You just want a reason to criticise india and you are latching on to it.. India is one of the biggest exporters of beef..if Indians are really that concerned about cows and buffaloes why would they sell them to Muslim butchers in the first place? Many Hindus sell their cattle off once they become old...our corrupt media is blowing things out of proportion to present bjp in bad light
Another thing is this man in the news might well have been killed for some other reason than that of eating beef...media is acting irresponsibly.
Umm,because money is a greater lure than religion?After all,religion runs for money as well ( how else do you explain those mind numbing gold and cash donations to stone idols).
Exporting buffalo meat and leather nets some forex for India to balance it's account and trade imbalances.Without jumping for every penny of forex they could get India would suffer immensely as the cost of it's imports would crush it's currency and hence it's economy.

The media just displays what is factual and sells.The man was killed on the allegation and suspicion of beef eating and the supposed proof was some meat in the victim's fridge ( which later turned out to be mutton).The mob did lynch him to satisfy their bigotry against beef consumption.Even if it was a case of personal rivalry,the issue used to enrage the mob was "beef" and hence was the reason of his death.

So tell me,if Indians did not have a problem with beef-

1-Why there is a ban on beef in so many states of north and now Maharashtra?
2-Why the Government is mulling a union wide band on beef and leaders of the ruling party threatening those who eat beef to stop or go to Pakistan?Even though in Kerala and to a lesser extent in many parts of South India Beef consumption is tolerated and in it's NE colonies,it has been the staple meat for the populace
3-Why trucks transporting cattle are burned down by mobs in India on accusation of "cow slaughter"?

and on and on...
Umm,because money is a greater lure than religion?After all,religion runs for money as well ( how else do you explain those mind numbing gold and cash donations to stone idols).
Exporting buffalo meat and leather nets some forex for India to balance it's account and trade imbalances.Without jumping for every penny of forex they could get India would suffer immensely as the cost of it's imports would crush it's currency and hence it's economy.

The media just displays what is factual and sells.The man was killed on the allegation and suspicion of beef eating and the supposed proof was some meat in the victim's fridge ( which later turned out to be mutton).The mob did lynch him to satisfy their bigotry against beef consumption.Even if it was a case of personal rivalry,the issue used to enrage the mob was "beef" and hence was the reason of his death.

So tell me,if Indians did not have a problem with beef-

1-Why there is a ban on beef in so many states of north and now Maharashtra?
2-Why the Government is mulling a union wide band on beef and leaders of the ruling party threatening those who eat beef to stop or go to Pakistan?Even though in Kerala and to a lesser extent in many parts of South India Beef consumption is tolerated and in it's NE colonies,it has been the staple meat for the populace
3-Why trucks transporting cattle are burned down by mobs in India on accusation of "cow slaughter"?

and on and on...
You haven't answered my question...why would Hindus sell off their cattle to Muslims knowing fully well what is going to happen to them?
There are some remote villages in Hindi belt where cow is considered too sacred to be killed..except for those areas Hindus generally don't mind Muslims or dalits killing cow or buffalo
You haven't answered my question...why would Hindus sell off their cattle to Muslims knowing fully well what is going to happen to them?
There are some remote villages in Hindi belt where cow is considered too sacred to be killed..except for those areas Hindus generally don't mind Muslims or dalits killing cow or buffalo
:cheesy:But I did.Those who sell their (too old cattle) are from the bottom rung of society and compromise with their ideals if and when faced with a crushing need for cash.Even that is not common due to social backlash of religious zealots and hence you see stray cattle on Indian roads who were abandoned by their owners.

After all,if what you try to portray was true or even common place-one wouldn't see so many stray cows on Indian roads as their owners would have preferred the cash by selling them instead of a zero gain by releasing them.

The part in bold is so ironic and oxymoronic tbh.Why?
It is on a thread about a man lynched to death for alleged beef consumption.The person was not a hindu and the place of incidence seems to a small town and hence qualifies as an urban area.Go figure.
:cheesy:But I did.Those who sell their (too old cattle) are from the bottom rung of society and compromise with their ideals if and when faced with a crushing need for cash.Even that is not common due to social backlash of religious zealots and hence you see stray cattle on Indian roads who were abandoned by their owners.

After all,if what you try to portray was true or even common place-one wouldn't see so many stray cows on Indian roads as their owners would have preferred the cash by selling them instead of a zero gain by releasing them.

The part in bold is so ironic and oxymoronic tbh.Why?
It is on a thread about a man lynched to death for alleged beef consumption.The person was not a hindu and the place of incidence seems to a small town and hence qualifies as an urban area.Go figure.
Your wish..you are adamant on not listening or seeing the truth..I can't help you
The truth?It hardly exists.All we can do is collect facts and then build a view of things.
Hard to do when one side seems hell bent on ignoring facts.Then proceeds to peddle opinions as "truths"

Just curious, how many states in India has meat ban now? Is this a going-trend that India is heading after Modi took power? Are they imposing Hindu on minorities as well? Hard to believe, this is 21 century, and some parts of India is like in the mid-century.
Just curious, how many states in India has meat ban now? Is this a going-trend that India is heading after Modi took power? Are they imposing Hindu on minorities as well? Hard to believe, this is 21 century, and some parts of India is like in the mid-century.
No state has beef ban in practice...only Maharashtra has it on paper.
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