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Indian Muslim Defence Strategy against hindutva extremism in India


May 29, 2012
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United Kingdom
Ok this is a post to formulate ideas on the best way Indian Muslims can defend themselves against hindutva extremism, mob attacks like Gujarat, police attack etc

I request we leave politics, we told you SO's, Jinnah was right etc on the sidelines and think of pure practicality
I also state that asking Indian Muslims to bow down and accept hindutva extremism over them is unacceptable

Any pissi comments from Indians are also not welcome unless they are about how Indian Muslims can practically defend themselves

Some starting thoughts

1- Even 100 jackles can bring down a lion, Indian Muslims need defendable areas of majority, in too many places in India they are isolated communities which can be targeted by hindutva
Thus they need to think and move closer to each other and form areas of majority
They still might be outnumbered but if they can form some serious numbers they can have the ability to defend against attack

2- They need weapons - Guns-
Guns are difficult to find in India, but it's important to get them
Nothing will create more panic in hindutva mobs trying to attack a Muslim locality then gun shots being fired into a crowd, A whole mob could be dispersed if they see mob members start falling

Other weapons Knives, bats, sticks anything and everything needs to be collected for any eventuality
Both in Gujarat and in UP recently the Police were a arm of Hindutva extremism and cannot be trusted, they work hand in hand with the mob to target Muslims
They will go into a Muslim locality before tensions to harm, demoralise and TO DISARM MUSLIMS AND CONFISCATE WEAPONS

Thus weapons need to be well hidden and dispersed
Common items such as large kitchen knives, heavy sticks, anything that can be used in a emergency need to be at hand

3 - Defence or attack is nothing without ORGANISATION a Muslim response to the RSS needs to be set up
An organisation that can rally, train, organise Muslims into a unit and in times of attack fight back and form it's own' mobs

4- Don't trust the Police, State or Army just like in Gujarat they will be your worst enemy
Not only will they not defend you, they will actively seek to harm you
They will lead mobs to you
They will try to disarm you
They will partake in violence, rape and murder against you
The state will just call you rioters and condemn you
In short, a pan India political movement of Indian Muslims needs to be started now to defend Muslim rights, provide lawyers, finances to Muslims in distress and provide political support when they are targeted

Any other practical ideas,
Good weapons
And we must stop taunting them... compassion is better

This is important

The urge of iToldYouism is strong, because Bengali, afghani and Indian Muslims combined to try and attack Pakistan and the idea of Pakistan
The Indian Muslims are somewhat muted now for obvious reasons
But Bengali and afghani dogs are still barking but that's a separate issue and we will deal with them
Thus they need to think and move closer to each other and form areas of majority

It's called a ghetto. Muslims in India are already pushed into ghettos all over the country. But as we are seeing now, even living close together is no longer safe as the police itself is now getting into the pogroms.

They need weapons - Guns

It will eventually get to that. But 80% vs 14% simply isn't doable.

Short answer - There isn't much that Indian Muslims can do about this menace. It's up to the Hindus. And I am not particularly hopeful.
Ok this is a post to formulate ideas on the best way Indian Muslims can defend themselves against hindutva extremism, mob attacks like Gujarat, police attack etc

I request we leave politics, we told you SO's, Jinnah was right etc on the sidelines and think of pure practicality
I also state that asking Indian Muslims to bow down and accept hindutva extremism over them is unacceptable

Any pissi comments from Indians are also not welcome unless they are about how Indian Muslims can practically defend themselves

Some starting thoughts

1- Even 100 jackles can bring down a lion, Indian Muslims need defendable areas of majority, in too many places in India they are isolated communities which can be targeted by hindutva
Thus they need to think and move closer to each other and form areas of majority
They still might be outnumbered but if they can form some serious numbers they can have the ability to defend against attack

2- They need weapons - Guns-
Guns are difficult to find in India, but it's important to get them
Nothing will create more panic in hindutva mobs trying to attack a Muslim locality then gun shots being fired into a crowd, A whole mob could be dispersed if they see mob members start falling

Other weapons Knives, bats, sticks anything and everything needs to be collected for any eventuality
Both in Gujarat and in UP recently the Police were a arm of Hindutva extremism and cannot be trusted, they work hand in hand with the mob to target Muslims
They will go into a Muslim locality before tensions to harm, demoralise and TO DISARM MUSLIMS AND CONFISCATE WEAPONS

Thus weapons need to be well hidden and dispersed
Common items such as large kitchen knives, heavy sticks, anything that can be used in a emergency need to be at hand

3 - Defence or attack is nothing without ORGANISATION a Muslim response to the RSS needs to be set up
An organisation that can rally, train, organise Muslims into a unit and in times of attack fight back and form it's own' mobs

4- Don't trust the Police, State or Army just like in Gujarat they will be your worst enemy
Not only will they not defend you, they will actively seek to harm you
They will lead mobs to you
They will try to disarm you
They will partake in violence, rape and murder against you
The state will just call you rioters and condemn you
In short, a pan India political movement of Indian Muslims needs to be started now to defend Muslim rights, provide lawyers, finances to Muslims in distress and provide political support when they are targeted

Any other practical ideas,
Good weapons
The most important is the number 1 step.
Muslims living in a hindu dominated area must relocate to an area with higher percentage of Muslim population.
As guns are hard to procure in India, Muslims should start to learn how to make homemade explosives.These can be made even by using simple everyday items at home so it'll be easier than getting guns.The psychological effect of a bomb exploding at a mob will be significantly greater.

When the Indian Muslims seriously start resisting, ISI should help them covertly by training Indian Muslim youth & supplying them with weapons & knowhow to make at least crude bombs & other weapons.

Above all, Indian Muslims MUST understand the existential threat they face with sanghi India & grow a spine.
Believe in Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, & start fighting for your existence & the right to live with dignity. Victory Insha'Allah will be yours.

It will eventually get to that. But 80% vs 14% simply isn't doable.

Short answer - There isn't much that Indian Muslims can do about this menace. It's up to the Hindus. And I am not particularly hopeful.
We Muslims have faced worse odds before, and by the grace of the Almighty have emerged victorious.
And they won't be alone in this struggle.
Ok this is a post to formulate ideas on the best way Indian Muslims can defend themselves against hindutva extremism, mob attacks like Gujarat, police attack etc

I request we leave politics, we told you SO's, Jinnah was right etc on the sidelines and think of pure practicality
I also state that asking Indian Muslims to bow down and accept hindutva extremism over them is unacceptable

Any pissi comments from Indians are also not welcome unless they are about how Indian Muslims can practically defend themselves

Some starting thoughts

1- Even 100 jackles can bring down a lion, Indian Muslims need defendable areas of majority, in too many places in India they are isolated communities which can be targeted by hindutva
Thus they need to think and move closer to each other and form areas of majority
They still might be outnumbered but if they can form some serious numbers they can have the ability to defend against attack

2- They need weapons - Guns-
Guns are difficult to find in India, but it's important to get them
Nothing will create more panic in hindutva mobs trying to attack a Muslim locality then gun shots being fired into a crowd, A whole mob could be dispersed if they see mob members start falling

Other weapons Knives, bats, sticks anything and everything needs to be collected for any eventuality
Both in Gujarat and in UP recently the Police were a arm of Hindutva extremism and cannot be trusted, they work hand in hand with the mob to target Muslims
They will go into a Muslim locality before tensions to harm, demoralise and TO DISARM MUSLIMS AND CONFISCATE WEAPONS

Thus weapons need to be well hidden and dispersed
Common items such as large kitchen knives, heavy sticks, anything that can be used in a emergency need to be at hand

3 - Defence or attack is nothing without ORGANISATION a Muslim response to the RSS needs to be set up
An organisation that can rally, train, organise Muslims into a unit and in times of attack fight back and form it's own' mobs

4- Don't trust the Police, State or Army just like in Gujarat they will be your worst enemy
Not only will they not defend you, they will actively seek to harm you
They will lead mobs to you
They will try to disarm you
They will partake in violence, rape and murder against you
The state will just call you rioters and condemn you
In short, a pan India political movement of Indian Muslims needs to be started now to defend Muslim rights, provide lawyers, finances to Muslims in distress and provide political support when they are targeted

Any other practical ideas,
Good weapons

We are Pakistanis. How can we speak for Indian Muslims? Ask them what they want to do, and trust me you won't be happy with it.

@AfrazulMandal do tell.
any rise of Hindutva will affect its neighbour so we should be concerned.. also for human rights violation but we mustn't stain Indian muslims struggle a Pak tag. As some African said to Bhutto by pointing towards a massive grave yard ' when you can bury that much people you can liberate Kashmir'
However, if there is anything.. we should armed Kashmiri, as it is our land.
Sikh community + Muslim community together can achieve freedom
A vitally important discussion to be had. Muslims of Hindustan must rise up if only to assure the safety of their children.

Quite simply, get guns somehow, and get ready.
Sikh community + Muslim community together can achieve freedom

The gulf between Sikh and the Muslims permanently widened in 1947.....The only way Muslims can secure their future in India is to take around 20-25 percent of Hindus into confidence...around 40 percent Hindus have some form of sympathy towards Hindutva as they feel they are under siege and have a genuine existential fear and disdain of Ghazwa-e-Hind...This feeling is the strongest from Punjab till Bihar and significantly weakening Bengal onwards...There is no anti-muslim animus in the South except in and around Hyderabad

the middle one-third of Hindus are neutral, non-chalant,sitting on the fence

and for 25 percent of Hindus, India starts at the stroke of the mid night hour on August 15th,1947

This section of Hindus are already very sympathetic to Muslims and are the best hopes for Muslims of India

India and by extension Hindus have a sacred reverence for the electoral process..if they feel Modi is not delivering on the economy and just doing dramebaazi, hindus will vote him out..gujarati hindus voted BJP out of the centre in 2004.

If Muslims decide to stress on the Islamic identity of the struggle then I am afraid their fate would be the same as that of the Kurds in turkey .They would in turn lose the support of devout but still sympathetic-to-muslims Hindus like Shashi Tharoor .and the Kurds in Turkey have a much better coherent compact identity dense geographical position...but even after 100 years they have not carved out a country out of atatürk's turkey

so I do not see how EITHER India OR Pakistan splitting in the next 100 years, unless global catastrophe predicates disintegration of nation states world wide
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Ok this is a post to formulate ideas on the best way Indian Muslims can defend themselves against hindutva extremism, mob attacks like Gujarat, police attack etc

I request we leave politics, we told you SO's, Jinnah was right etc on the sidelines and think of pure practicality
I also state that asking Indian Muslims to bow down and accept hindutva extremism over them is unacceptable

Any pissi comments from Indians are also not welcome unless they are about how Indian Muslims can practically defend themselves

Some starting thoughts

1- Even 100 jackles can bring down a lion, Indian Muslims need defendable areas of majority, in too many places in India they are isolated communities which can be targeted by hindutva
Thus they need to think and move closer to each other and form areas of majority
They still might be outnumbered but if they can form some serious numbers they can have the ability to defend against attack

2- They need weapons - Guns-
Guns are difficult to find in India, but it's important to get them
Nothing will create more panic in hindutva mobs trying to attack a Muslim locality then gun shots being fired into a crowd, A whole mob could be dispersed if they see mob members start falling

Other weapons Knives, bats, sticks anything and everything needs to be collected for any eventuality
Both in Gujarat and in UP recently the Police were a arm of Hindutva extremism and cannot be trusted, they work hand in hand with the mob to target Muslims
They will go into a Muslim locality before tensions to harm, demoralise and TO DISARM MUSLIMS AND CONFISCATE WEAPONS

Thus weapons need to be well hidden and dispersed
Common items such as large kitchen knives, heavy sticks, anything that can be used in a emergency need to be at hand

3 - Defence or attack is nothing without ORGANISATION a Muslim response to the RSS needs to be set up
An organisation that can rally, train, organise Muslims into a unit and in times of attack fight back and form it's own' mobs

4- Don't trust the Police, State or Army just like in Gujarat they will be your worst enemy
Not only will they not defend you, they will actively seek to harm you
They will lead mobs to you
They will try to disarm you
They will partake in violence, rape and murder against you
The state will just call you rioters and condemn you
In short, a pan India political movement of Indian Muslims needs to be started now to defend Muslim rights, provide lawyers, finances to Muslims in distress and provide political support when they are targeted

Any other practical ideas,
Good weapons
Ideas are good. At the same time, local counter attacks on the enemy are necessary. Otherwise morale will suffer. There are many who have left Islam lamenting over the 'kya hoga hum logo ka'. Also, we should only buy from Muslim businesses and impose a complete boycott of all Hindu shops. In time, we should prepare for another day for Direct Action.

Sikh community + Muslim community together can achieve freedom
Lol. Sikhs of India are very very different from Sikhs of Canada. If there is a call given to kill Muslims, the Sikhs will be the first to respond here.
Indian Muslims first need to get rid of the current leaders, specially the religious ones.. They should identify one leader.. for all Muslims.. Is there any individual who could fill this gap?

OK suppose, there is no individual capable of leading Indian Muslims like how Muhammad Ali Jinnah did. They must start a campaign of connecting with each other on social media. Each one should be linked/ followed by thousands and thousands of followers.. They can start this campaign by advertisements in local news papers, online websites etc.. Continuously remind each other to follow any Indian Muslim they find online.

Share videos of communal riots and police brutality online.. The shared contents should become viral in no time.. Remember, Indian government has shut down mobile and internet services in Kashmir valley, it can't do shit in mainland India.. Each and every video should be sent to UNHRW and other related human rights organizations' social media profiles.. in thousands if not in hundreds of thousands..

Indian Muslims can't fight when their women and children are at home.. At one point, hindutva will enter your homes no matter how much resistance you put up... You guys need to start an armed resistance now.. Whole population need not to be involved in this fight.. only selected mujahids, who should leave their homes and start living in forests..

The moment your homes are attacked, you should attack police homes.. kill the bastards.. if they kill your women and children, you respond them in the same manner through armed guerrilla militia.. Sanghis are despicable but they are coward by nature... 25-50 major incidents will force the Hindus to start asking for mercy..

Remember what happened on 27th of Feb, how fast Indian government asked to cool down.. Most people think that it was Pakistan.. no it was Indian which wanted deescalation first.

Give free hand to your women and children to fight for their dignity.. whether they die in the process while you are away, or are arrested.. They should be able to throw acid, boiling water, boiling oil, Chili powder in the eyes and whatever is available..

I have heard that when police raided homes of Muslims recently, other Muslims in the neighborhood just didn't come out.. they waited for their turn only. This is a bad strategy..

Kashmiris are very few.. but how they fight Indian Army is just extraordinary.. Indian Army is much more powerful and if few Kashmiris can give hard time to them, why can't Indian Muslims kill the poorly trained Sanghis and their police gaurds?
Ok this is a post to formulate ideas on the best way Indian Muslims can defend themselves against hindutva extremism, mob attacks like Gujarat, police attack etc

I request we leave politics, we told you SO's, Jinnah was right etc on the sidelines and think of pure practicality
I also state that asking Indian Muslims to bow down and accept hindutva extremism over them is unacceptable

Any pissi comments from Indians are also not welcome unless they are about how Indian Muslims can practically defend themselves

Some starting thoughts

1- Even 100 jackles can bring down a lion, Indian Muslims need defendable areas of majority, in too many places in India they are isolated communities which can be targeted by hindutva
Thus they need to think and move closer to each other and form areas of majority
They still might be outnumbered but if they can form some serious numbers they can have the ability to defend against attack

2- They need weapons - Guns-
Guns are difficult to find in India, but it's important to get them
Nothing will create more panic in hindutva mobs trying to attack a Muslim locality then gun shots being fired into a crowd, A whole mob could be dispersed if they see mob members start falling

Other weapons Knives, bats, sticks anything and everything needs to be collected for any eventuality
Both in Gujarat and in UP recently the Police were a arm of Hindutva extremism and cannot be trusted, they work hand in hand with the mob to target Muslims
They will go into a Muslim locality before tensions to harm, demoralise and TO DISARM MUSLIMS AND CONFISCATE WEAPONS

Thus weapons need to be well hidden and dispersed
Common items such as large kitchen knives, heavy sticks, anything that can be used in a emergency need to be at hand

3 - Defence or attack is nothing without ORGANISATION a Muslim response to the RSS needs to be set up
An organisation that can rally, train, organise Muslims into a unit and in times of attack fight back and form it's own' mobs

4- Don't trust the Police, State or Army just like in Gujarat they will be your worst enemy
Not only will they not defend you, they will actively seek to harm you
They will lead mobs to you
They will try to disarm you
They will partake in violence, rape and murder against you
The state will just call you rioters and condemn you
In short, a pan India political movement of Indian Muslims needs to be started now to defend Muslim rights, provide lawyers, finances to Muslims in distress and provide political support when they are targeted

Any other practical ideas,
Good weapons

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