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Indian Muslim Cab Driver breaks down in NRC fear

Put the cowpiss cola down that you are drinking and read the article

LOL..... Why don't you prove me wrong :lol:

Your pathetic Media house is now shifted responsibility on a musician and has DELETED the video. :lol:

Funny that someone who sobbed about not being able to prove he’s indian has a drivers license without any of these documents :lol:

Your mental faculties are limited to ingestion of cow urine which by the way was rampant amongst your kind too. Cow urine in my culture, amongst other things, was used to prepare a special herbal ink in which many of our Assamese manuscripts were recorded. So every time you vile mouthed creatures bring up the topic, you are insulting our culture as well as our religion. That is something you people are really good at.
Why personal attacks?
That numbers keeps turning from 15% to 24% to 100,000,000% depending on which Indian you ask.

And you didn't address my point, you just pointed to a number. As if India is not electing butchers and murderers who have explicitly said they will target Muslim to the point of rape and death.
You cannot deny this, there are videos of BJP ministers saying things on camera.
This is the problem, Hintuvas like you think voting this people in gives them the right to target minorities to the point of genocide.

And why is "Muslim appeasement" such a bad thing?
Muslims are the lowest rung of Indian society, they are some of the poorest and most illiterate.
Yet you Hindus want to hurt them even more.
What does that say about you?

Pakistan was created because our founding father could see this coming.
If you guys didn't want Pakistan to happen, all you had to do was allow Muslims to live in peace without any ill will or harassment.

Again, you Hindutva do not understand what democracy means.
it's not Mob rule.
Even if Modi said "I will personally rape every Muslim child if you vote for me", it does not give him the right to do it.

Democracy is about human rights, justice and defense of minorities.
Not genocidal mob rule like in India.

When you talk to an Indian than you get this impression that everything is fine and dandy all over the shining Indian, minorities are living in peace and harmony with no fear of anything, they are not oppressed, rapped, tortured and abused. There is no discrimination regardless of your religions believe and nobody cares what you eat in dinner - beef or not.

However, these days world has changed thanks to social media and its nearly impossible to hide the trust. We all have seen what is going on in IoK not from days or weeks but from months. Internet is full with videos about the brutality occurred in Indian Gujarat and world witnessed mass murders of Muslims ( very similar to what has been going on in IoK, as we speak ). And now thanks to the "Bill" riots can be witnessed in all over India. Again, you and I might have believe what Indians are trying to sale here but this is not 60's/70's/80's anymore and we have access to the data.

Last but not the least, if everything is hunky dory in Indian, than why there are many separatist movements are popping out every now and then?

The bitter reality is, India is a land, where mob will beat one to death, will force one to eat pork if he sale or eats beef. Its a country where cows are more protected and respected than humans.
You must be one of those who takes absolute glee in the suffering of others. And that glee gets multiplied with the person suffering is a Muslim.
Only one's suffering in NE are the indigenous people by the rampant infiltration and crimes of the illegal miyas whose cause you are espousing by opposing NRC.
Very important INFO for all who were considered about CAA AND NRC AND INDIAN MUSLIMS...


Thread opened up again. Please, don't degenerate it into a troll fest. Thanks.

Please close it... it is based upon a fake propaganda...

Why personal attacks?

This CAB DRIVER was paid to ACT... Great acting... Offical entry of India SICKURALS for oscar... NEWS DELETED FROM WEBSITE... THE QUINT QUITS...


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