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Indian mosque bulldozed in defiance of high court order

How was it illegal ?

See post# 24.

Also, again, from the OP :

And what about the thousands of illegal Hindu temples in India that come up in parks, under trees and on footpaths ? Shouldn't those be removed ?

Besides, shouldn't Chief Minister Yogi be active in COVID management than be busy in his usual anti-Muslim tirades ?

What building codes was this mosque violating ?

I am not a mosque-going person but I must ask you that.

The Two Nation Theory was certainly adopted by the Pakistan Movement but it originated in the poisonous minds of the Hindutvadis. The Congress party leader Shashi Tharoor said this :

So don't be hasty in championing the TNT.

Here you go 5 Hindu temples (and 1 Mosque) demolished for a road in India.

..and another one. Hindu temple and Mosque moved to build road.

...and another one. 80 illegal Hindu temples demolished in Gujarat.

if possible can you provide be a link of reference so that I can read the dynamics on reasons behind TNT so that I am able to to make a informed response.

If you are talking about Shashi Tharoor's statement then the link can be opened by clicking on the word "this" in my prev post.

Here you go 5 Hindu temples (and 1 Mosque) demolished for a road in India.

..and another one. Hindu temple and Mosque moved to build road.

...and another one. 80 illegal Hindu temples demolished in Gujarat.

Am logging-off in a few minutes so will read your links tomorrow and reply then.
If you are talking about Shashi Tharoor's statement then the link can be opened by clicking on the word "this" in my prev post.
OK so according to you who drafted the TNT? and I can take the discussion forward after your response.
OK so according to you who drafted the TNT? and I can take the discussion forward after your response.

Well, I have to first understand the scope of your question. Right now I am logging-off. Will try to answer you tomorrow.


:omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:
The "Behold a beautiful sight" speaker Nancy Pelosi speak again.

Very entertaining. She usually speaks aloud to herself while we Asians laughed aloud.

In UNSC over Israel-Gaza, it is US versus 14 members.

:omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:
The places of worship of all non-Muslims in all Muslim states are protected under divine guarantee by Allah himself, unless they are a source of anti-state activities as is also the case with mosques. Best you first learn your religion before imposing it on others. Is it your religion though?
If you want to discuss this issue, we can dicuss it right here, right now but don't use your superior powers. stop this negative rating drama. Do you really think that God is saving religious places of people who worship idols? do you believe that god is protecting those places? do you know anything about islam? people who worship idols are known as mushriq in islam. Do you have any other definition? Are you seriously protecting them? liberalism must have a limit. I am not talking about all religions here. i am very specific. Hindu temples! do you believe god is protecting man made things which are worshipped by these people? I am not discussing people of book.
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US’s Pelosi calls on world leaders to boycott China 2022 Olympics

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi slammed China’s human rights violations against the Uighurs and other ethnic minorities.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat, on Tuesday urged heads of state around the world to shun the games [Evelyn Hockstein/Reuters]
18 May 2021
19 May 2021
08:56 AM (GMT)

Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the US House of Representatives, has called for a boycott of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, criticising China for human rights abuses and saying that global leaders who attend would lose their moral authority.
The speaker’s provoked a fierce response from China on Wednesday, with a government spokesman calling on US politicians to stop using the “Olympic movement to play despicable political games”.
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Legislators in the United States have been increasingly vocal about an Olympic boycott or venue change.
They have also lashed out at American corporations, arguing the firms’ silence about what the US State Department has deemed China’s genocidal actions against Uighur and other ethnic minorities was abetting the Chinese government.
Pelosi, a Democrat, told a bipartisan congressional hearing on the issue on Tuesday that heads of state around the world should shun the games, scheduled for February.

US legislators have been increasingly vocal about an Olympic boycott or venue change [File: Andy Wong/AP Photo]Pelosi said she was proposing “a diplomatic boycott” in which “lead countries of the world withhold their attendance at the Olympics”.

“Let’s not honour the Chinese government by having heads of state go to China,” Pelosi said.
“For heads of state to go to China in light of a genocide that is ongoing – while you’re sitting there in your seat – really begs the question, what moral authority do you have to speak again about human rights any place in the world?” she said.
An independent United Nations panel said in 2018 that it had received credible reports that at least one million Uighur and other Muslims had been held in camps in China’s western Xinjiang region.
Beijing describes the camps as vocational training centres that aim to stamp out “extremism” and strongly rejects accusations of abuse and genocide.

Uighur people watching a dance performance at the International Grand Bazaar in Urumqi in western China’s Xinjiang region [File: Mark Schiefelbein/AP Photo]Democratic Congressman Jim McGovern said the games should be relocated.

“If we can postpone an Olympics by a year for a pandemic, we can surely postpone the Olympics for a year for a genocide,” said McGovern, referring to the decision by Japan and the International Olympic Committee to delay the 2020 Summer Games in Tokyo due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“This would give the IOC time to relocate to a country whose government is not committing atrocities,” McGovern said.

Demands for some form of boycott of the Beijing Games are growing.
Last month, Republican Senator Mitt Romney introduced an amendment to broader legislation to counter China that would implement a US diplomatic boycott, while a coalition of human rights activists on Tuesday called for athletes to boycott the games and put pressure on the IOC.
China condemned the boycott calls as politicising sport.

Zhao Lijian, a spokesman for the Chinese foreign ministry, slammed Pelosi’s comments on Wednesday, saying: “Some US individuals’ remarks are full of lies and disinformation.”

Last month, Republican Senator Mitt Romney introduced an amendment that would implement a US diplomatic boycott [File: Susan Walsh/Pool via AP]The White House has stopped short of backing a boycott, which is also strongly opposed by American athletes.

US President Joe Biden’s administration has said it hopes to develop a joint approach with allies on participation in the Beijing Olympics, but Secretary of State Antony Blinken has repeatedly said the issue has not yet been broached in discussions.
Asked about Pelosi’s comments, a senior Biden administration official told the Reuters news agency that its position on the 2022 Olympics had not changed.
Proponents of US athletes competing at the Olympics say it would be unfair to punish athletes, and that the games would provide a platform for the US, which has one of the highest Winter Olympic medal counts, to show its vitality on the global stage.

Sarah Hirshland, the chief executive officer of the US Olympic and Paralympic Committee (USOPC), said in a written statement to the congressional hearing that the USOPC was concerned about the “oppression of the Uyghur population”, but that barring US athletes from the games was “certainly not the answer”.
“Past Olympic boycotts have failed to achieve political ends – and they should give all of us pause in considering another boycott,” she said.
If you want to discuss this issue, we can dicuss it right here, right now but don't use your superior powers. stop this negative rating drama. Do you really think that God is saving religious places of people who worship idols? do you believe that god is protecting those places? do you know anything about islam? people who worship idols are known as mushriq in islam. Do you have any other definition? Are you seriously protecting them? liberalism must have a limit. I am not talking about all religions here. i am very specific. Hindu temples! do you believe god is protecting man made things which are worshipped by these people? I am not discussing people of book.

Like I said, best you first learn what Islam is and what Islam says before passing Un-Islamic claims. "The places of worship of all non-Muslims in all Muslim states are protected under divine guarantee by Allah himself".

Furthermore, these "mushriq" are my Pakistani brothers and sisters, I will protect them against any and all rabid hatred, internal or external. You can use something else to further your pretense of 'Musalmaniat', lest He (S.A.W) stands witness against you, once all is said and done.

we can dicuss it right here, right now but don't use your superior powers. stop this negative rating drama.

Ironic how you protest against my "superior powers" on an online forum but have no problem suggesting to use your "superior powers", born from being the majority, to violate the fundamental rights of your own people.

That said, sure, let's discuss it.

The "Covenant of the Dhimmi", covers all non-Muslims, not just the people of the book. Islam only allows you to destroy a place of worship if it is a source of anti-state and/or criminal activities, just as it does for mosques. Otherwise, non-Muslims from any faith have absolute religious freedom and protection in their religious affairs. They are also exempt from Islamic law and are understood to have the right to form their own systems of justice as per their religious laws/beliefs, i.e. you cannot apply Islamic religious laws to non-Muslims. This, btw, is something that the Pakistani awam refuses to acknowledge. The matter is serious enough that the Prophet (S.A.W) has vowed to testify against any and all Muslims who violate any Dhimmi's rights.
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