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Indian MoD Plans To Trim Fat in 1.5 Million-man Armed Forces

They eventually end up being this.

Nuff said.

That is a military body-building team and its nothing compared to that of other nations.
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30 % ?

What are the funds that will released which would increase the Fire power by 500 % !!

What force multipliers do you suggest ?

What makes you feel they are clowns ?

Instead of spoon feeding you , I 'd suggest you google and check how many Corps are deployed in the Mountains. Then make a threat assessment based on which all areas are disputed and revisit your remark above.

I have the following in mind-

-The Job of defending mountains should be left to the Border Guards(BSF, ITBP) with Army officers as their commanders at colonel level or above-
-Army should be modeled on motor divisions and Airborne Strike troops-
-Let the Airforce be concerned with Integrated Air defense and Strategic Nuclear forces-
-Develop a Marine force-
-The Job of central policing in conflict areas should be left for CRPF-

Now coming to Army modelling-

-Motor/Mechanized Divisions can be based on what we require and keeping in mind our strategic position based on current strike divisions we have and are planning-
-Airborne troops should have at least 5 divisions or more depending on our requirements-
-Airborne troops should have all tactical weaponry of modern days in all categories like MANPADS, ATGM, Guided artillery, light guns, light APC/IFV/Tanks, and in particularly Exo-Skeletons which can enhance the load carrying capability-
-This Airborne troops should've ability to mobilize to the fronts within 24 hours or less, operate deep inside enemy lines etc-
-The transport carriers here can be divided between the Air force and the Army- with Army keeping and maintaining all turbo-prop and turbo-shaft assets, and Airforce with Turbofan and other assets-
-These carrier should've C-130J(and other models), An-32, C-17, MTA, Chinooks, V-22, Mi17, Dhruv, LUH etc-

The marines should be modeled on US marines with appropriate strength required and It should be used in areas like Kashmir and Tibet If conflict occurs other than traditional areas like amphibious assault on Baluchistan-

I am a naive person in this regard, Would like to know your take on this- I know the shortcomings here may include fund, management, infighting and other differences or our operational requirements-
Please tell me where I am wrong instead of simply stating I cannot know what I am saying.

What you are suggesting is rooted in centuaries old military thinking but warfare has moved on since then significantly and even the IA has appreciated that hence the "cold start" doctrine and the creation of mechanised IBGs. However they have failed to comprehensively address their thinking.

When I say the IA's ability to wage war would be increased by 400-500% as a result of a 30% cut in surplus manpower that is a VERY conservative figure trust me. There is nothing unique in the IA, all other militaries have accepted that to create greater warfighting capacity they need to reduce numbers, spend more per soldier and invest heavily in force multipliers, the IA is behind the curve.

A greater focus on mechanisation, mobility (aviation assets), automated systems and force multipliers is the need of the hour not adding more riflemen.

And if I am so wrong please tell me what is your solution? Or is the current state of the IA acceptable to you? >$20BN a year is spent on the IA, this is a HUGE amount of money, is this reflected in the IA's capabilties? The problem is there is no introspection within the IA and the easiest thing in the world for them to say is "we need more money", as if $20BN a year isn't enough You see the IA coming out with long shopping lists but where is the plan of how they are going to fund it?. Contrast them with the IN, they create 15 year perspective plans outlining exactly where they will be (as a force) in 15 years time and HOW THEY ARE GOING TO GET THERE. The IA said "we are raising a MSC" and then started whining how they didn't have the funds to make it happen so started diving into their war reserves!

To equip a million man army to contemparary standards would require eyewatering sums (we are talking 100s of billons of USD a YEAR), there is just no way India can afford to do so for the next 4 decades thus only option is to cut manpower and invest the freed funds in capital projects.

+ To further highlight how regressive and out of touch the IA top brass are, they still have orderlies; a practice the IN and IAF did away with decades ago.

@PARIKRAMA @Levina @ranjeet

Hi there,

Just to know the opinions of the army officers, I had messaged 2 freinds of mine to know their view on this.
As far as trimming is concerned, they 're fine with it. Posts which have become redundant should be removed. But both of them were not in favour of cutting down the manpower.

When I say the IA's ability to wage war would be increased by 400-500% as a result of a 30% cut in surplus manpower that is a VERY conservative figure trust me.

30% cut?
You gotta be kidding me.
Let me remind you that we have not yet completed raising our mountain strike corps on the NE front. The process will take another 3 years to complete and we need whopping 90000 soldiers.
Now your guess is as good as mine as to what happens if we "trim" our army at this stage.
But am glad that they(IA) have realised, positioning of Indian army along J&K border was lopsided.

Abingdonboy said:
I'll say it again, the seniormost IA brass are clowns when it comes to these matters, fine soldiers they may be but they are pathetic planners

This not true.
Yes, there are a few "Yes-men" at the top, but they are definitely not clowns.
Blame it on the politicians for delaying their plans.
Who delayed LTIPP?
How many years did it take our politicians to approve LTIPP? 8 years??
Another reason to this that many army men site is, so far intelligence chiefs have always been closer to PM than our COAS. Albeit the situation has changed recently.

Abingdonboy said:
It is an accepted fact in the world we live in that once manpower-intensive industries/sectors/roles have been replaced by technology that has increased both the capacity of the relevent industry but also their quality and reliability.
You 're right that this is an international mantra. Infact, downsizing is an American mantra, who themselves came to grief in Iraq & Afghnaistan for the lack of boots. But they learnt from their lessons and have increased the size of US army and marine corps since then.
How can we forget that we were close to disaster if the orders to disband MULE and PIONEERs companies had not be rescinded during Kargil War??

4) if it's about money, then let the "honest" politicians* unearth the money stacked by their fellow politicians in their Swiss accounts, or let them search for defence accounts in foreign countries which have been lying unaccounted for years now. My understanding is,Jaitely is not in the good books of our army officers. Lolz

Abingdonboy said:
(this is about 3 times the ENTIRE Pakistani defence budget).
Let's not make this mistake.
Let's not compare our army with Pakistan's army, instead let's "look east", and you wil find a behemoth-enemy preparing itself for a war.
Do you really want take the risk of downsizing our army? By 30%???
I am against it.

If you want I can paste my conversation with my freinds in army here.
I am sure those who are within army would have a better idea than those looking at it from outside. :)

@PARIKRAMA @ranjeet @third eye

*Honest politicians is an oxymoron. :lol:
Let's not make this mistake.
Let's not compare our army with Pakistan's army, instead let's "look east", and you wil find a behemoth-enemy preparing itself for a war.
Do you really want take the risk of downsizing our army? By 30%???
I am against it.

If you want I can paste my conversation with my freinds in army here.
I am sure those who are within army would have a better idea than those looking at it from outside. :)

@PARIKRAMA @ranjeet @third eye

*Honest politicians is an oxymoron
Yes M to Not agree with Downsizing our Armed Forces Although. Im in Favor Increasing the Defense Spending Partially Above 2 Percent As we are Facing More threat Perception
Well there Problems which certain Like Army H/Q not utilizing Proper funds and there various Waste resources .As For Spending More on Per Solider It is increasing each year With Growing Economy.

Budget of 40 billion $ is not Enough For Country Like India Small countries Like UK,Saudis Spend More on defense than India which more threat Perception
I hope within a decade when our Economy will Reach about 4-5 trillion $ Mark Budget will be 80-90 Billion $ Which will also Increase our CAPEX & Per Soldier Spending

PS: There should Be Se-prate Command Control For Indian Armed Forces On the Basis of Pentagon It will Give a Symbolic Metonymy to Defense Establishment of India
Also there Should A combined Platform for our Intelligence community Much Like United States Intelligence Community (I.C.)

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Eventually become Gay????

Wow, overcompensating for your Napoleon complex in an internet forum, you must be a really frustrated person to do that.
Who knows where else your small, you should cry about it in a health forum maybe it'll help you come to terms with your fate.:rofl:
That's the official B/S to oil the Americans. Actually the new Strike Corps has been raised to spearhead a military adventure into BD.

Kolkata traffic police is enough for Bangladesh, why do we need a new Mountain Strike Corps for that?
Kolkata traffic police is enough for Bangladesh, why do we need a new Mountain Strike Corps for that?

Yep, we saw that at Padua when our villagers eliminated the best part of a SSF Bn using bamboos, degs/frying pans and other household appliances.
Yep, we saw that at Padua when our villagers eliminated the best part of a SSF Bn using bamboos, degs/frying pans and other household appliances.

Oh wow so brave you people are.
Now we have a fenced you and cattle smugglers and pole vaulters get killed so often.
You clearly won.:coffee:
Yep, we saw that at Padua when our villagers eliminated the best part of a SSF Bn using bamboos, degs/frying pans and other household appliances.

Yea, India has given BD a long leash in the past.
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