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Indian MoD Plans To Trim Fat in 1.5 Million-man Armed Forces

Worry about your own country where more than half the population are outside the writ of the central govt. FYI, Track 2 negotiations have been going on for some time with Mamta, Gogoi and Sarkar to kick out Indians and federate with us. No Bharati Strike Corps can prevent this.
Gogoi is getting the boot come 19 May,Mamta is secretly in alliance with BJP to counter Left and Sarkar would be skinned alive if he tries any adventure with lungiland.Just because you type your fapp fantasies doesn't mean it is reality.
Unrelated because a Strike corps is an overkill for Bangladesh military.
Even a Ground Troops are More over-Kill For Them.I Bet One or 2 Battalion of Brahmos or SRBMs of Prahaar,Prithivi or Shaurya Will Level them to Ground
What are the funds that will released which would increase the Fire power by 500 % !!
It would correspond to about $4BN USD extra in CAPEX today for the IA to spend on new equipment. When you consider the Present Value (PV) of every $1USD is easily $5-10USD (if spent on big ticket procurements with 5-10 year pay back periods) the IA could EASILY acheive a 400-500% increase in firepower.

What force multipliers do you suggest ?
UAVs, aviation assets (both transport and attack), MBTs (Arjuns), Arty, IFVs, dedicated comunication satellites etc etc

In fact just spending a fraction of the freed up funds on infantry modernisation could turn the IA foot soldier from:






Ie the IA could stop creating combat doctrine around its soldiers being equipped in WW1/2 equipment and fighting with cold war-era weapons. The same soldier with improved situational awareness, improved weaponary/"reach"/leathality and protection could easily account for a 3 fold increase in the effectivness of dismounted units as a whole.

What makes you feel they are clowns ?
Look at how they bungle every single procurement- tenders collapse, ASQRs are found to be too demanding, RFIs are floated with no responses etc etc. I honestly can't think of a single big ticket purchase they have made in the past 4 years.

Compare the IA to the IN or even the IAF, the latter two are genuinly world class in many areas and striving ahead in every area, the IA have no claim on being called "world class", they are easily one of the worst equipped armies on the face of the earth. They simply fail to plan ahead or conduct and serious introspection, instead they blame the lack of funds for their self-made problems despite absorbing >55% of the ENTIRE defence budget. Look at what the IN is able to do with just 15-18% of the defence budget because they invest in capital equipment and "force multipliers". None of the present day officer class in the IA have fought a conventional war and it shows, they are simply languishing as the IAF and IN leap ahead with a fraction of the budget the IA enjoys.

Instead of spoon feeding you , I 'd suggest you google and check how many Corps are deployed in the Mountains. Then make a threat assessment based on which all areas are disputed and revisit your remark above.
This is exactly the mindset that has led to the current obese body that is the IA. The notion that disputed areas remain protected by physical "domination" ie the number of boots on the ground is itself flawed. By making use of force mulitpliers as above the total manpower can be reduced massively whilst still boosting genuine capabilities and situational awarness.

The PLA has woken up to this reality but for some reason the IA remain stuck in their regressive mindset. The US is the ONLY nation on earth that can have the numbers AND equipment and that's because they spend close to $1TN USD a year on defence.
This is exactly the mindset that has led to the current obese body that is the IA. The notion that disputed areas remain protected by physical "domination" ie the number of boots on the ground is itself flawed.

This is the reason why I asked if there was a Services background or some modicum of military knowledege as obtains in the areas where our soldiers operate.

I rest my case.
This is the reason why I asked if there was a Services background or some modicum of military knowledege as obtains in the areas where our soldiers operate.

I rest my case.
I am from defense background and what this guy is saying is absolutely feasible , there are many rudimentary jobs in Indian army and lot of wastage of money which can be cut out , as a matter of fact all 3 forces have loads of rudimentary people just enjoying perks of defense establishment without being of any good use.
This is the reason why I asked if there was a Services background or some modicum of military knowledege as obtains in the areas where our soldiers operate.

I rest my case.
Please tell me where I am wrong instead of simply stating I cannot know what I am saying.

It is an accepted fact in the world we live in that once manpower-intensive industries/sectors/roles have been replaced by technology that has increased both the capacity of the relevent industry but also their quality and reliability. What you are suggesting is rooted in centuaries old military thinking but warfare has moved on since then significantly and even the IA has appreciated that hence the "cold start" doctrine and the creation of mechanised IBGs. However they have failed to comprehensively address their thinking.

When I say the IA's ability to wage war would be increased by 400-500% as a result of a 30% cut in surplus manpower that is a VERY conservative figure trust me. There is nothing unique in the IA, all other militaries have accepted that to create greater warfighting capacity they need to reduce numbers, spend more per soldier and invest heavily in force multipliers, the IA is behind the curve.

A greater focus on mechanisation, mobility (aviation assets), automated systems and force multipliers is the need of the hour not adding more riflemen.

And if I am so wrong please tell me what is your solution? Or is the current state of the IA acceptable to you? >$20BN a year is spent on the IA, this is a HUGE amount of money, is this reflected in the IA's capabilties? The problem is there is no introspection within the IA and the easiest thing in the world for them to say is "we need more money", as if $20BN a year isn't enough (this is about 3 times the ENTIRE Pakistani defence budget). You see the IA coming out with long shopping lists but where is the plan of how they are going to fund it? I'll say it again, the seniormost IA brass are clowns when it comes to these matters, fine soldiers they may be but they are pathetic planners. Contrast them with the IN, they create 15 year perspective plans outlining exactly where they will be (as a force) in 15 years time and HOW THEY ARE GOING TO GET THERE. The IA said "we are raising a MSC" and then started whining how they didn't have the funds to make it happen so started diving into their war reserves!

To equip a million man army to contemparary standards would require eyewatering sums (we are talking 100s of billons of USD a YEAR), there is just no way India can afford to do so for the next 4 decades thus only option is to cut manpower and invest the freed funds in capital projects.

+ To further highlight how regressive and out of touch the IA top brass are, they still have orderlies; a practice the IN and IAF did away with decades ago.

@PARIKRAMA @Levina @ranjeet
Worry about your own country where more than half the population are outside the writ of the central govt. FYI, Track 2 negotiations have been going on for some time with Mamta, Gogoi and Sarkar to kick out Indians and federate with us. No Bharati Strike Corps can prevent this.

WTF? Where the heck do you get this from? Your local adda ??
@third eye @Abingdonboy
We do agree that IA is currently ill equipped at infantry level for sure.
May be restructuring and capping the current numbers we've got could be an answer. If the numbers remain static with increasing budget, we will have increase in resources available following year by year.
Indian soldier

Enough said
If your visual comprehension needs correction, that skinny guy isn't a "soldier" yet. You become a soldier once you are accepted in the military schools / colleges after rigorous training. The picture suggests he is just a volunteer hoping to join police force. The uniform of the recruiting officer isn't that of the army.
I am sure your intelligence can do better when it comes attempted trolling.
Please tell me where I am wrong instead of simply stating I cannot know what I am saying.

I apologise if I sounded high handed. Its just that this subject is very close to me . Thats why I sit up when such issues are raised.

A soldier can at best give his life , at the battle level its the responsibility of his Generals & at national level its the Leadership's job to ensure the nation gets the max for his sacrifice.

Take the J&K issue as an example. Time & again the soldier has done what is expected of him now if the Political leadership is unable to find an acceptable answer to the problem its not the soldiers fault. Furthermore, the insurgency was not created by the soldier. Its happened due to ham handed policies & poor management coupled with Political motives by all concerned.

Even after 93000 POW we could not negotiate a final settlement on the issue !

Siachen is an example of poor negotiation on both sides. Things were left ambiguous which has led to countless loss of lives.

In this, the demands upon the soldier multiply . He is expected to operate with one hand tied behind his back in the shadow of Human rights ( its a different matter that the soldiers human rights are glossed over).

Mountains do not allow mechanisation . There is no option but putting troops on the ground. The weather, terrain etc do not facilitate technology based aids.

I have not yet discussed the unresolved boundary issues in AP & elsewhere.

It is an accepted fact in the world we live in that once manpower-intensive industries/sectors/roles have been replaced by technology that has increased both the capacity of the relevent industry but also their quality and reliability. What you are suggesting is rooted in centuaries old military thinking but warfare has moved on since then significantly and even the IA has appreciated that hence the "cold start" doctrine and the creation of mechanised IBGs. However they have failed to comprehensively address their thinking.

None of this applies in the mountains where max troops are employed.

There is room to make changes in the backhand processes but not at the front end. The tail may be reviewd , not the teeth.

I could go on but I hope I have managed to convey my point.

Lastly, if they wish to reduce expenses on the armed forces the Political leadership needs to resolve issues in a give & take manner . Then & only then can the demands on the armed forces reduce.

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