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Indian Missiles - News, Developments, Tests, and Discussions

man your in great form XINIX lol you should start playing in the Kings 11 punjab, they need you badly lol Great posting brother
Hey desi.. I always love ur words..
Thanks dude.

Thanks bro, same here, your threads are quite nice and don’t worry about the stupid criticism, I got your back :cheers: keep the threads coming
dunno if this was reported in the news thread......

Brahmos making waves :)

link: BrahMos attracts delegators at DIMDEX ’10 :: Brahmand.com

NEW DELHI (BNS): BrahMos Aerospace has grabbed the most media attention at the opening day of 2nd Doha International Maritime and Defence Exhibition (DIMDEX) on Monday, compared to any other South Asian defence establishment.

"The 100% success achieved in recent times in the firing of missiles from different platforms was a matter of immense pride to its developers,” Gulf Times quoted CEO and MD of BrahMos Aerospace, Dr A S Pillai as saying.

Recently, Indian Navy has successfully tested the BRAHMOS missile from a vertical launcher fitted in a moving warship INS Ranvir.

“All tests proved in no uncertain terms that BRAHMOS cruise missile travels three times faster than sound and renowned missile experts have certified the equipment as one of the fastest missiles developed ever,” he added.

The supersonic cruise missile has a flight range of 290 km with a maximum speed of 2.8 Mach.

“Again, its ability to be fired from different kinds of platforms makes it very unique,” he said.

The BRAHMOS missile operates on “Fire and Forget” principle and it has been launched from multiple platforms based on land, sea, sub-sea and air against sea and land targets.

According to the media report, when queried about the missile's significance in a strategic region as the Middle East, Pillai said it could be effectively used for sea operations in the event of hostilities.

At the opening day, officials from Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) defence team visited the BrahMos pavilion. “The visit of HH the Heir Apparent Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani soon after the inauguration was a big boost to each of us associated with the project,” said Pillai.

The BRAHMOS missile is a Joint Venture between India’s Defence Research and Development Organisation and Russia’s NPO Mashinostroeyenia who have together formed the BrahMos Aerospace Private Limited.

yakhont seeker from ausairpower:

Can't imagine how complex the new seeker in blk 2 will be like!!
There will be agni 5 with 5500km range.
No Surya as of now.

our needs are adeqately sufficed by agni series.
brother,what about surya missile?

It is interesting to note that all the talk and hoopla of Surya ended in 1998. The last report citing the same was a report by US institute of foreign policy analysis. If you ask me, this was an imaginary system contrived by the US agencies to keep US BMD funding going. A 1997 US missile defence requirement report also cites Surya as a possible threat.

The fact that India had 2 successful tests of PSLV may have had some bearing on this myth. That is also the reason why the reports mentioned a "derivative" of PSLV :disagree:! Moreover, the launch weight cited (~ 100 tons) and liquid propulsion would make it one of the worst deployed ICBM's (if at all).

Thus if you ask me, Surya is a myth built up by the west to keep their mi complex turning as with the end of cold war, threats had to be "artificially made up" in many cases!
Whatever DRDO produced is nothing but long list of disappointments.

S300 series of Russia and Arrow from Israel are capable weapon systems. However, S300 series is aging with the each passing day.

I think F-16s, of PAF, have enough gadgetry in their electronic banks which could defeat these AD missiles.

I think u are still living in 1980 and think of F-16s as F-22 raptors :rofl:
Good work Xinix. I liked all your "feel" series.

Navalized Brahmos in a canister/launcher on INS Rajput
What to do? i'l really appreciate your work man! you told that u are an engineer! where do u work and what's your major?
I'm also an engineer dude... Nowadays lot's of Engineers everywhere in India..
Engineers are Building Block of our Nation :smokin:
Waiting for more post from you!!



I am an engineer as well! :victory: Without industry's help what the DRDO guys have done simply awesome. One two to three country can develop these systems what DRDO have developed.

Agni-V will be a canisterised road mobile missile like Shourya.
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