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Indian Missiles - News, Developments, Tests, and Discussions

And you produce what? Oh I forgot. Nothing.

Akash is a world-class SAM and there are loads of documents, test documenting the same. So comment only when you know something.

we do not need to assemble a rigmarole of SAM and then keep telling lies about it.

Soon in next war (war of waters) you can see the efficiency of your Akash........Kash
we do not need to assemble a rigmarole of SAM and then keep telling lies about it.

Soon in next war (war of waters) you can see the efficiency of your Akash........Kash

You don't need to wait for next war, watch the videos of Akash from Youtube, you will understand your mistakes. IAF ordered 1000 Akash missiles. IA will order more.
@ Kinetic Dont waste ur Time on a kid who needs some education...
Forgive him.. we all started in a similar way.

@HillMan... As Kinetic Wisely suggested, just have a look at Infra Red Cam Video.
I saw the video. thanks for telling that.

Its impressive if it is true.

I think RESULTS may differ in Tests and in Real War Conditions.

Destroying a decoy target is easy but homing and hitting an F-16 may be difficult
The Videos you saw are Released by DRDO.
Very Authentic.

Besides, In Any Test what else proof any one can Give ?
Whatever DRDO produced is nothing but long list of disappointments.

S300 series of Russia and Arrow from Israel are capable weapon systems. However, S300 series is aging with the each passing day.

I think F-16s, of PAF, have enough gadgetry in their electronic banks which could defeat these AD missiles.
S300 is aging and F-16 is ?????????????
U and ur F-16 r rejuvenating as each day passes?
Come on kid Go first take some lessons before trying things. Good luck
I am Questioning u directly now. Would u be kind enough to detail those gadgets in the banks please?
Am waiting
here is the barak 8 pic from paris last year:


another one:

compared to barak (used by IN for point defence):


It would seem that barak 8 ER should have a range > 70km :)
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Missiles are the First Choice as an Offensive Weapons and Depice the capability of a nation to deliver warheads.

But in the Indian Scenario, Due to its "NFU" Policy its quite Important that The Missiles Are Safe and Capable of Surviving the First Strike.

India has a variety of Missiles That Are Now CANTSTERISED and can be Even Launched From Underground SILOS, if needed.

A missile canister for storing, transporting and launching missiles includes inner and outer skins and a compression resistant honeycomb type material between the skins. An alternative embodiment on the missile canister has an epoxy syntactic foam material between the skins of the cells which are attached one to another by threaded fasteners which cooperate with tapped holes in the cell walls.

Here We Go....

1. The UnMatched Brahmos 1


BrahMos is a supersonic cruise missile that can be launched from submarines, ships, aircraft or land. It is a joint venture between India's Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Russia's NPO Mashinostroeyenia who have together formed the BrahMos Aerospace Private Limited.

The acronym BrahMos is perceived as the confluence of the two nations represented by two rivers, the Brahmaputra of India and the Moskva of Russia. It travels at speeds of Mach 2.5 to 2.8. It is about three-and-a-half times faster than the U.S.A's subsonic Harpoon[2] cruise missile. A hypersonic version of the missile is also presently under development (Lab Tested with 5.26 Mach Speed).[3]

Though India had wanted the BrahMos to be based on a mid range cruise missile, namely P-700 Granit, instead Russia opted for the shorter range sister of the missile, P-800 Oniks, in order to comply with MTCR restrictions, to which Russia is a signatory. Its propulsion is based on the Russian missile, and guidance has been developed by BrahMos Corp.

It Has Supersonic Speeds and is Virtually Un Destroyable due to Its Speed and Altitude Combination


2. Shaurya Missile : The First of Its KIND - a Hybrid Missile

The Shaurya missile (Sanskrit: Valour) is a short-range surface-to-surface ballistic missile developed by DRDO of India for use by the Indian Army. It has a range of 600 km and is capable of carrying a payload of one-tonne conventional or nuclear warhead. The Shaurya missile provides India with a significant second strike capability[44].

Shaurya Missile is considered a land version of the Sagarika. This missile is stored in a composite canister just like the BrahMos supersonic cruise missile. The composite canister makes the missile much easier to store for long periods without maintenance as well as to handle and transport. It also houses the gas generator to eject the missile from the canister before its solid propellant motors take over to hurl it at the intended target. Shaurya missiles can remain hidden or camouflaged in underground silos from enemy surveillance or satellites till they are fired from the special storage-cum-launch canisters.

DRDO Defence scientists admit that given Shaurya's limited range at present, either the silos will have to be constructed closer to India's borders or longer-range missiles will have to be developed. The Shaurya system will require some more tests before it becomes fully operational in two-three years. Moreover, defense scientists say the high-speed, two-stage Shaurya has high maneuverability which also makes it less vulnerable to existing anti-missile defense systems.[45]. When Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems AAD and PAD are to be tested again, the Shaurya invulnerability to anti-missile systems will be tested. The DRDO scientists also have said that if Shaurya is successful and manages to avoid anti ballistic missile radars then the missile can even be used to improve the AAD and PAD systems.

Dr. Saraswat's Disclosure over Shaurya :

Air and land-based nuclear weapons are delivered to their targets by fighter aircraft and ballistic missiles, respectively. Since these can be knocked out by an enemy first strike, the most reliable nuclear deterrent has traditionally been underwater, missiles hidden in a submarine.

V K Saraswat, the DRDO chief and Scientific Advisor to the Defence Minister, revealed to Business Standard at the ongoing Defexpo 2010, “We have designed the Shaurya so that it can be launched from under water as easily as from land. The gas-filled canister that houses the missile fits easily into a submarine. The underwater leg of the nuclear triad needs to be totally reliable and needs a state-of-the-art missile.”

India’s undersea deterrent had so far revolved around the K-15 ballistic missile, built with significant help from Russia. The K-15 was to equip the INS Arihant, India’s lone nuclear-powered submarine, which is being constructed in Visakhapatnam. But now, after rigorous underwater testing, the Shaurya could be the mainstay of Arihant’s arsenal.

“The Shaurya was developed from ground up as a submarine-capable missile,” confirms Dr Prahlada, the top DRDO scientist responsible for liaising with the military. “Every piece of technology for fitting it in a submarine is already in place.”

Shortly before the Defexpo 2010, Dr Saraswat had publicly stated that India’s missile technology was ahead of China’s and Pakistan’s.

Now top DRDO scientists have revealed that the Shaurya is not a ballistic missile, as it has been thought to be; it is actually a hypersonic cruise missile, which never leaves the atmosphere.

A ballistic missile is like a stone being lobbed towards a target. Rockets toss it upwards and towards the target; after the rocket burns out, gravity pulls the missile warhead down towards the target. Buffeted by wind and re-entry forces, accuracy is a problem; and, since the ballistic missile’s path is predictable, shooting it down is relatively easy.

The Shaurya has none of these issues. Its solid-fuel, two-stage rocket accelerates the missile to six times the speed of sound before it reaches an altitude of 40 kilometers (125,000 feet), after which it levels out and cruises towards the target, powered by its onboard fuel.

While ballistic missiles cannot correct their course midway, the Shaurya is an intelligent missile. Onboard navigation computers kick in near the target, guiding the missile to the target and eliminating errors that inevitably creep in during its turbulent journey.

The Shaurya, say DRDO sources, will strike within 20-30 metres of its target after travelling 750 kilometres.

Conventional cruise missiles, like the American Tomahawk and the Indo-Russian Brahmos, offer similar accuracy. But their air-breathing engines carry them along slowly, rendering them vulnerable to enemy aircraft and missiles. The Shaurya’s solid-fuel, air-independent engine propels it along at hypersonic speeds, leaving enemy fighters and missiles far behind.

“I would say the Shaurya is a hybrid propulsion missile”, says Dr Saraswat. “Like a ballistic missile, it is powered by solid fuel. And, like a cruise missile, it can guide itself right up to the target.”

Making the Shaurya even more capable is its ability to manoeuvre, following a twisting path to the target that makes it very difficult to shoot it down. In contrast, a ballistic missile is predictable; its trajectory gives away its target and its path to it.

3. Sagarika

Sagarika (Sanskrit: Wave / Born from the Ocean) is a nuclear capable submarine-launched ballistic missile with a range of 750 km. This missile has a length of 8.5 meters, weighs seven tonnes and can carry a pay load of up to 500 kg.[46]. The development of this missile started in 1991. The first confirmation about the missile came in 1998[47]. The development of the underwater missile launcher know as the Project 78 (P78) was completed in 2001. This was handed over to the Indian Navy for trials. The missile was successfully test fired thrice. The Indian Navy plans to introduce the missile into service by the end of 2010. Sagarika missile is being integrated with the Advanced Technology Vessel that is expected to begin sea trials by 2009.[48] Sagarika will form part of the triad in India's nuclear deterrence and will provide with retaliatory nuclear strike capability.[49]

Sagarika has already been test-fired from an underwater pontoon, but now DRDO is planning a full-fledged test of the missile from a submarine and for this purpose may use the services of a Russian sub-marine.[50]. Eventually it could be introduced into as many as 5 ballistic missile submarines.


4. Nirbhay Missile :


Nirbhay (Sanskrit: निर्भय, Nirbhy "Dauntless/Fearless") is a long range, subsonic cruise missile being developed in India. The missile will have a range of 1000 km and will arm three services, the Indian Army, Indian Navy and the Indian Air Force.[1]

The Nirbhay will be able to be launched from multiple platforms on land, sea and air. The missile is being developed by the Advanced Systems Laboratory, a division of DRDO and after finalizing the design, the technology required for the missile is being developed.

The first test flight of the missile is expected in the year 2010.[2] Nirbhay will be a terrain hugging, stealth missile[3] capable of delivering 24 different types of warheads depending on mission requirements and will use inertial navigation system for guidance.[4] Nirbhay will supplement Brahmos in the sense that it would enable delivery of warheads farther than the 300 km range of Brahmos.

Future Work :

1. Soon we will witness a Canisterised version of Agni 3 and angi 5
2. All Future Indian Missiles will be Canisterised.
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Feel the IT muscle- Indian Supercomputers

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=> XINIX <=

You are really Rocking man!!!
Hat's off...

some wise mod has merged that thread with 'indian economy and updgtes'
some wise mod has merged that thread with 'indian economy and updgtes'

What to do? i'l really appreciate your work man! you told that u are an engineer! where do u work and what's your major?
I'm also an engineer dude... Nowadays lot's of Engineers everywhere in India..
Engineers are Building Block of our Nation :smokin:
Waiting for more post from you!!

A mod has merged that thread with 'indian economy and updates'
supercomputer and economic update?
A mod has merged that thread with 'indian economy and updates'
supercomputer and economic update?

Those things are out of our hand!!! What to do?


Just take it lite, i know it will be hard to collect data and put those things orderly.. and they transfered without reason...:cry: :tdown:
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