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Indian Missiles - News, Developments, Tests, and Discussions

90 % PERCENT of everything in my house is chinese.

You callin' me cheap bish? :rofl:

Chinese have to artificially control the currency to make it cheap. You can find enough literature on how China is devaluing its own currency to meet its export objectives.

Pakistan is not a major manufacturing hub and it is understandable for it to import from China.

It is too costly to produce in US and hence it outsources to destinations such as India and China. BTW, the software on your washing machine may be written by a guy sitting in Bangalore.
no shekar it is not specific

it is just for our safty as every nation do the things

we want good realtion with china

If not to say China specific, some Indians will always feel something is missing in his/her daily life.

Perhaps "jingoism"? :lol:
Well we have pretty much wasted last two pages discussing China - While from what I read the title of thread says: "India will test 5,000-km-range nuclear-capable missile" to which I don't think China's non-defence production capabilities or CCP policies have any relations to. Can we drive back to topic:

From the perspective of range Pakistan has New Delhi covered, India has Pakistan Covered and China has pretty much covered all of India. Deterrent to China is required and Agni V promises to deliver that..


The Advanced Systems Laboratory (ASL) in Hyderabad, which develops India's [ Images ] strategic (long-range, nuclear-tipped) missiles, has dramatically increased the options for its forthcoming Agni-5 missile by making it highly road-mobile, or easily transportable by road.

That enables the Agni-5 to reach targets far beyond its stated 5,000-km range by quickly moving closer to the target. In a hypothetical war against, say, Sweden, an Agni-5 launcher, stationed near Bangalore, would be unable to strike Stockholm, 7,000 km away. But moving by road to Amritsar [ Images ] would bring Stockholm within range.

Similarly, moving the Agni-5 to northeast India would bring even Harbin, China's northernmost city, within striking range. From various places across India, the Agni-5 can reach every continent except North and South America.

The Agni-5 will be the first canisterised, road-mobile missile in India's arsenal, similar to the Dongfeng-31A that created ripples during China's National Day Military Parade in Beijing [ Images ] on October 1. India's current long-range missile, the Agni-3, a non-canisterised missile, can only be moved with difficulty from one place to another.

In many other respects, the Agni-5, which is scheduled to make its first flight in early-2011, carries forward the Agni-3 pedigree. With composites used extensively to reduce weight, and a third stage added on (the Agni-3 was a two-stage missile), the Agni-5 can fly 1,500 km further than the 3,500-km Agni-3.

"The Agni-5 is specially tailored for road-mobility," explains Avinash Chander, Director, ASL. "With the canister having been successfully developed, all India's future land-based strategic missiles will be canisterised as well".

Made of maraging steel, a canister must provide a hermitically sealed atmosphere that preserves the missile for years. During firing, the canister must absorb enormous stresses when a thrust of 300to 400 tonnes is generated to eject the 50-tonne missile.

Canister technology was first developed in India for the Brahmos cruise missile. But it was the K-15 underwater-launched missile, developed here in Hyderabad for India's nuclear-powered submarine, INS Arihant [ Images ], which fully overcame the technological hurdles in canisterising ballistic missiles.

Another major technological breakthrough that will beef up the Agni-5 is ASL's success in developing and testing MIRVs (multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles). An MIRV, atop an Agni-5 missile, comprises three to 10 separate nuclear warheads. Each warhead can be assigned to a separate target, separated by hundreds of kilometres; alternatively, two or more warheads can be assigned to one target.

"We have made major progress on the MIRVs in the last two years," is all that Avinash Chander is willing to say on the subject.

Nevertheless, extensive testing still lies ahead for this highly complex technology. MIRVs will be deployed on the Agni-5 only after another 4-5 years.

While MIRV technology is similar to launching multiple satellites through a space rocket, a missile requires far greater accuracy. A satellite would be considered in correct orbit even it is a kilometre higher or lower than planned.

But each warhead in an MIRV must impact within 40 metres of its target. With such high accuracies, even small nuclear warheads are sufficient for the job.

Strategic planners consider MIRVs essential, given India's declared "no first use" nuclear policy. Even after an enemy has hit India with a full-fledged nuclear strike, destroying or incapacitating much of the strategic arsenal, a handful of surviving Indian missiles must be capable of retaliating with massive and unacceptable damage. Multiple warheads on a handful of Agni-5 missiles would constitute such a capability.

MIRVs also enable a single missile to overwhelm the enemy's missile defences. Tracking and shooting down multiple warheads are far more difficult than intercepting a single warhead.
Providing each warhead with the capability to maneuver, and dodge enemy interceptor missiles, increases survivability further. The MIRV warheads are also being given electronic packages for jamming enemy radars.
The strategic missile, which once developed could hit objects deep inside China, has moved from the drawing board to the testing phase in which various sub-systems and rocket motors are being tested, V K Saraswat, scientific adviser to the defence minister, said here.

The three-stage missile will be slightly longer and heavier than the 3500-km range Agni-3 whose last development trial was successfully conducted last Sunday.
Missile diameter, warhead and key components in the navigational system will be the same as Agni-3.

Avinash Chander, director for the Agni programme said 40 per cent of Agni-5 would be new while 60 per cent would come from the existing A3 block.
Scientists admitted there were design challenges in the propulsion system, in the control and guidance for the payload's re-entry and in the payload design. “But these are not insurmountable challenges,” Saraswat said.
He said Agni-5 would be India’s answer to China’s Dong Feng-31 and DF-41 which could strike at a distance of 6,000 to 8,000 km.

Saraswat denied India having an intercontinental ballistic missile programme. “We are developing only Agni-5 with a 5000-km plus range. It is required for full deterrence,” he said.

He, however, admitted that Agni-5's range could be increased by reducing its payload weight. But since it is a strategic missile with a specific mission, reducing the payload would not serve the mission objectives.

Range and lethality of a missile depends on threat perception. As the building blocks for ICBM-range missile are basically the same, it can be integrated as and when the requirement arises depending on the threat perception. Saraswat said Agni-3, the 3,500-km-range strategic missile, was in the process of induction. And the DRDO was ready to hand it over to the strategic forces command.

The missile that can carry 1.5 tonnes of nuclear-capable warhead underwent four flight tests. The first in 2006 failed. But three subsequent tests succeeded.
Asked why more tests were not being conducted before announcing the missile’s readiness, Chander said three tests were adequate to improve the parameters. However, since 80-100 tests are to establish a missile's reliability, that could not be established in three tests, he said.

In the event of an Indo-Pak nuclear war, India will emerge the ultimate “winner” after wiping off Pakistan[/B] but lose up to 500 million of its own people, Pulitzer Prize-winning author and historian Taylor Branch has claimed in his 700-page book The Clinton Tapes: Wrestling History with the President which hit the stores today.


The assumption that only India and Pakistan live in this world is laughable.
DRDO chief too has a big mouth like the general.
i wont be surprise if some forum members said that but this is from DRDO chief?:rofl:
Dont just talk, show sth to backup the talk.

Does that mean DRDO is perhaps doomed? For if you have bigger mouth, you normally have smaller limbs.
Because chinese eat all crap starting from lizards to all living creatures on earth including roasted human organs. May be the reason why they are living longer <sigh>
Indians being vegetarians only eat grass/vegitables and live less :D

...and eventually starved to death? Starvation and India&#8217;s Democracy

Back to the topic, India can never overcome the geographical disadvantage against China irrespective of its 5,000 or 10,000 km missiles.
Back to the topic, India can never overcome the geographical disadvantage against China irrespective of its 5,000 or 10,000 km missiles.

:rofl::rofl:... ooh we had an Oracle between us...i didnt know..:rofl::rofl:
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:rofl::rofl:... ooh we had an Oracle between us...i didnt know..:rofl::rofl:

That's just a simple truth that you want to deny? China will always be 4X bigger than India. This is the geographical advantage of China. China had extinct India if she wants now.
well one thing is sure

chinise is cheap product but very poor quality

You can say what you want! China is world factory and can produced anything you can imagine.

Indian can only criticize China if she had the manufacturing capabilities. Right now, India had nothing to be compared with China. India can only sell "raw material" to China now whereas China is selling India with finished good. Google for information if you are not convinced.
Because chinese eat all crap starting from lizards to all living creatures on earth including roasted human organs. May be the reason why they are living longer <sigh>
Indians being vegetarians only eat grass/vegitables and live less :D

Stop eating Indian grass/vegetables! They are toxic and will shorthen your life.
Chinese have to artificially control the currency to make it cheap. You can find enough literature on how China is devaluing its own currency to meet its export objectives.

Pakistan is not a major manufacturing hub and it is understandable for it to import from China.

It is too costly to produce in US and hence it outsources to destinations such as India and China. BTW, the software on your washing machine may be written by a guy sitting in Bangalore.

Chinese currency is peck with US currency! How could it be low? Is india currency appreciating against US during this crisis?

IT sector is just part of the manufacturing process!

Software program can be written by any experience programmer!

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