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Indian minister walks into Pakistan at Wagah

Take it easy guys its just a minister of india,pay attention to some other borders just incase Baitullah Mehsud might walk in to take a PEEP!:flame:

I have not had a laugh for a long time! :)

I do hope he is caught while peeping!

All the same Jairam Ramesh, who is quite a maverick, should not have crossed the border.
When I went to Wagah, I crossed into India, I walked up to their gate with my friends. Though I was too scared to shake hands with the Indian boy across it. I was only allowed free reign because I was with the air force squadron of my dad.

Our mothers were asking us to come back to Pakistan. haha so technically, I've been to India :P

I don't understand the bickering---I would say that it was a great day for both the countries where a minister from one side could walk up to the office of the rangers and attend a meeting beneficial to both.

We should make this an oppurtune moment and take it a little further---and find a way so that people have more freedom of movement across the borders---what agreat oppurtunity---I am pretty sure that it would get wasted---.

It would have been nice to have obligated the indian minister by friendly comment by the foreign office.

I don't understand the bickering---I would say that it was a great day for both the countries where a minister from one side could walk up to the office of the rangers and attend a meeting beneficial to both.

We should make this an oppurtune moment and take it a little further---and find a way so that people have more freedom of movement across the borders---what agreat oppurtunity---I am pretty sure that it would get wasted---.

It would have been nice to have obligated the indian minister by friendly comment by the foreign office.


It reminds me of my trip to Wahga Border and the ceremoney.

It was spring season two years back when members from all four Provinces including me were on visit to Wahga.

And i literaly stepped into India :P The Captain on Pakistani side has to stop me about literaly 9 times and i made it on 10th attepmt by stepping the corssing line (the boundry line between the two countries) some 10 yards left of the main gate.
He was very angry at me every time when caught me doing so during briefing about the border he has to said in the middle of the conversation "Miss Dont Cross the line"

"Miss Dont cross the line"
And when at the end our way back to the hotel The Captain while guessing from where we all boys and girls belong to he said pointing towards me "YOU seems to be land of Pathans :D NWFP"

It was realy memorable as i had to tell everyone i crossed into India :P

And unlike Blain i was not at all afraid of teasing the Indian BSF soldiers realy no offence but they were so kangri just like me :P

BTW The news said they walked up to conference hall of Pakistan Rangers,
So my Question is what were the rangers doing on ourside when they dared too:)
So our government instead of taking note of Indian Minister's "harkat" should focuse on own secuirty.
Indian minister did not overstep border unchecked: Rangers

LAHORE: The Pakistan Rangers (Punjab chapter) has denied a news item published in a local newspaper (not Daily Times) that an Indian minister, Jairam Ramesh, had strolled into Pakistan unchecked on Friday (January 18). In a press release issued on Monday, the Rangers said that on Friday, Ramesh had been accompanied by the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) and customs officials at the Joint Check Post at Wagah. The Rangers said the Indian minister had taken three or four steps into Pakistan’s territory but was immediately warned by the officers on duty to back away. The press release said the minister had immediately stepped back and apologised for overstepping the Zero Line. The Rangers also advised the BSF to tell their dignitaries to observe the border limits at the Zero Line at the Joint Check Post. staff report

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
So the Indian minister is more stupid than i was to corss the zero line :D
Indian minister did not overstep border unchecked: Rangers

LAHORE: The Pakistan Rangers (Punjab chapter) has denied a news item published in a local newspaper (not Daily Times) that an Indian minister, Jairam Ramesh, had strolled into Pakistan unchecked on Friday (January 18). In a press release issued on Monday, the Rangers said that on Friday, Ramesh had been accompanied by the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) and customs officials at the Joint Check Post at Wagah. The Rangers said the Indian minister had taken three or four steps into Pakistan’s territory but was immediately warned by the officers on duty to back away. The press release said the minister had immediately stepped back and apologised for overstepping the Zero Line. The Rangers also advised the BSF to tell their dignitaries to observe the border limits at the Zero Line at the Joint Check Post. staff report

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

So either the rangers are now covering up for their carelessness or indeed he overstepped and was told to backup pakistan isnt your backyard where you can just overstep and come into. Anyways its from dailytimes, so i think i need to take this one with a pinch of salt.
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