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Indian Minister to Talk Russia out of Pakistan Su-35 etc. Deals

frontline or not frontline four choppers does not scare anyone

Four have been ordered. Their may be follow up orders. Total numbers shall depend on the performance and requirement.

How did France lose 2-3 billion dollars ?? They won't supply engines or missiles for your JF-17

By not providing engines, avionics and missiles for the JF-17s. Someone else earned the money.

Now French realized they lost money by not providing the equipment and they may also lose the money they hoped to earn by selling Rafael since the matter is still being negotiated.
Let Indians cry! They did the same for CPEC in China....What can we expect from india on acquiring SU-35 from russia? India is one of the largest ally of Russia so, there can be a possibility that India may cause few hurdles but i guess Russians are aware of US interested in making India its ally so Russia will be needing a new ally to run its weapons market! It could be Pakistan!
India went to China when CPEC happened, and now going to Russia when the slightest possibility of Pakistan acquiring Su-35 and other advanced military equipment surfaces. *Slow Clap*
Old Indian tactics but they will face huge humiliation just like in the case of CPEC

Let Indians cry! They did the same for CPEC in China....What can we expect from india on acquiring SU-35 from russia? India is one of the largest ally of Russia so, there can be a possibility that India may cause few hurdles but i guess Russians are aware of US interested in making India its ally so Russia will be needing a new ally to run its weapons market! It could be Pakistan!
Russia is not trusted ally as well.
Four have been ordered. Their may be follow up orders. Total numbers shall depend on the performance and requirement.

By not providing engines, avionics and missiles for the JF-17s. Someone else earned the money.

Now French realized they lost money by not providing the equipment and they may also lose the money they hoped to earn by selling Rafael since the matter is still being negotiated.

A JF-17 cost $25 million. What % of the aircraft cost can France make ? You are making 250 aircraft.
With China's involvement France is not selling jet engines and state of the art missiles.
A JF-17 cost $25 million. What % of the aircraft cost can France make ? You are making 250 aircraft.
With China's involvement France is not selling jet engines and state of the art missiles.

What are you trying to say?

Please elaborate.
A JF-17 cost $25 million. What % of the aircraft cost can France make ? You are making 250 aircraft.
With China's involvement France is not selling jet engines and state of the art missiles.
Pakistan isnt going to make JF-17 for herself, this jet is also available for export. With French avionics not just would they have made money in 250 or so jet Pakistan is making but also in every sale that takes place to other countries. Most countries want a western package and what better than the French. But French screwed it over Indian rafale deal which is happening like never. A lesson for the French and others for double crossing us.
If India wants Russia to stop well it will have to give in more, meaning less for the western defence market. India no matter how big or super big of an economy becomes, it still has limitations. Going out for Westerns options has already upset the red bear. Now if India back turns and move towards Russia, well this is going to stop Russia from selling hardware to Pakistan but than India cannot stop Western blocks to do business with Pakistan. Remember how the French were screwed from deal with Pakistan over radar and MICA. So either way Pakistan will get what it wants. It remains on India who it wants to upset more.
So they can talk all they want in the end what matters is what India puts on the table that can force Russia to ignore Pakistan. Besides what Indians at PDF forget is that Russia needs cash but that does not mean Russia is going to ignore its strategic interests and that is to keep US out. Russia no matter how cash strapped is still went in to support the Asad's regime. Gaining access to warm waters and keeping US in check will bring Russia close to already close Pakistan and China. We need to keep quiet and do what we are doing. Let Indians jump from boat to boat in a quest to deny Pakistan. In the end they are the ones who are going to lose.

Especially after US Congress passing 9/11 bill, the game has moved to a completely new level. Now, anything is possible. Both KSA and Russia are top oil producers and low oil prices are hurting them badly. With China's voracious demand on the ever increasing mode since she wants to have a consumer base like the USA, new game plans may be in the making. US interest may be dwindling for the ME oil, but for others it's a life and death question. New entrants into the game is imminent. And, Pak occupies a central role in these ventures. The game has just started. Time to shed old models and come up with new stories..
There is no deal of su-35 between Russia and Pakistan. So there is no point of talking Russia out of anything.:lol:

Drinking too much gaa mata special drink make you indians day dreaming, and always feels dumb while reality is always different :rofl:. There is a deal which showed in RT news agency and whole world too that Pakistan dealed with Russia for having su-35 and SAM'S dealing also have done, excluding Indians propaganda BJP based new channels like ZEE ( Mirch masala TRP BJP ) based :lol:and many of them showing and brain washing poor people of indians just to divert attention from poverty, rape and hunger to just show and fly false news that there is no deal flop and old tactics, I think Pakistan should create an independent news channel for indian common and poor people and masses which shows truth and expose indians matters and problems to the indian common people and masses, then they would be highlighted with truth, which sounds good :enjoy::chilli::D
India is playing an ugly role but that's it..it is an enemy state and there should be no surprise for Pakistan. However pakistan needs to mount a diplomatic effort wherever possible and especially in this case, Pakistan should immediately send a high level delegation to Russia and keep China in the loop.
The only 2 ways in which you can counter it is, either to show the Red bear enough cash for him to bite, or via a show of some mutually beneficial strategic interest. The former you dont have,so it may well be a non starter. For the later you need to have the red dragon on board. Your interests are strategically alligned with the red dragon but you need to be careful in not upsetting that apple cart. So it is a difficult balancing game. I think we will have some overture but how is something which remains to be seen. For me it remains difficult to sit out of the country and comment on the future plans of the beaurocracy and the army without my contacts in Pakistan. So we just have to wait and see. I suspect the ball has been left in the Russian court for them to ponder on. That is about all we can do at the moment.

India holds considerable advantage over countries which depend on weapons sales to boost their budgets and quell inflation. India check mated Pakistan's intention of loading thunders with French avionics and weapons package with MMRCA. Too bad the French got duped and in greed decided not to sell to PAF and in the process pleased India, however the pain they must be feeling upon losing the 2-3 Billion $ deal back in 2010 to a deal that is still nowhere in 2016!
I say fudge the French and hit them where it hurts them the most, In their pockets. The 1.4 billion deal would have seen them happy for some time at least. a weapons deal would have followed which would have taken the numbers up to 2 billion. Now they neither have that nor the mighty rafale deal . Meanwhile PAF has moved on to compatible and even better equipment. Serves them right.
I dont know why is Pakistan even considering Russian jets. Their reliability record isnt that good.
Totally don't agree with you it seems you are living in 1980 era things has changed Russian Airwarefare has got better and better in terms of technology

35 countries use their air muscle and yet you talk without any sufficiently proofs Russian airforce has blown barriers where human mind even only fantasies itself

SU 37 are the technological Marvel's
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Surprising, not at all.

It was expected since the interest was expressed in front of Russia. Strategical interests are evolving and rapidly changing along with geopolitics. One should not forget that money does not matter in every aspect and sometimes it is more about nation interest. If even it has be sponsored by GCC, the speculated Pak-Russia deal, make sense on two basis as 1) pulling Russia away from Iran and 2) forming and aligning with new powers against the old one that too based upon the mess created in M.e.

Let India stretch more to stop Pakistan from buying anything and I can see end results. Let India spend more and more to influence the suppliers. While looking at the same strategy of India, throwing money to influence the suppliers, IMO, lets wait for a bit more and picture will be more clearer than before. It is based upon, what if I can't fight directly, I can force the adversary to stretch more and loose control. NaMO's strategy, the tactics that gave him win in election, all time Anti-Pakistan approach is good enough to push India itself back but would be happening in future, by looking at the current expenditure and reasons planned for costs in future. These strategies of him are becoming embarrassment but we will see in near future and would be proven as well. His stance has proven our point from Kashmir issue rise to interfering in GB and Baluchistan.

IMO, let India lobby more and spend more in Russia. One thing for sure, India has started to worrying about whom to loose and who to choose. Either the west/US or Russia in most. Even India itself expressed that of her influence due to economy/spending on others so lets the stockpile decrease and another phase of the game would be started. Pakistan is not much in very good shape of economy today so we have less to loose in this game because we are not out for wild shopping but played well in manners whereby the rival will be forced to spend more & more by everyday. Even ifffffff we are in a deal of SU-35 with Russia and even iffff India succeeded to lobby by more contracts, we have nothing to loose much in this game as iffff we are allegedly buying SUs from Russia then must have something in pocket that can influence more or could consider any other supplier too but again it depends, ifffff we have. Such interest before Russia is not just Pakistan limited but Russia would have seen the opportunity window this time which says more cash and strategic gain than India alone can offer. And one thing more, Iran showed interest to join CPEC so may understand what is developing here. India has already fired her shot by MMRCA and LEMOA. Russia more closer with Turkey, Pakistan getting closer, CPEC on the horizon and getting attention, China a strong bridge, GCC becoming aware of US doing in M.E and their future in the same contexts that force them to revisit their priorities and all these forced to form a new friendship circle.

Also, we must expect a new wave of brigade for advocacy of NaMO Ji, him being evolved better than before and is not that much anti-Pakistan anymore which is more of face saving tactics to avoid the laugh based upon failed strategies against a sovereign nation. I am sure we are not going to buy the same this time but opportunity would be availed in time so lets wait a bit more.

Our approach to Russia is not just limited to us but it will be impacting in long term and many more relations for Russia with GCC etc through Pakistan. We would have paved many other ways for us long ago and would have been enjoying today rather than starting today if we had an effective diplomatic front and competent/capable people in civilian office. It is true that Pakistan was cut-off from top suppliers and one of the reasons is, failed diplomacy and short-sighting though looks like we learnt through a bit hard way but now are on right track and need sometime to gain pace.
"Badalta hay rang-e-aasman kesy kesy"
(How surprising that what used to be entirely blue sky is now changing itself from one colour to another.)

When India was running MMRCA, Russians were so sure that Su-35 is the most viable option for India and they'd see it flying in Indian colours - and on Pakistan's side, Pakistan was so sure to get 36 Additional F-16s from USA. Now few years later, we find Indians are getting ready to receive F-16s while Pakistan is putting its hands on Su-35!

How amazing is that?
No f 16 to india, we are too happy with our brand new rafale with meteor missiles. :D :D
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