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Indian Minister to Talk Russia out of Pakistan Su-35 etc. Deals

Not going to happen! The SU-35s at $100 million a pop are un-affordable! *fast clap* :P

When we wanted engines for JF-17 Indians were saying not going to happen. It happened.

When we went for Mi-35 Indians said not going to happen. It happened.

Now it is SU 35 and Indians are saying not going to happen.

Lets wait and see.

Global alliances are reshaping.
Kayani already got his max extensions & yes Core commands do make decisions. Keep in mind, the army was upset & demoralised by Kayanis bull sh!t & it was because of this there were 3 mutiny attempt against Kayani.

The fact is Kayani was a failure & even Gen. Musharraf admits it. Also, thens ISPR In Charge Gen. Athar to admits it & had spoken against Kayani.

Now about Ganja, Ganja from his side thought by picking up a non veteran General it might favour him & as a result we saw Gen. Raheel getting named as the new COAS who was picked above thens senior General, Gen. Haroon, who was a veteran & a hero in SWA ops.

Ganja was scared of Gen. Raheel & all the drama of ganja is not hidden, he did whatever he could to save himself & his DEMOCRAZY but when he saw there is no attempt from Gen. Raheel to get rid of DEMOCRAZY & now you can see they are not bothered, nor are they worried.

hahaha yesss ok ummhmmm
whatever suits you
If India wants Russia to stop well it will have to give in more, meaning less for the western defence market. India no matter how big or super big of an economy becomes, it still has limitations. Going out for Westerns options has already upset the red bear. Now if India back turns and move towards Russia, well this is going to stop Russia from selling hardware to Pakistan but than India cannot stop Western blocks to do business with Pakistan. Remember how the French were screwed from deal with Pakistan over radar and MICA. So either way Pakistan will get what it wants. It remains on India who it wants to upset more.
So they can talk all they want in the end what matters is what India puts on the table that can force Russia to ignore Pakistan. Besides what Indians at PDF forget is that Russia needs cash but that does not mean Russia is going to ignore its strategic interests and that is to keep US out. Russia no matter how cash strapped is still went in to support the Asad's regime. Gaining access to warm waters and keeping US in check will bring Russia close to already close Pakistan and China. We need to keep quiet and do what we are doing. Let Indians jump from boat to boat in a quest to deny Pakistan. In the end they are the ones who are going to lose.
No where in your link is it mentioned that Russia is providing Pakistan guided missiles for use with the Mi-35s.

You have not provided any link to your claim. It is just your word till a reliable source is provided.

Te link I shared states that the helicopters to be provided to Pakistan are Hind E configuration which are upgraded version of Mi 24V. Mi 24V are armed with guided missiles so there is no reason to claim that gunships ordered by Pakistan shall be without the same.
helf of the time of indian high level officials in every meeting waste for pakistan :rofl:

No where in your link is it mentioned that Russia is providing Pakistan guided missiles for use with the Mi-35s.
its not only MI-35 sir even if pakistan got f-22 raptor it will become useless against india next day :lol:
Sorry to differ from your views,he is not in against personal agenda against any nation,but only national interest.
Also in my view he dont want pakistan beg but good relation with them and then pathankot happen.
Actually Russia agreed to Indian request not to provide Anti tank guided missiles to Pakistan for it's Mi-35s.Infact Pakistan's Mi-35s will only be equipped with unguided rockets & gunpods, making with quite useless during a conflict with India.

And you think Pakistanis can not integrate guided munitions in MI-35 if required?
NaMO G.. has institutionalised or the better word Nationalised the anti Pakistan campaign.

going through the web, the talkshows or surveys or anything Pakistan related, good or bad.. we are now used to see definite "Indian" commentary AT Pakistan. the subject maybe as humble and as harmless as cooking or clothing but it can be turned into a rabid Anti Pakistan rant .

@Oscar I am trying to find a video where Noam Chomsky was invited in the "democracy now" program talking about most hated countries of the world... America, Israel and Saudi Arabia were mentioned for one reason or another and the program host mentioned Pakistan as being there as well to which Noam dismissed it by saying that the anti Pakistan sentiment in the world is exaggerated by large population of Indians who make it a religiously nationalistic duty to hate over Pakistan.

the difference now is that it was disorganised and sporadic. Modi has given this sentiment a Nationalistic obsession now. therefore the Internet Hindus (a term coined by an Indian herself who has been a target of these people) will aggressively tout the awesomeness of India from the present time to beyond the times of recorded history and the Indians who wont conform and comply will be dealt with severely.

Pakistan, is a right of passage for Modi's India. to be somebody and taken seriously. Pakistan needs to be subdued by Modi and his acolytes. Alas for Modi .that is not the case and Modi is left with the leadership confined in Kabul presidential Palace, Bangladeshi Haseena and some insignificant "dots" around it who cant even sneeze without its permission.

the Modi's arrogance changed to anger that changed to frustration and it will eventually change into a joke.
Imagine the shockwave Iranian ambassador's speech sent inside India when he expressed Iran's desire to become part of the CPEC. here was Modi setting up a shop in Chabahar to nullify the Pak China corridor.

Trolling India before Modi had no direction or vision. with him on the helm and the bunch of like minded buddies of his .. they have shown the way how to troll against Pakistan. his minsters go to Saudis and Chinese asking for favours at the expense of Pakistan or bypassing Pakistan . and basically their international relations are based on what Pakistan does and how to counter it.
the guy you quoted has a purpose now

The issue with most Pakistanis is that they are delusional, they normally view the world through a tiny prism. Entire Pakistani policy depended on this. This prism has seen some rare changes over the years, namely.

1. Treating Afghanistan as their backyard and a strategic space (the entire WOT decade and a half, supporting the taliban etc passed through under this delusion).

2. The Muslim ummah (snuggling up to every Arab and his camel, and trying to please every Arab prince in the name of Muslim brotherhood).

3. Kashmir, Kashmir and more Kashmir..a few sane Pakistani analysts would say that obsession over Kashmir has done more damage to you than brought any benefits - but I will not judge Pakistan on it because kashmir has become an existential factor for Pakistan.

4. Now, the flavor of the month is CPEC, every controversy, every delusion, every action, reaction, and every Indian, afghan, Iranian action, statement or move is supposedly for or against CPEC.

India has much bigger concerns than worrying about cpec or Pakistan - but that is not the truth for most pakistanis.

India would very well be concerned about Afghanistan in reality because it views it as it's energy corridor to central Asia. The energy requirement for the billion plus Indians is the second largest in the world - but then. .supporting Afghanistan is supposedly against cpec by every delusional Pakistani analyst.

India is looking to reduce defence imports, by planning to start local production of defence systems, it intends to diversify it's requirements between Russian and western systems(solely because it's offered and available)...but then every DP thinks it's against cpec.

India may very well be concerned about Chinese hegemonic actions in South China sea and would be looking ahead of time to anticipate similar Chinese actions in IOR and try to negate that by forming an alliance - but a simple logistic agreement that US has with scores of its allies is apparently against cpec.

Indian thinkers may very well be thinking ahead and planning its strategies - but then, all these are supposedly against cpec.

The Russian president is visiting India, and as is normal practise - foreign, defense and home ministers visit each others country to set the agenda for an important meeting - but then for the delusional Pakistanis - it's against cpec or its new found Russian lover.
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And you think Pakistanis can not integrate guided munitions in MI-35 if required?
Bro don't argue with these trolls...according to them;
  • Putin does not even sleep without the permission from New Delhi.
  • It is not Russia that provides India the defence equipment and have Indians by balls rather the opposite is true.
Pakistan's biggest problem is lack of vision by corrupt politicians. Army has only one job, to protect our borders. It's government responsibility to do the rest.
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