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Indian Military Picture Thread

Yup...innocent Kashmiris...who are members of ...LET.....Harkat ul Jihade islami (HUJI)......JEM.......and all other anti india terrorist group.

:) first of all it was bellow the belt to post some of the pics from the past. I wonder if he had forgot to post that pic where terrorist Indian army is holding an innocent Kashmiri youth by his hair and draging him.

Secondly some of these above mentioned groups amount to innocent as well keeping in view the brutal killings of innocent Kashmiris at the hands of Indian army and your illegal occupation of Kashmir.

The HuJI was created by India to destabilise Bangladesh you must be knowing better if its innocent or not.
Interesting comment. Its all statistics, lady! Better the stats for Indian forces, lesser the headache for administrative authorities!

Btw, when a certain population supports misguided youth, in the fallacious concepts of religious duty and "freedom", to pick up weapons against the writ of the state they enjoy rights of, they are basically asking for it and have it coming!

Innocent? My foot! Do you even know what innocence is?

Scum don't deserve pity, just trash and, if lucky, body bags! And they will be crushed & trampled by the very constitution they enjoy their rights under and are fighting against!

Good work by the Indian Armed Forces.

yes the Kashmiris are innocent who are being killed by Indian army.

And they reserve the right to fight for their freedom because Kashmir is not nor it was part of India.

It was India that had invaded Kashmir.

and please go back and check all those killings by Indian army there in fake encounters and also check the rape of innocent Kashmiri women by Indian ugly army.
:) first of all it was bellow the belt to post some of the pics from the past. I wonder if he had forgot to post that pic where terrorist Indian army is holding an innocent Kashmiri youth by his hair and draging him.
Like that doesn't happen in Pakistan!
Secondly some of these above mentioned groups amount to innocent as well keeping in view the brutal killings of innocent Kashmiris at the hands of Indian army and your illegal occupation of Kashmir.
Brutal killings you say. Well what about the random spraying of bullets in a crowded market place by "terrorists'? What about bombs targeting civilians by these "freedom fighters"? Oh that's acceptable collateral damage, in your quest for grabbing Kashmir?
Illegal occupation? That's what you have been taught to believe. We see it a little differently. And surprisingly, the rest of the world sees it as we do, except for those pesky, snotty, self-righteous Brits - the creators of this whole nuisance in the first place.
Btw, you aint getting anything out of Kashmir. You are just milking a dead cow.
The HuJI was created by India to destabilise Bangladesh you must be knowing better if its innocent or not.
Seriously, what/who are your sources? You tend to make such interesting comments/statements!
"HuJI was created by India to destabilize BD" Interesting. Your SOURCE? Or should I take that as another BS comment?
yes the Kashmiris are innocent who are being killed by Indian army.
Some casualties are unfortunate. Collateral damage or civilians caught in the line of fire. Some, agreed are victims. Rest all those killed by Indian forces, were scumbags who picked up a gun against the state. Deserved what they got! Moving on.
And they reserve the right to fight for their freedom because Kashmir is not nor it was part of India.
It was India that had invaded Kashmir.
Depends on your perception. You iniquitous views wont change the ground realities or history. Pakistan pined for Kashmir, chose to meddle in Kashmir, became mired in it, formulated tunnel vision policies through Kashmir tinted glasses and now its roosters have come home to nest.
and please go back and check all those killings by Indian army there in fake encounters and also check the rape of innocent Kashmiri women by Indian ugly army.
Good. Such a callow comment. I shall keep that in mind next time around.
Wholy Crap!!

What does india wants to do by killing these Freedom fighters? Build a wall of dignaty with their Dead bodies:sniper:?

60 years of Hindustani occupation could'nt opress Kashmiri's will to live freely .
If Westerns call them Terrorists it does'nt matter.. WHO CARES!!
If this is the case that every one who fights for Liberty is a terrorist wether by politics or an armed movement Then:
Abraham Linclon was a terrorist.
Gandhi and jawaharlal Nehru was a terrorist .
Bhagat singh was a terrorist .
Tipu sultan and his father Haidar were terrorists.
winston churchill was a terrorist
Syed ali gilani is a terrorist
Iraqi people are terrorists
Bosnian muslims were terrorists
Sri lankans are terrorists

If indians believe that whoever fights for one's land and right is a terrorist then lemme add Whole Indian Millitary is a terrorist millitary .

And i have seen these pictures on an Indian forum a year back.

when innocent Kashmiris killed by Indian army were placed on ground and dead bodies were walked over by Indian army, they put the weapons besides the dead bodies just to make them appear as fighters.

anyway :tdown:
These guys are not kashmiri youth they are infiltrators from pak occupied kashmir. There is no support for these people in the kashmir valley. People of kashmir want only peace recent elections shows that.
India's wall of Secular Dignity!!

Following Colours are the colours of blood on the hands of the Whloe Indian Nation. Yet they are Shamless .......!!

1:Terrorist with a Missile walking on the road was Shot dead!!:devil:


2:Kashmiri terrorists with State of the art weapons killing Indian Soldiers.:devil:


3:First pile of India's wall of Dignity.

4:A 7 year old Terrorist carrying Photo of her Terrorist Father.

Continued............watch the next episode.
Welcome to the second Episode.

5:Terrorist Leader Mir waiz Umar Farooq.


7:Terrorist women Asking :argh:Her GOD for Justice.


8:Stop killing terrorists!!

9: Do not cry son your father was killed because he was a Terrorist:cry:


these are the images from the oct 26 encounter

Indian army troops leave the area after a gun battle between themselves and Pakistani-trained Kashmiri militants on October 26, 2009 in Keller , 70 km (44 miles) south of Srinagar, in Indian administered Kashmir. Indian military reports state that at least three Pakistani-trained Kashmiri militants of Hizbul Mujahideen, the largest militant outfit operating in Indian Administered Kashmir, including a most wanted senior commander were killed today during a gun battle.



Indian army encounted Heavily armed terrorists.

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