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Indian military massive STRATEGIC revamp For Quad

Only way for India to win is if Modi expands his bunghole to 100" and shits all over the APAC region.
I have nothing against here...just few questions

1) How?...Where I can get that information that India wanted to annex East Pakistan? Pakistani source or external?
2) Again...what does records say and what does world endorse...If our figures are right, why we do not raise it in international forums and get the records corrected?
3) We hold a part (strategically inferior to what Indians hold).....they hold most of it. It also took Pakistani soldiers's lives (Gyari avalanche??)
4) What does winning means...occupying land? They blamed us of deceit post Kargil, maligned our reputation internationally......cases like Kargil, and other within India/Kashmir...they were able to convince the world that we are the bad boys...I guess they achieved their objective.
5) It's due to their stand in Doklam and then Ladak that they got support and trust from Quad members and West in general as only one which ca stand against China in Asia....don't you agree?

Every weapon is either a copy of some previously developed system or is developed with the help of someone......Don't you think Chinese weapons are copy of US/Russian ones?...US/Russian weapon technologies were initially copied from Germany post WW2.
1) according to user @Vapnope, its the indians who said it. Im going off chuck yeagers account
2) regarding the POW figure. It is internationally accpeted that 93k is propaganda. Charles wilson, sarmilla bose etc. Its all in here

3) siachen is a strategically inept barren wasteland of snow. India lost thousands lives during the war (combat and non combat) and continue to do so today. Pakistan does lose soldiers to that front but no where near as many as india

4) pakistans aim was to occupy peaks to overlook NH1A and shell it to stop supplies to siachen. Thats what we did during the war and can still do today. Indias aim was to retake all posts/occupied by us. They only retook 4 of them. We have the other 4 today. (2 were taken during the actual war, the other 2 during the 2000s). What happened politcally was the fault of Nawaz Sharif imo. That dumbass lamented to the US and Indias will, withdrew supplies to our troops in the middle of fighting, forces them to withdraw and got so many of them killed because of it.

5) no. India has no chance against china with or without Quad. Qaud support was going to be given regardless. Imo it started since 1962 when they first supplied them against india. It hasnt stopped.

Also yes i know some military tech is a copy of others. But when someone such as the maverick claims its indigenously built and 100% indian then they are wrong. Very wrong
loving the response to thread about India revamping and restructuring all 3 services to fight a coordinated war in future and how it will benefit indua and quad... turns so sour by PDF members

the thread is about revamp
not about how many pak soldiers surrendered,in 1971 was it 26000 or 96000 . nobody gives a dam today .

nobody said indian carriers or destroyers or frigates,or war planes or radars or missles did not receive cutting edge western.assistance in design . we did
so what ....
they are indian weapons and getting israeli or French guidance makes them.better.than the cheap chinease copys anyway
why derail the thread with utter unrelated co ntent
loving the response to thread about India revamping and restructuring all 3 services to fight a coordinated war in future and how it will benefit indua and quad... turns so sour by PDF members

the thread is about revamp
not about how many pak soldiers surrendered,in 1971 was it 26000 or 96000 . nobody gives a dam today .

nobody said indian carriers or destroyers or frigates,or war planes or radars or missles did not receive cutting edge western.assistance in design . we did
so what ....
they are indian weapons and getting israeli or French guidance makes them.better.than the cheap chinease copys anyway
why derail the thread with utter unrelated co ntent
Are you seriously contradicting yourself?
Hmm ... From what I gathered, this is an attempt by the West to bring about changes to the indian military so that they can integrate into the Western military operational command structure. I believe what they (the West) have found when trying to coordinate with the indians in military exercises, is that they have a very different, albeit inept, command structure and operational procedures.

The West (america, britain & france) need india in order to win a war against China and Russia. To put it in the crudest of sense, india is Asia's ukraine for the West. Whereas Japan is Pacific's Poland for the West and australia is South Pacific's canada for the West.

This quad/aukus or whatever retarded acronyms london/washington come up with these days, is a clear indicator for the world to see that the West is not invincible and is very much dependent on it's lackey states to do the "leg-work" for them. The only "privileged" lackey state in this quad/aukus pokus is australia, their "blue-eyed boy" (in the literal sense of the words), whereas india is their "shoe shine boy."
1. But training militants, providing them intelligence is not always used from the motive of annexing the land. US trained militants in Syria, Iraq...now in Afghanistan (ISIS).....Iran train militants in Palestine, Jordan....We trained militants and provided them intelligence in Kashmir/Indian Punjab.....motive was to destabilise the environment... I think this is what India did...trained Mukti-militants to destabilise East Pakistan....Not sure if Manekshaw accepted it as a plan...source?

2. Surrender happened on 16th Dec, 1971...all the dates provided by you are prior to the surrender....implying that the figures mentioned by "American secret papers" may not be authentic.
You didn't read my comment, did you? The source is mentioned twice. And yes India openly accepted their plan after the war while they maintained that they don't want annexation of Pakistan during and before the war.

The statement from Nixon that explicitly mentions the number 55,000 was made in Nov 1971. Help me understand on how the number was doubled in a week time?

You do understand that POW is not explicitly used for military personnel. The number of 90,000 include civil servants and everyone who was a Pakistani there.
love it
shoe shine boy with
650 billion forex
end nuclear weapons
currently making 140.billion a year from.the blue eyed boys with crap.it services

not bad for a shoe shine boy
things could be worse like struggling to pay back.2 billion.measly loan to uae

$650 billion in Forex? Wow!!! Impressive ... especially considering that hundreds of millions of your people are living in utterly destitute conditions. That an additional 200 million plus indians have been further added to the already largest poverty stricken population on the planet, in india.

So tell me, you're gonna feed the hundreds of millions of indians paper dollar notes for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
revamp.of military stick.to.thread
You were the one who started to deviate from the thread in the first place...
it could be worse our forex could be 16 billion
our GDP falling as the rupee devalues,
can't pay back 2 billion loans.to neighbours
usa discarded us
no option but the lower end chinease weapons on soft loans
Again could be worse for us... I mean losing 1000+sqkm of land to the chinese, having dozens of soldiers taken as pow, 2 jets shot down, 1 pilot pow, made an international laughing stock, has its own face destroyed on the world stage, no one takes us seriously anymore, has a leader thats compared to hitler, 50% living below the poverty line, largest wealth gap in the world, and piss weak armed forces whose only strength is money
piss weak armed forces,that will.not give an inch to you or your daddy China..
that I can guarantee..

Inch in India is the territory you don't lose, i assume. Because both China and Pakistan has captured so called "Indian territories" in Past and continue to capture till this day. You really need to update your definition of an Inch by international standards.
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