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Indian military build-up: Pakistan shares concern with US

the australoid race are mixed in with the invading Aryans. In south Asia, the people has more Australoid mixture. Now, I'm not sure the % of genes are Australoid, probably not too much. But it still has more than north India as the Australoid are very very low.

Start a new thread about this also if you need and courage.No off topic here.
power my *** lol, india is broke weak just like it always was, even though it inherited most of the stuff from the british army as well, pakistan army was a army basically built from scratch and it can punish india when ever it needs to.

thanks for this lmfao yindoos just don't learn.
we try to be friendly with them and they start taking it for granted.

so that explanation makes sense to him? he said "baghwan" instead of allah because of the guy in front of him? who was hindu?
you really believe that? lol
i mean he just killed dozens of people and then he wants to say baghwan instead of allah? just to show some kind of respect to the hindu officer? lol

-kasab doesn't have a pakistani punjabi accent
-kasab clearly said "baghwan" instead of allah, i mean what kinda of jihadi says baghwan? when knowing that he will face certain death soon? and that he committed all these crimes to go to heaven and then mistakes allah for baghwan? i mean no body ever says baghwan in our country except hindus.
- the village that supposedly kasab came from was proven to be a lie in a follow up by another tv channel

notice how the Pakistan missile is more advanced and high tech with better aerodynamics:woot:

Now if you want to live in denial, I cant help you out...

This can help you out...

Revealed: home of Mumbai's gunman in Pakistan village | World news | The Observer
Mumbai fisherman warned about bomb smugglers - CNN.com
Ajmal Kasab is Pakistani, says Sharif - Economic Times

meanwhile. wasn't it your central cabinet minister who agreed that Kasab is a Pakistani...

i didn't forget , its just that that nobody in that village knew kasab thats the problem lol.

all i have to say is that I'm not convinced kasab is pakistani, he could be but i doubt it.
we do think about our country and its people before anything so you can stop worrying about that and also tell your government to stop sponsoring terrorism in its neighboring countries.

man you people really suck at english lol, read what he wrote before you reply to him lol.
We suck in english?? Thats why we are in better condition than Pakistanis... As I said being delusional in an not a crime but can be a mental illness. Sure there are many psychiatric in Pakistan who can treat you well... If not come to India:enjoy:...
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