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Indian military build-up: Pakistan shares concern with US

Can you put up your Indian flag? Why be ashamed of your own country.

India has been a basket case for a long time. It show some promise for a few years back in mid 2000s and now, its back to reality. I'm just sharing my views. But with the ways things are going, India will always be the superpower of tomorrow.

Such shameless products of gutter from fil.thy sweatshops just keep coming to ruin every thread.
But you told me you grew up and studied in Taiwan. :girl_wacko:

I started 4t grade here in America. You must be confused me with someone else. In America, we teach Aryan invasion as history.

Such shameless products of gutter from fil.thy sweatshops just keep coming to ruin every thread.

Personal attacks would not change facts about India. Just accept what India is today and debate the facts.
I started 4t grade here in America. You must be confused me with someone else. In America, we teach Aryan invasion as history.

How you learned bopomofo in American school. :omghaha::omghaha: As usual, you are ashamed of your Chinese ancestry. :pissed:
Personal attacks would not change facts about India. Just accept what India is today and debate the facts.

The "centuries of humiliation" is not personal attack. It is fact.

And it explains everything...
Can you put up your Indian flag? Why be ashamed of your own country..

Have we not gone through this already?

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." ---Einstein

Speaking of which, I see you're still pretending to be Taiwanese. Don't you think it's about time you slapped on the communist flag?
Have we not gone through this already?

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." ---Einstein

Speaking of which, I see you're still pretending to be Taiwanese. Don't you think it's about time you slapped on the communist flag?

If that is the definition, we have an incredibly insane person on our hands.
Have we not gone through this already?

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." ---Einstein

Speaking of which, I see you're still pretending to be Taiwanese. Don't you think it's about time you slapped on the communist flag?

I have talked to number of American Taiwanese like @faithfulguy, sorry to see many of them feel ashamed of their Chinese ancestry and won't easily concede that they are Chinese.
We dont like Western civilization .Dont compare Western civilization with Indian civilization.There is a huge ages of difference
between them.

Hey mister...India still follow that same culture that developed in Vedic periods and later Mauryan dynasty ,especially Ashoka the Great.You are right some countries still completely influenced by Indian culture.Kashmir to Kanyakumari ,people still follow Indian civilization or Hindu civilization .Think as Indian first.

Mauryan dynasty is definitely part of Indian civilization. But this country is not India. Its a country the located Indian subcontinent. Do you know that Italy does not regard itself as a continuation of the Roman empire? Even though it has more right to claim that continuation. So India as a country started in 1947. As a civilization, it has been around longer, just not as a country.
Mauryan dynasty is definitely part of Indian civilization. But this country is not India. Its a country the located Indian subcontinent. Do you know that Italy does not regard itself as a continuation of the Roman empire? Even though it has more right to claim that continuation. So India as a country started in 1947. As a civilization, it has been around longer, just not as a country.

I am from South India.I know about Tamils more than you.As an Indian I know India's history more than you.You are just a foreigner concern about Indian history.
Any way this thread is not about Indian history.If you want to argue with us over Indian History ,you can start new thread.No more off topic here
I seem to have missed this one :)

And Pakistanis say India goes crying to USA :)
Race... I'll entertain you. India today is predominately a mixture of Aryan and Australoid race. With very few pure Aryan but a little bit more pure Australoid race. There are also some Mongoloids in the North East. So its quite complex.

Main race in Kerala is meditarenean race and Aryan race.Not australoid.Start a new thread about this also if you need.
I am from South India.I know about Tamils more than you.As an Indian I know India's history more than you.You are just a foreigner concern about Indian history.
Any way this thread is not about Indian history.If you want to argue with us over Indian History ,you can start new thread.No more off topic here

Great, so what state are you from?
Great, so what state are you from?

I am from Kerala.Large number peoples in my neighbourhood are Tamils.Ok please create a new thread about it,seem you dont know nothing about India but I can tell you.I cant go furthur with this history in this thread ,it is off topic here.
Main race in Kerala is meditarenean race and Aryan race.Not australoid.Start a new thread about this also if you need.

the australoid race are mixed in with the invading Aryans. In south Asia, the people has more Australoid mixture. Now, I'm not sure the % of genes are Australoid, probably not too much. But it still has more than north India as the Australoid are very very low.
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