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Indian media is paranoid: Arnab Goswami gets trolled by Indians

On the contrary his target audience is Indian Hindus who are a majority in India. People like him wrap venomous propoganda inside Patriotism to make sure they can incite ordinary citizens.
If he says:
Pakistan trained locust swarms attack India
Public will hear:
Pakistan attack India

This is how brainwashing works. You enter Pakistan terrorist attack India in same sentence amongst other words again and again so that words get etched into minds of ordinary citizens. Then there comes a time when you speak these words by sandwiching them in load of crap and people will accept it as holly truth. I mean just listen to every Indian who watches his show and you will see how all have some certain words and phrases etched into them. They will repeat those words again and again in every sentence bcz they have been bombarded with those words everyday.

Arnab Gobarsawami is no fool he knows what he is doing.
Dog whistle politics
As a result of living in a world of delusions today their country is being pulled from right under their feet

Please also watch what Wing Commander Abhinandan has to say about Indian media

I actually like this indian. At least he is being honest with his views and doesn't try to hide them. arnab goswami is just saying what all indians REALLY think and feel about Pakistan, Pakistanis and Muslims. That is why he is so popular and treated like a god by indians.
I actually like this indian. At least he is being honest with his views and doesn't try to hide them. arnab goswami is just saying what all indians REALLY think and feel about Pakistan, Pakistanis and Muslims. That is why he is so popular and treated like a god by indians.
Now RAW will be tasked to find those camps where LOCUSTS are trained by ISI to destroy Indian crops, then there will be Sir Ji Kal strikes on those camps and the story goes on and on.
Now RAW will be tasked to find those camps where LOCUSTS are trained by ISI to destroy Indian crops, then there will be Sir Ji Kal strikes on those camps and the story goes on and on.

@Cliftonite @jamahir @Pakistani Fighter
Now RAW will be tasked to find those camps where LOCUSTS are trained by ISI to destroy Indian crops, then there will be Sir Ji Kal strikes on those camps and the story goes on and on.

Even poor old locusts are not spared india high IQ paranoia. What did they ever do to indians?...........:disagree:
I am pretty sure he never forgets to pick up his 7 figure checks...

I don't know why he is such a big deal in India. Seriously he isn't a journalist that's not journalism this is pure shit show. His shows mostly which I have seen starts with an internal issue he is shouting he won't let the guest talk and end up shouting. And somehow mother of all the problems internal or external turn out to be Pakistan.
Locust is only one example just look at the kabotar /pigeon story. Indians really have peas for brains. Seriously wth is wrong with this guy. Lagta Hai is ki gai Mar di Hai hmne. Sala pagla gya Hai
Do you think a cow has got Divine Power??!?! If some folks think so then this folk is “Divine” too for them....
Now RAW will be tasked to find those camps where LOCUSTS are trained by ISI to destroy Indian crops, then there will be Sir Ji Kal strikes on those camps and the story goes on and on.[/QUOTE]

I am pretty sure he never forgets to pick up his 7 figure checks...

Do you think a cow has got Divine Power??!?! If some folks think so then this folk is “Divine” too for them....

I am pretty sure he never forgets to pick up his 7 figure checks...

Do you think a cow has got Divine Power??!?! If some folks think so then this folk is “Divine” too for them....
Of course cow has DIVINE powers, i feel so powerful after eating BEEF (especially Turkish recipes).
Whatever we may think of goswami, at least he openly says what is in the hearts of all indians.
Actually media and politicians are like hawks. Public fear is their prey that promotes their interests because they speak what people want to hear and this is how they gain public support and viewership.
Actually media and politicians are like hawks. Public fear is their prey that promotes their interests because they speak what people want to hear and this is how they gain public support and viewership.


What indians want to hear the most and what keeps them ticking is the thought off the death and destruction of the entire Pakistani race and nation. Preferably of all Muslims.

What indians want to hear the most and what keeps them ticking is the thought off the death and destruction of the entire Pakistani race and nation. Preferably of all Muslims.
Indian media and politicians are writing checques which poor Bipin Rawat has to encashed on the battle field but Indian Army is so bankrupt that their account is empty. Gen Bipin will have to resign I guess if he has some shame left in him.


#BreakingNews Strategic Plans Div. of #Pakistan has successfully inducted swarms of specialized #locusts that are trained to carry miniaturized tactical nuclear weapons of 0.02 kilotons. These secret weapons have already been deployed at forward bases along the #Indian border.

He's playing with Pakistanis here, telling them exactly what they want to hear.

It borderlines satire sometimes but gullible Pakistanis showers likes and thanks. :crazy:
Dude you yourself have been on the receiving end of hyper nationalist rss types on PDF.

And you believe his anti-Semitic rant?
Being critical of israel or anti zionist doesnt make you anti semitic.

P.S: Even arabs are semites.

Not too many places actually. Parsi food is more popular in Mumbai. Irani Chai restaurants serve a killer Chicken Dhansak.

Sindhis in India have a reputation for being tight with their money. They won't overspend. But they do splurge when in a group of friends. So the stereotype isn't entirely correct.

EDIT: the best place to get Sindhi food will be at the home of your Sindhi girlfriend. There must be restaurants but I am not really aware of them.

We have this miser stereotype about shiekhs & Memons lol.

Sindhis here aren’t considered miser but lazy lol. My apologies to Sindhi bhaus.

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