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Indian Media Epic fail, claimed F-16b pilot shahaz ud din alive and well lol

I was flabbergasted by these Indian media claims. I know Waseem Uddin and I know his sons.....none of them ever joined the air force.

How the heck does the Indian media come up with such delusions. This media war is beyond me that I can't even comprehend the level of fanatic fantasy news stories that populate on their channels....

I mean how bad would the IAF families feel about the other 2 fighter pilots who have either been killed or still missing. Their country has abandoned them the way it looks like.

And for the record no F-16s shot down for PAF. All came back safely.
If an F-16 had been downed, I'm pretty sure India would've sent a commando team to pick up some of the wreckage, even if it was across the LoC. It's just too big of a fish to ignore.
Firstly , even I think that this is an unlikely name and nobody even knows where this information came from.

The simplest solution to this mystery is for some TV channel to interview Air Marshal Waseem and his sons.

What is disturbing is that not one TV channel or news outlet in Pakistan has done that. Say what you will about Indian Media , by now there would have been 50 cameras outside Air Marshall Waseem's home .

This is what shows the black spots in the Lentil Soup, as they say in Swahili.

That would be pointless and the A/M would never agree to it.
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