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indian Manned Spaceflight Delayed

its not about Cryogenic engine, because they have brought plenty of RD-56M from Russian, if its really the problem, they can just buy one more, install it on their GSLV MK1 upper stage, then have their very first manned space flight right now, it did not happen, because it is not the case.
structural problem occurred in last GSLV flight

The cover at the bottom of the cryogenic stage could not withstand load and pressure distribution that built up as the flight took off and caused the "pulling out" of the connectors between the onboard computer in the equipment bay and four strap-ons on the first stage, aborting a signal to the strap-ons, ultimately leading to altitude dip and crash,

whats the problem in using foreign launch vehicle????? If we use that we can easily achieve that feat by the end of this decade
whats the problem in using foreign launch vehicle????? If we use that we can easily achieve that feat by the end of this decade
if launching a rocket is as easy as doing T-Brix then few Somalian pirates can do that as their celebrations after ransom received
What advantage does being able to put a man into space give us?
Developing a crew capsule and a reliable rocket to launch it will take time. Giving the project another decade sounds realistic, assuming that the Indian government does not want to pump huge sums of money for a fast-track program.

This means Gov. don't want to increase the budget of ISRO too!

If Gov. increase the budget of ISRO and pump in some money then this first manned space flight can happen earlier which seems highly unlikely!!
I believe the technology development and research still lacks in India. India believes in buying rather than producing in home. Long way to go. Even if India sends a man to space I would give credit to the economy and diplomacy.
I believe the technology development and research still lacks in India. India believes in buying rather than producing in home. Long way to go. Even if India sends a man to space I would give credit to the economy and diplomacy.

ISRO has made huge strides in the development of in-house technologies which have massive applications in day-to-day lives , though very few people are aware of the same ...

India uses its satellites communication network – one of the largest in the world – for applications such as land management, water resources management, natural disaster forecasting, radio networking, weather forecasting, meteorological imaging and computer communication.[42] Business, administrative services, and schemes such as the National Informatics Centre (NICNET) are direct beneficiaries of applied satellite technology.

The IRS satellites have found applications with the Indian Natural Resource Management program, with regional Remote Sensing Service Centers in five Indian cities, and with Remote Sensing Application Centers in twenty Indian states that use IRS images for economic development applications. These include environmental monitoring, analyzing soil erosion and the impact of soil conservation measures, forestry management, determining land cover for wildlife sanctuaries, delineating groundwater potential zones, flood inundation mapping, drought monitoring, estimating crop acreage and deriving agricultural production estimates, fisheries monitoring, mining and geological applications such as surveying metal and mineral deposits, and urban planning.

These , apart from applications in telemedicine , cartography , remote education , weather forecasting , numerous military spin-offs and many many more ....
All in good time Indian comrades!
Ignore the insinuating Aussie fooker and his half arsed stub of an article.
ISRO has made huge strides in the development of in-house technologies which have massive applications in day-to-day lives , though very few people are aware of the same ...

These , apart from applications in telemedicine , cartography , remote education , weather forecasting , numerous military spin-offs and many many more ....

there are some very good developments but we are still depended heavily on russia in this project because there is no infrastructure to develop many crucial components in the country.
Why do we need manned flight, when unmanned ones can do it cheaper and better way.
What advantage does being able to put a man into space give us?

A cover up for testing military implications related to space! Also some revenue from say space tourism, and launching larger payload commercial satellites
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